Here is a potential real FAIL for you. Facebook has announced that they will now offer email service for it’s members allowing you to send emails to people outside your friend list. With all the controversy surrounding privacy issues with Facebook, I think I’ll take a pass.
What embarrassing things could Facebook reveal to your “friends” if this happened? C’mon you can tell us; it won’t get past this blog.
Exactly. I don’t need my friends reading about my addiction to cheap wiener pills!
Oscar Meyer or Ball Park?
duncanr knows where to get cheap wiener pills
How would you know?
i saw him buying them… after he ate my yoghurt loaf
“after he ate my yoghurt loaf” That isn’t something you should write on a blog when people don’t know the backstory. They may take it the wrong way.
Blahahahahaa Bearman 🙂
and colorful euphemisms abound…
I don’t trust Facebook & after reading an article about their security issues & sharing their users personal details with developers etc I deleted my account
And especially now with email messaging? How secure could it be?
I’m sure it is secure until they change some privacy settings accidentally on purpose.
I just don’t know what facebook is thinking. They are already under-fire. I love the comments here on this post.
From their standpoint it is a good thing but given the privacy issues they should come out with a clear statement on it.
Oh for crying out loud Tony, you friggin delete everything anyways 🙂
No he just goes back and forth haha
I’m not sure I get it. What’s the difference between an email and a message, except one uses your email address which would in turn give it to the recipient?
With email you can send a message to someone outside your friend list or even if they don’t have facebook.
Messages are strictly for facebook friends.
No they’re not. I’ve sent messages to people on FB who are not yet my friends.
But they are ON Facebook. This would let you send them an email to their yahoo account, gmail, etc.
would you get to see their address?
Not sure yet how it will work.
i’m so confused. should i just delete my fb account now and call it good?
I don’t have a Facebook account, so the e-mail is no matter for me. Why? I have things to hide and Facebook would be my undoing! o.O (not really, I just don’t give a crap about all these social media pieces of crap. If I want to socialize, I’ll go interface w/ a real live person!)
I thought you came here to socialize…
If that happened everyone would know how boring I am o.O
haha…well at least no one would have overly inflated expectations of you anymore.
I try never to put anything anywhere on the internet that I would be afraid of anyone finding out.
Always a good rule of thumb…but then again email should be a little more private.
Just so you know, “Smelly Naked Girls on Trampolines” is actually a very educational publication, Bearman.
(Or, so I’ve heard.)
I tried to think of the most out there porn addiction I could. Figures one of my readers would be into that kind of stuff.
Make that two
ha…as if I should have even doubted.
it’s like this: any disgusting thing you could ever possibly imagine, there’s a guy out there somewhere wanking off to it. WHAT?? too much?
Seriously do not doubt it.
Haha! Awesome! Yeah I’ll pass…and thanks for reminding me about my smelly girls subscription!
That subscription ending always seems to sneak up on you and hit you in the nose.
So true! I’m not touching Facebook email. Everyday, I get request, messages, etc. from “friends” who didn’t send them. And it’s not safe now to open up a message in Facebook now, so this is going to make it worst probably.
Sure..they say they didn’t send them but they are probably stalking you.
I must have some pretty dedicated stalkers
I’ve actually had that happen more than once with my regular e-mails (accidentally forwarding something to nearly everyone you know), and it’s damned awful. I can see this happening on Facebook.
…and I have to say that I got a big laugh out of today’s installment, namely “Smelly Naked Girls on Trampolines”. Order me up a subscription, yessir!
Wow, I think I am going to have to start that magazine. Who knew it would be a hit.
Thanks for the reminder. I gotta redo my subscription to Roadhouse Girls who Drink Beer and cant Shoot Pool.
I thought all Roadhouse girls knew how to shoot pool.
I could have sworn he said, “Roadhouse Girls who Drink Beer and shoot poo”. God, my dyslexia sure makes life interesting.
But a magazine about girls shooting out poo would be wrong. VERY wrong.
Ugh…I just baby barfed on that one….gee thanks
I go to some pretty low class roadhouses. The women there aren’t too well known for their pool skills.
I guess there is a reason I don’t hang with you. haha
I’m too much of a cheapskate to subscribe to “Smelly Naked Girls on Trampolines” – but if you wouldn’t mind passing on your copy when you’ve finished with it ? 😆
Looking at the comments, it appears there are plenty of people with a subscription
But think of all the additional people I could send the results of my ‘quizzes’ to! Come-on … who wouldn’t want to know what my favorite color REALLY says about me! 🙂
Your favorite color says you are preoccupied with thinking about sex.
Ha! Look at all the time you’ve just saved me, Bearman! Now I don’t have to e-mail those results to everyone on my Facebook contact list! 🙂
I do what I can.
Sorry….after my dysfunctional experiences with Hotmail, Outlook (for work), and Yahoo, the absolute last thing I want is e-mail from a website that is notorious for making you opt out of things that you don’t want.
C’mon…I don’t think you have pissed off enough people on the web. Revealing your emails might only help. haha
Au contraire kind and thoughtful sir.
I managed to piss off loads of people on the web. All I do is act like myself and PRESTO! Instant enemies.
Well, not quite PRESTO! because I still have to add milk, eggs, walnettos, stir vigoroulsy (but not shaken), pour onto a cookie tray using the oil from those smelly naked trampoline girls as a proper greasing (please get your mind out of the gutter) agent and cook for 35 minutes @ 375 1/2 degrees until a crispety golden brown.
Then PRESTO! Instant enemies!
So you really have to cultivate the anger towards you.
Oh absolutely. You be amazed how much work it takes to get a whole website, in varying degrees, angry at you. 😀
I wouldn’t trust Facebook with any information that I wouldn’t mind someone trying to blackmail me with in the future. 🙂 Those guys leak everything. But, of course, they couldn’t leak what we don’t tell them.
Sorry…be right back…your overuse of the word “leak” has made me need to use the restroom.
Ha! Funny material. I might be able to swing a guest cartoon for December.
That would be GREAT!!
Geez, but how else can I keep in touch with all my long lost Nigerian relatives ?
Reach out and touch someone. Kind of like a Wednesday at the bar with Susi.
Now, in my defense Bearman he touched me first alright. He said he was a plastic surgeon and wanted to check out my br…. oh never mind.
oh man…. where is the “like” button on this blog? this reply was awesome!
I don’t have them for individual comments, you just have to like the whole thing.
Bearman, you’re not seeing the big picture here. You could get twice as many Cialis emails with a new Fail account!
Yes but do I want my friends to know if I am actually taking it.
i like this cartoon a lot hahahaha
i know i will not be using that facebook email.
Probably a good thing…potential men don’t want to read all the love letters from their competition.
Thanks for the guest strip Bearman. I will be posting it tomorrow and leaving it up until my brain switches back on for one of the momentary spurts it has sometimes. It is truly an awesome gift. Thanks.
My pleasure…sorry I didn’t get it to you earlier.
I hate it when I put in the wrong email address and get that doofus avatar.
Me being me, pretty much every thing I write is embarrassing in one way or another. Different people just get to see different embarrassing parts of me. If any one person ever saw the whole package of me all at once, I’d die of shame.
I just saw the way that sounded and I refuse to take it back. See what I mean?
I just saw the way it sounded and I agree. However, anyone who has read your blog will figure out pretty quick that you have nothing to hide.
Facebook needs to just chill out. First they allow my boyfriend to change his relationship status to “single” without confirming it with me, and now this?? Total outrage.
I figured you would be mad b/c they don’t let you show multiple boyfriends on your profile. I mean you jump from one to another so much there has to be some crossover.
facespace is bananas lately.
gwen stefani should write a song about it.
The human resources one is hilarious! Love it, as always Bearman!
Thanks Doc. I can imagine someone in a home office who thinks people can only see him from the waist up not realizing how far down the camera can see.
Has their service started yet? I received a message from a friend yesterday, and I could read all of his other friends reply on that message. Not sure if this would be it.
Buy WoW Account
No it sounds like that was just a group message internally on facebook. This is a service where you can email people who aren’t on facebook.
That photo of me and the accordion is pretty incriminating. Hey, the Mariachis made me do it!
Don’t believe you. Mariachis only force you to play the maracas or wear a sombrero.