Guest Cartoons Needed

December is going to be another busy month and I am taking time off around Christmas so I’m putting out a call for guest cartoons.  This is a great way to promote your cartoons to my readers using YOUR characters.  Since I don’t have recurring characters I tend to choose ways for your to use your characters in unique ways.  I’m adding a second option for those who don’t have recurring characters or who want a different choice.


Option 1: What if one of your characters was cast instead of the original actor in your favorite tv show, cartoon, or movie?

Option 2: Use ME in a cartoon. Use “BEARMAN” somewhere in the toon. Maybe it’s a character’s name, a name on a bar sign in the background or even loosely as “Check out that Bear, man!”

How Big
Size matters. Width no greater than 500 pixels. Length doesn’t matter.

From now until December 20. I might post some early depending on response and my own schedule but will let you know.

Especially for those I am not familiar with give me a short paragraph on your cartoon/blog.

Send to bearmancartoons ((AT)) yahoo (DOT) com.

Thanks and spread the word.

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59 Responses to “Guest Cartoons Needed”

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  1. Dr. Cynicism says:

    “How Big
    Size matters. Width no greater than 500 pixels. Length doesn’t matter.”

    That’s what she said. Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Regardless, I’ll spread the word my friend!

  2. DadaHyena says:

    Hmmmmmmmmm…welllllll….yeah, okay, but JUST THIS ONCE!

  3. nursemyra says:

    this almost makes me wish I could draw

  4. Friggin Loon says:

    Hey Bearman, here’s a thought for those of us who can’t friggin draw but have Abobe photoshop. Find a funny photograph and then use the sketch tool (or something similar) to make it look cartoonish, then add a little text. Viola!

  5. George says:

    I’m ready to print out my template and start drawin’! Got the idea all ready to pencil and ink! 😀

  6. Tracy Ingram says:

    That is really cool. You are opening it up for the month of December. What if you have a cartoon strip that isn’t an editorial but comical would you accept that?

  7. Nate Fakes says:

    Can’t your interns fill in when you’re busy?

    I’ll see what I can do. It’s a mad holiday rush down here. I’m not even sure if we’re doing the annual “Fakes Christmas Card” or not this go-around.

    • Bearman says:

      Intern = Unpaid Help

      Therefore you are my intern. No biggie if you can’t make it. You always step up.

      But no fakes card? What’s up with that?

      • Nate Fakes says:

        Fakes card is still a maybe. We’re going to Ohio in December to pretty much see everyone we usually mail to (about 80% of the card circulation), so we’re kinda the personalized cards ourselves with a personalized appearance (but no, we’re not hopping out of mailboxes). I want to keep it up as a yearly thing though (this would be year four), but might hold off and double up next year. If there is one, I’ll put you on the list!

        • Bearman says:

          Just please don’t pop out of my mailbox. My heart can’t take those kind of surprises anymore. Plus I might accidentally shoot you or something.

  8. I love that you recognize how size matters.

    What if I draw a picture of my yogurt loaf and submit that? I know it doesn’t have the greatest chance of winning, but still, it’s something the fans might be interested in, right?

  9. Bo Lumpkin says:

    So far I saw two commitments and a couple of maybes. Don’t put your pencils away yet.

    • Bearman says:

      two commitments is a weeks worth of postings for me. I tend to get stealth submissions.

      • Bo Lumpkin says:

        You are the only one I know who only posts twice a week but still gets comments everyday. You are the best at getting fan response. If they give a trophy for that anywhere you should get it.

        • Bearman says:

          Trophy’s are nice. I think the only one I ever got was being captain of the B team in gymnastics in elementary school. All that meant was I was the best of the kids who sucked.

  10. I would be the ideal person to substitute if you wanted somebody whose drawings are pretty much limited to stick figures. With me you won’t have to worry about being outdone by your guest because I can’t outdo your work.

  11. SpilledInkGuy says:

    I’d love to send something, but lately I’m lucky to find enough time to check out all my favorite sites. Sorry, Bearman – I’ll keep this in mind, though – just in case. And I know that you’ll get a ton of amazing work – birds of a feather, you know! 🙂

  12. Tony says:

    Creepy & Crawly are going to take up the challenge. Will email it to you when it’s done

  13. Colleen Dick says:

    Heh, not being badass at drawing doesnt stop me. XKCD sometimes gets off one that nearly makes me wet myself and he draws like a five year old.


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Noel Curry and Bearman Cartoons, OutLoudLaughing. OutLoudLaughing said: Guest Cartoons Needed: December is going to be another busy month and I am taking time off around Christmas so I… […]

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