Dexter T-shirt

So I finally posted a new t-shirt design after about 6 months to   One of my favorite shows is Dexter on Showtime.  Cafepress put out a call for shopkeepers to create designs promoting the series return on September 27.

For those unfamiliar, Dexter stars Michael C. Hall (previously on Six Feet Under on HBO).  He plays a forensic expert for the Miami police but he is also a serial killer.  The twist is that he only will kill those who are more evil than he is. The new season has John Lithgow coming in as another serial killer.  Can’t wait.

Click the shirt to go directly to the listing on the site.


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  1. danineteen says:

    I watched an episode once. They had been advertising it for a while and it looked REALLY interesting. But the ONE time I watched it, it dragged really, really slowly… Turn OFF.

  2. John k says:

    I am not a huge fan of the show, but I dig the shirt. nice job!

  3. nursemyra says:

    cool Tee. I also like the show.

  4. G says:


    Showtime has just moved into showing season two this past Sunday.

  5. I’ve heard of the show, but I’ve never seen it. Maybe I should check it out. I noticed its on

    The shirt is cool.

  6. Nate Fakes says:

    Never saw it, but sounds pretty good (and good actors). Like the design. I’ll have to watch the show now to see how well it fits.

  7. elizabeth3hersh says:

    Just added it to my Netflix queue. I’m from Miami Beach and I love crime shows with lots of psychopathology. Thanks for the recommendation!

  8. Unfortunately I have not seen it. Cool design and John Lithgow will be a great addition!

  9. Cool tee. I like the show, but my wife thinks its too creepy. Its not for everybody.

  10. George says:

    Dexter is one of the coolest and greatest shows ever. It takes a certain mindframe to really get into it, so when I meet a fan, it tells me a lil’ sumthin’ about the person. 😀 I love it, though, and I may have to get that t-shirt after my lawsuit goes thru. Hee-hee…. 🙂

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