So after I posted the caricature I did for my 1000th Twitter follower, my good friend George of Addanac City was bitching, moaning, pleading, begging, wondering when I might finally get around to doing a caricature of him. So I was playing around on my ipad and did a little sketch that I sent to him. I told him to be patient and I would finish it soon enough.
Is George patient. NO! Go see how he tortured my work trying to color it himself. Didn’t color in the mustache, half an eyebrow not filled it. But of course he went overtime on the background.
Anyway, I finally finished it (I kept his theme for the background). And now that it is finished, I realized that he and his character Hank have the same eyes.
Awesome! I had never noticed the eyes before but you are right. Just goes to show if you whine and carp and bellyache er…wonder enough you will finally get your way.
You know I have to gaze into the mirror every time I have to draw Hank’s peepers. 😀
First you have to open your eyes.
But it’s so much more beautiful here inside my head.
Really? That opens up many possibilities.
Great job! I’d recognize that mug anywhere! 🙂
My mug is pretty darned hard to miss or get confuse. I’m that guy you’ll always recognize before you run in the other direction. 😀
Or the guy you pick out of a line up.
Just pick Ron Jeremy first, cuz I didn’t do it!
Of course you’re innocent George. But I think you secretly spawned Hank so you could pin everything on him.
Woohoo, blahahahaaha love the Hank tee Bearman…very clever.
I love that tee also. I’m gonna have to make Bearman my official stylist.
I figured someone had to create an AC tshirt.
Yep, I would wear one.
So would I! 😉
Loon you would wear one…but you are too cheap to BUY one.
Blahahaha Bearman, it’s for promotional purposes they should be free 🙂
Verah nice!
Thank ya thank ya thank ya.
This is one of my favorites, Bearman…
so cool! 🙂
I couldn’t agree more, although that spotlight can get awfully hot at times. 😀
If you could convince the other regulars to post their pic all over the web, I might make more fun of them. Come to think of it…Tony might be next.
Yeah Bearman, where’s your mugshot?
Tony would be fun. I may bring you both to Addanac City soon. 😀
Do it, Bearman! Do it! 🙂
Yeah! Now I know all the wonders you can receive by b!tc#ing and moaning about something! I’m a star, Ma!!! 😀
I really like this one. My wife says she wants to wear this on a shirt. Got any plans to mass-produce for the Wack Sack Co.? 😀
Oh you think it will be a big seller. I’ll email you a larger image (she want it with your without the background)?
She wants it all. I didn’t wanna just snatch it up off’a your page without any residual rights or permission. Whaddaya think this is, the internet?
Yes, I’d LOVE to have it on a shirt. I’d wear it with pride! 😀
Your husband is a cartoonist and yet you have an avatar that is clip art. Where is the love?
Hey, she’s never said she likes my artwork. She’s just married to me.
it is a perfect likeness. i see the kindness, eer brooding in his eyes.
hahahah, half eyebrow filled in… kinda of reminds me of my grandma
Aw, Blunt, my kind brood thanks you immensely. 😀
They both do a poor job of filling in all the way with a pencil.
Good work, Bearman! Wheres mine!? Wheres mine?!
Rough ‘im up some, Nate! That’s how you get him on that drawing board. 😀
I could stop doing real cartoons and just start caricaturing all my readers….then create a book with all of you in it so you HAVE to buy it…haha
Deal. I have to buy a few more books first, but then, deal.
Oh…you are saying I am in line behind others? bleah.
Good likeness bearman. And I see you’ve given him back his second ear
Huh? What? I can’t hear you.
I am surprised he can hear at all given that typically his head is up his ass.
I thought I walked around like my ass was on my shoulders?
Well you are shit for brains
He looks very relaxed.
Perhaps, that’s because of that weird-looking bong antique that is apparently by my head in the real-life photograph. I told Grandma to stash her paraphernalia better than that. 😀
Your eyes do look a little bloodshot.
I blame my grandma for my issues also 😉
Funny she blames you for hers.
And our therapy group grows larger and the sessions get longer….
I was looking for the “Like” button. “weird looking bong antique” ~ hilarious!
You can borrow it after I got ‘er all cleaned out. There’s gotta be one more hit left in this thing. Oh, that’s just dust. Wait, there’s a tad bit of green. Oh, that’s mold.
Just hope it isn’t grandma’s ashes
No man, blame Hank. he’s a much more credible scapegoat. The yellow haired hooligan made me do it!
I think I’ve been possessed by that little rascal. He’s the one who influences me. 😀
That’s cause I’m laid back Al Bundy-style on the couch. Your blog taught me lots of things about relaxing properly.
When did I teach you that?
maybe George falls asleep when he visits. 🙂 What??!!
after he eats all my fritos
You could at least get the name brand Fritos!
I’m falling asleep at work right now. I hate driving cabs for stripper money. 🙁
I asked for mine to be done and was told I was already a caricature.
Was that hot?
And that you are. That you are.
Pretty good! Now we can use it as a mug shot if George ever does anything untoward.
If. Who says he hasn’t already
Those allegations are merely unfounded rumors.
B!tching, moaning, pleading and begging.. okay, I got it now. This was a fun post and the link to George’s post made it even more enjoyable! ..And a good time was had by all!
Trust me ….you do your share already..haha
I’ve definitely had fun putting my feet up on Bearman’s coffee table. 🙂
I liked the one he did, funny how he didn’t finish coloring it all in.
You would think he would know better.
He’s lazy that way, I’ve heard. Rumor is, his wife and kids draw his measly comic strip.
Not bad. I would have used less hair on the sides of his head, but other than that he’s quite recognizable. Your caricature talents are getting impressive.
Depends on my subject whether it is a hit or miss. In other pics he has a fro so I was trying to average. haha
You did good! I’m pleased and proud. 🙂
That is one cool caricature
Thank you sir.
See, Bearman? When you become a viral superstar, you’d better remember who to thank for it!
my mother?
Well I must say I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this one. For once a character I recognise! And a fabulous job you made of it, Bearman. To top it all off the responses have been hilarious! (sorry I haven’t been around much. I’m sick right now.)
I hope I didn’t just catch a computer virus from your bringing your sickness over here. Hope you feel better.
People have been commenting?
I hope you’re feeling a thousand percent better now, Jande!
It’s kind of hypnotizing… the green checkerboard background… the eyes… I’m feeling very sleepy.
Now you know how George Feels
I still have to buy George’s book! That’s how far behind I am.
Which would you rather have. A book with George’s characters in it or a book with your caricature in it?
Hey, Nate! I can draw your caricature in the book of my book! Yeah, extra selling power! 😀
Prove it!
Good job bro…like it
Thank you….
Gosh, lottsa comments on this one. I near wore out my mouse wheel getting to the bottom. You sure did a great job of George’s caricature Sir.
I really wish someone would do a great caricature like that of me…
Well as I said, you are one of the few who actually post your pic all over the net so you never know.
Tony, how would you like to take a visit to Addanac City one fine day? 😀
Yep George that would be great. I wonder if I could get a guest spot with Mrs A in her bikini.
Do I have to be your 2,000 Twitter follower to get a caricature of me?
No…just come here often and tell me how wonderful I am and you quickly move up the list.
If you were my 2,000th Twitter follwer, I’d draw you TWO caricatures!
Again…we haven’t seen you draw 1 of anyone yet so prove it.
This blog is really nice with have more interesting topics.Keep it continue with more topic.