George Ford Caricature

George Ford Caricature from Bearman Cartoons


George Ford of Addanac City

So after I posted the caricature I did for my 1000th Twitter follower, my good friend George of Addanac City was bitching, moaning, pleading, begging, wondering when I might finally get around to doing a caricature of him.  So I was playing around on my ipad and did a little sketch that I sent to him.  I told him to be patient and I would finish it soon enough.

Is George patient.  NO!  Go see how he tortured my work trying to color it himself.   Didn’t color in the mustache, half an eyebrow not filled it.  But of course he went overtime on the background. 

Anyway, I finally finished it (I kept his theme for the background).  And now that it is finished, I realized that he and his character Hank have the same eyes.

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101 Responses to “George Ford Caricature”

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  1. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Awesome! I had never noticed the eyes before but you are right. Just goes to show if you whine and carp and bellyache er…wonder enough you will finally get your way.

  2. Jillsy Girl says:

    Great job! I’d recognize that mug anywhere! 🙂

  3. Friggin Loon says:

    Woohoo, blahahahaaha love the Hank tee Bearman…very clever.

  4. HA!
    This is one of my favorites, Bearman…
    so cool! 🙂

  5. George says:

    Yeah! Now I know all the wonders you can receive by b!tc#ing and moaning about something! I’m a star, Ma!!! 😀

    I really like this one. My wife says she wants to wear this on a shirt. Got any plans to mass-produce for the Wack Sack Co.? 😀

  6. it is a perfect likeness. i see the kindness, eer brooding in his eyes.

    hahahah, half eyebrow filled in… kinda of reminds me of my grandma

  7. Nate Fakes says:

    Good work, Bearman! Wheres mine!? Wheres mine?!

  8. nursemyra says:

    Good likeness bearman. And I see you’ve given him back his second ear

  9. George says:

    That’s cause I’m laid back Al Bundy-style on the couch. Your blog taught me lots of things about relaxing properly.

  10. I asked for mine to be done and was told I was already a caricature.

    Was that hot?

  11. Binky says:

    Pretty good! Now we can use it as a mug shot if George ever does anything untoward.

  12. Lynn says:

    B!tching, moaning, pleading and begging.. okay, I got it now. This was a fun post and the link to George’s post made it even more enjoyable! ..And a good time was had by all!

  13. I liked the one he did, funny how he didn’t finish coloring it all in.

  14. writerdood says:

    Not bad. I would have used less hair on the sides of his head, but other than that he’s quite recognizable. Your caricature talents are getting impressive.

  15. That is one cool caricature

  16. Jande says:

    Well I must say I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this one. For once a character I recognise! And a fabulous job you made of it, Bearman. To top it all off the responses have been hilarious! (sorry I haven’t been around much. I’m sick right now.)

  17. Jason says:

    It’s kind of hypnotizing… the green checkerboard background… the eyes… I’m feeling very sleepy.

  18. Nate Fakes says:

    I still have to buy George’s book! That’s how far behind I am.

  19. Corve says:

    Good job bro…like it

  20. Tony McGurk says:

    Gosh, lottsa comments on this one. I near wore out my mouse wheel getting to the bottom. You sure did a great job of George’s caricature Sir.
    I really wish someone would do a great caricature like that of me…

  21. Do I have to be your 2,000 Twitter follower to get a caricature of me?

  22. This blog is really nice with have more interesting topics.Keep it continue with more topic.

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