So back in October I spoke about a project called Webcomics: What’s Cooking. In it I told you
…long time Beartoons supporter Byron Wilkins of 1977 the Comic has teamed up with Kurt Sasso of TGT Webcomics for a cause near to my heart – Fighting Hunger. They have collected food related cartoons and recipes from various artists and are in the process of putting them together a cookbook collection. The proceeds of the book will support Food Banks in the United States and Canada.
I am not in the book but I promised those who asked that I would publish my recipe once the book was in print. My Monkey Bread Recipe is the best you will find out there. Some people call it “Pull Apart Cake” but Monkey Bread has a better ring to it.
Anyway, I got my copy this past week and love it. Regulars here including George Ford (Addanac City) and Dr. Carlo Jose San Juan (Callous Comics) are in there with great entries.
But I have to say the two that made me laugh the most was Dave Reddick of Legend of Bill and our own Aidan Casserly of Scapula. Bill is a Barbarian so Dave’s recipe was “Big Barbarian Burgers” First ingredient – “Beef”. Second ingredient “Beef”. Third ingredient – “Beef”. Just like a real Barbarian. And Aidan had Scapula performing community service by teaching us all how to make a pot of coffee.
So order your own copy and support the hungry.
I don’t think I’ve ever had Monkey Bread. It does sound good though. I’ma have to check out that cookbook, thanks!
Oooh that is freaky. I was commenting on your blog while you were commenting here.
Forget about the ‘clean’ kitchen scissors…
I think the health board might just shut these monkeys down!
(sounds like a great recipe, Bearman)!
The knife might be clean but the pan obviously isn’t.
I’ve heard of greasing the pan, BUT(T)…
“BUT(T)” haha
I don’t care how delicious it is, I ain’t eating anything that’s been near a baboon’s bottom
So no rocky mountain oysters for you either.
Hey Bearman,
While you weren’t in the printed version, you will be in the Webcomics: What’s Cooking? iPad / iPhone / Android App 🙂 Along with everyone else that couldn’t be jammed packed into the book.
I loved your recipe it was hilarious and tasty as well.
Thanks Kurt…wasn’t aware there was going to be an app made. Very cool.
Monkey Bread without any monkeys? Are you sure you didn’t inadvertently leave out an ingredient?
You eat it like a monkey is pulling bugs off a mate and eating them.
I got my copy in the mail as well, and it’s a shame they didn’t use your recipe. Monkey Bread probably goes great with coffee!
The coffee idea was genius. Still laughing.
Taken from life, doncha’ know.
I thought you only knew how to make reservations.
We have monkey bread all the time – that stuff is great!!!
Save me the time and send me some
What, no peanuts?
This isn’t elephant bread.
Could be if you eat too much of it 🙁
Think that is in the Yoghurt loaf.
Monkey bread sounds nice. I would make sure I bought a brand new never used Bundt pan.
Great toon, I really love the look on the face of the Bundt wearing Baboon, it’s a classic.
He is proud of himself.
I love this cartoon. I’m not sure why you didn’t make it in the book you mention because you had me laughing.
I’ll show my wife this recipe. She’s a fanatic with that kind of stuff.
Let me know how the recipe turns out.
Why? Did you leave something out? 😉
No..but it seems to be dependant on where I cook it. Fine line between done and overdone.
Love the recipe It’s too bad it didn’t go into the book. I check out Skapula sp? and I really like today’s it is reminiscent of growing up. Tried checkingout legend of bill and got 503’d.
I just clicked on Legend of Bill and it worked but it was extremely slow getting to the page for some reason.
Maybe he has been updating it or something. Or maybe just needs to add a cache plugin?
Could be. It was quicker this morning.
Maybe I sent him so much traffic, his server crashed..haha
If this comic and this recipe didn’t make it… it must be one heckuva cook book. So it’s not a butt pan…no wonder my monkey bread has been tastin’ a little funny.
It’s not a bed pan either but I am sure after you kept leaking through the whole in the pan you probably already figured that out.
I’m glad to know that I can still order one of these. I had almost forgotten all about it. I need to get one. From what I’ve seen, they look awesome!
Uh…yeah you are in the damn book…you better buy it..haha
Mmm…Monkey Bread is delicious!
I’ve now decided I am starting up a book budget. There is too much stuff that I’ve yet to purchase.
I thought you might be working on a shopping budget first.
Books first, eating later.
Just no eating books.
Ha ha, nice one.
I’ll suggest the book to a few friends, though they’d probably have to order it from america
Then you need more american friends..haha
I actually might have to try making this. Can you substitute KFC biscuits for the refrigerated ones?
Only if you want it to taste like cinammon chicken.
I think someone mention these as being babboons, but the blue on the muzzle makes this a mandrill. Sorry, it’s the biologist in me. Just make sure no one is throwing feces during the prep. Sounds good though.
Either way, they have a big ass.
You will be in it on the next publication. I liked this entry. Remember me when you’re big 🙂
Great work.
You’ll be big before me…I mean celebrity wise not fat wise.
I’ve had monkey bread…it’s yummy! Your art is so cool…monkey butts and all 😀
Thanks Mary. Glad you stopped by. Don’t be a stranger
We brought a monkey bread mix once – it tasted too sweet and artificial. Coming from a box was probably the problem.
Yeah…you gotta make it yourself.
I was hoping the monkey bread recipe included actual monkey as an ingredient because I have monkey in the refrigerator, and it will probably go to waste if I don’t use it in the next day.
Just squeeze the juice of the monkey over the top and it will be all good.
Funny, informational, AND meeting a basic human need – you’ve outdone yourself Bearman.
Just you wait till my Charity Challenge starts.
oh look at you. always the advocate for good causes.
but forreals, i hate bundt pans. so useless.
Maybe you could do it in a cake pan or as muffins.
Ha,ha,ha, A Bundt Pan! Good stuff!
That looks pretty tasty! (except for the Baboon Butts!) I just love the little guy in the lower left corner. He’d make a great plushy!
First I would have to make him a recurring character.
Oh!That’s really a funny cartoon here.I am glad to watch it.
I’m glad you saw it too
I find baboons extremely disturbing. I’m quite sure I’ll never be able to look at monkey bread the same way. I landed here via Ahmnodt Heare. Happy to have found you.
Bout time he did something for me…Thanks YAW…dont’ be a stranger.