Editorial Cartoon: Why Occupy Wall Street People are Rightfully Pissed

This editorial cartoon is for my Occupy Wall Street friends.  I am sure I will piss you off with a future cartoon but for now, I wanted to show my solidarity for one reason people should be rightfully pissed.  Companies talk about teamwork and performance, etc etc etc.  But damned […]

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Bearman Cartoon: Part Timers

The latest editorial cartoon was inspired by the budget issues in my home city of Cincinnati, Ohio. It seems like many cities, the economy is affecting city services. So now there is talk of having to lay off over 100 police officers. Funny we have a part time city council […]

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Bearman Cartoon: Shrinking Newspapers

Editorial Cartoonists continue to mourn when another newspaper cuts its editorial cartoonist.  However, the rest of the newsroom is not immune to layoffs.  It was announced this week that the Cincinnati Enquirer is cutting over 100 jobs while Gannet is cutting 1400 nationwide (see here).  What makes it even stranger […]

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