Editorial Cartoon: California Winds and Herman Cain

Editorial-Cartoon Herman Cain California Wind

So the winner’s of the Editorial Cartoon Caption Contest are Bo Lumpkin and Scott (Jynksie) Jenkins. Pairing up the devastating wind storms in California with the demise of Herman Cain’s campaign was both funny and timely.

Gentlemen, your prize is a tshirt of the design of your choice from WackSack.com. ย So go pick your design and email me your shirt size and address.

For the losers, you can still get to visit WackSack and drool over the prize you didn’t win.

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40 Responses to “Editorial Cartoon: California Winds and Herman Cain”

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  1. Comedy Plus says:

    Politicians are all alike. Some just haven’t gotten caught yet. Funny stuff though. I wasn’t a Cain fan.

    Have a terrific day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Scholar Mel says:

    Herman inspired me to go to the Godfather. They have pizza I can’t refuse.

    Actually I have never had Godfather’s pizza and I am just trying really hard to combine a pizza place and a movie.

  3. Perfect caption…hilarious!
    Are all those tshirt drawings yours too? Very funny!

  4. MJ says:

    Ha! That’s some good stuff.

  5. jynksie says:

    I have to tell you this while I wipe the egg from my face! I read the comic and thought, “that gag feels familiar”. Then I look down and see my name in the blog part and thought “what did I do now”? …. apparently I’m blonde at the roots not realizing you used my own quote! I’m glad it amused you!

    I’ll send you my info soon! [smirk]

  6. Binky says:

    Well at least being a loser makes it easier because I don’t have to make a choice.

  7. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Wow I can’t believe I won…even though I missed Jynksie’s comment and said the same thing he did. I will not have an internet connection until next week but I will email you then. Be prepared for some revealing information about me that I expect you to keep confidential. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. 25BAR says:

    LOL! That could actually have caused it!

  9. George says:

    That was a pretty good answer. Those two oughtta team-up. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Now, let me go drool.

  10. That was very clever
    (although I was kind of hoping J.P. would have won).

  11. Tony McGurk says:

    I have no idea who Herman Cain is but congratulations to Bo & Jynksie

  12. Mark Stokes says:

    Congrats Jynksie, congrats Bo! Two comedy lodestones!

  13. Friggin Loon says:

    I’m leaning more towards the Wrath of Mrs Cain!!!

  14. lisleman says:

    too bad we can’t elect cartoons.

  15. Bo Lumpkin says:

    I’m just wonderin’ if it is too late for me to run for president.

  16. Nate Fakes says:

    I’ve been gone all week so I didn’t have a chance to stare at the contest any longer. Oh well. Congrats, winners! Nice one.

  17. but….

    true story, i don’t know what is more ridiculous – hermain cain or california.

    cus they are both kind of off the charts

  18. Yea his campaign did get deflated when the party went more with newt.

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