Bearman Cartoon: Celebrity Death Panel 1

Today starts the Worlds First Editorial Cartoon Story Arc. Each day for the next 6, I will be posting a differerent cartoon (each hopefully containing it’s own gag…sometime’s I am funnier than others) but all will be related to the newest game show sweeping the country…

Celebrity Death Panel.

8 17 09 Bearman Cartoon DeathPanel1 copy

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No Responses to “Bearman Cartoon: Celebrity Death Panel 1”

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  1. davis says:

    Looking forward to this one

  2. scott says:

    Unfortunately, that is a reality TV show that could actually get made one day.
    I bet you Ryan Seacrest gets the host role.

  3. spilledinkguy says:

    Hope you’re feeling o.k., Bearman! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. John K says:

    while I appreciate the joke, you do realize that there is no death panels being purposed right?

  5. David says:

    Oooh, I can’t wait! I know some folks who’ve been on the Wheel of Mis-fortune.

  6. nursemyra says:

    I can offer subsidised medical treatment to certain celebrities. Benicio del Toro for one……

  7. frigginloon says:

    Can I buy a Bowel?

  8. Nate Fakes says:

    Is this a game show? Can I play?

  9. Sheila Deeth says:

    Well, you’re off to a good start Bearman. This should be a fun ride.

  10. George says:

    I’m really excited about seeing how this is gonna turn out!

  11. jammer5 says:

    I nominate Generalissimo Francisco Franco.

    • Details Details Jammer…who is that. And what have you been doing on the web. I just noticed your comment ended up in my spam filter.

      • jammer5 says:

        The great general was declared dead way back when (evidently, not a fan of early SNL?), but, like Elvis, he has been seen in various parts of the world in many disguises.

        What kind of filter do you use for spam? Coffee? I usually just fry mine.

  12. G says:

    Bearman, I’ll take “Do You Really Need That Cancerous Lung Removed” for $50 please.

  13. This is going to be good. I’m captivated by the first panel already.

  14. Susi Spice says:

    ok im not in america so bearmancartoon can you please explain what this is referencing? im guessing its to do with something like
    transplant patients participating and pleading their case to get a transplant? or
    ppl competing on who has the worst case to get an operation?

    ok in reality..i dont get it…
    i sorry…:(

  15. Tony says:

    I am lost on this one too being non-American. A bit like extreme makeover maybe???

  16. Tony says:

    Graham is a nice name for the reaper too

  17. Tony says:

    Much nicer than Grim, or maybe Graham is his middle name, Grim Graham has a nice ring to it, even if a bit depressing…

  18. Donald Mills says:

    Nice kick off bearman. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

  19. jammer5 says:

    Is Generalissimo Fransisco Franco still eligible?

  20. haha! love it.

    p.s. i hate liberals by the way.

    p.s.s. you can feel free to hate me for that. i can take it.

    • Hey there is no hate here. All are welcome b/c eventually every political group gets their day at Beartoons. So if you don’t like cartoons about liberals…stick around conservatives are next.

  21. MidwestMom says:

    I can’t wait to see the whole series.. You always come up with good stuff ๐Ÿ™‚


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