Guest Cartoon: Frustrated Cartoonist

While you are anxiously awaiting Thursday…check out Nate Fakes site.  I did a guest cartoon because I knew this was going to be a busy week for him.  Recovering from a turning 30 hangover can take a while.

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No Responses to “Guest Cartoon: Frustrated Cartoonist”

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  1. nursemyra says:

    that must be some hangover

  2. spilledinkguy says:

    Great work, Bearman and it’s nice of you to help ease a little frustration! 🙂

  3. John K says:

    Awesome guest spot man!

  4. George says:

    That was some great work, Bearman!

  5. Sheila Deeth says:

    ‘course some of us would love to turn 30 again.

  6. yorksnbeans says:

    What a nice guy you are!

  7. I liked the guest spot…

    Nice job.

    : )

  8. Phillyzero says:

    The big 3 0 is a fairly clear, one third of your life is over at this point…definitely worth a hangover.

  9. Funny stuff Bearman 🙂

  10. bschooled says:

    Stellar work as always, bowel movement…:P

  11. Bear, You did a great job as always. I love seeing the cartoonists who draw each other’s characters. You’re amazing!

  12. womaninblack says:

    Super clever you. I wish I could draw instead of just spitting bile.

  13. Nate Fakes says:

    I just turned 30? I thought it was my Sweet 16?

    Thanks again, sir! It’s a great guest spot. The good news – it’ll be there for a few days, so you’re getting tons of publicity with my 2 or 3 people that swing by daily! : )

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