Game of Thrones Poster – The Fox and the Hound


This Game of Thrones Poster that parodies the HBO series. came about last week based on a five minute quick caricature of The Hound from the series.


I liked it so much that I thought I should color it.  So 5 minutes turned into a five hour project to give you “The Fox and The Hound”  Imagine if Disney bought HBO.  This is what you might see in the promotional poster.

Obviously the Fox is Daenerys Targaryen portrayed by Emilia Clarke and the Hound is Sandor Clegane who is better known as the Hound (duh!).  He is masterfully played by Rory McCann.  I have mentioned before that typically I am not into fantasy realm movies/shows like the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings but this one has me hooked.  Now if they could get other good shows to make it worth paying the rest of the year like Showtime.

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46 Responses to “Game of Thrones Poster – The Fox and the Hound”

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  1. Cuz I'm Joe says:

    I see why you picked her as the fox

  2. Nate Fakes says:

    I really wished I was into that show. I have only seen a few episodes but keep hearing how good it is. I may have to give up Hell’s Kitchen and make time to watch this instead.

  3. Comedy Plus says:

    We don’t have HBO. We have netflix and that keeps us entertained nicely.

    I like your rendition though. You do very nice work.

    Have a fabulous day. 🙂

  4. That dragon is tots adorbs!

  5. Mark Stokes says:

    Very nice work, Bearman!

  6. benzeknees says:

    Nice cartoon! I started watching Game of Thrones this year for the first time & was quickly hooked!

  7. Deb says:

    Love the way you draw, Bearman!

  8. Binky says:

    I have no idea who any of those people are, but you did a great job on the poster. I especially like the background.

  9. George Ford says:

    I haven’t started watching GOT yet, but I am marveling over your artwork nowadays. I wanna see it animated next. Gif it to me good, at least. 😀

  10. jynksie says:

    Hilarious, spot on, couldn’t have been done better. … I don’t watch the show! [smirk]

  11. Tim Green says:

    I watched the first 5 episodes and couldn’t get into it. I may try again.

  12. David Hurley says:

    Very nice, Bearman.

  13. Dave says:

    I’d like to see you do a picture of the current condition of Oberyn Martell 😉

    I really like the picture by the way. Another way this could have went is with the Foxiest one of them all, Margaery Tyrell.

  14. Bill Murphy says:

    Bearman, I love your caricatures. More, more MORE!!!! 😀

  15. Christina says:

    Great caricature of the hound!

  16. One of those shows that I need to watch… But we’re at a disadvantage that we don’t have HBO!

  17. Gruhn says:

    Great Job and a great show (except for the slow episodes where they’re having to introduce new characters so they have more people to kill off)

  18. frigginloon says:

    Difference between a dog and a fox is 5 drinks 🙂

  19. Joseph says:

    The artwork is fantastic, Bearman. So funny!

  20. Tony McGurk says:

    I am unfamiliar with this so called Game Of Thrones but it’s a great poster Bearman. I think us old people are behind the times.The woman looks like she could do with a good feed.

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