Whatever Happened to Pinocchio

Bearman Cartoons Whatever Happened to PinocchioWhatever happened to Pinocchio after the Fairy Tale Ended?  Well I have been thinking about a bunch of Fairy Tale characters when watching “Once Upon a Time” and am thinking I will periodically draw a cartoon of different characters and my take on what they are up to now.   Pinocchio losing his wood made him a ripe candidate to get Viagra from the pharmacist but I think he is right to question the side-effects.


Charity Challenge Update

We are in the final week so  let me know if I missed anyone.

Including Bearman in a Cartoon ($10):

For a week four total of $10.  HOWEVER as I said before:

I have made a decision that if we hit the limit of $1500 that I will still pay cartoonists for adding Bearman to their webcomic through the end of the month as well as match to the $500 limit.  So I am adding the three toons from this week and I am going to keep matching even though I hit the 500 limit.   So with the 1500 hit plus the $30 in webcomics from this week and the total of $620 in matching donations

I have committed to donating $2130 so far.



About Bearman Cartoons

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44 Responses to “Whatever Happened to Pinocchio”

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  1. jynksie says:

    Doing Pinocchio… Side effects include chaffing, splinters and a possible need for a tetanus shot from a stray, rusty nail!

  2. benzeknees says:

    Since Pinocchio was a 10 yr old boy when the movie ended, don’t you think we should allow him to grow up a bit? Talk about robbing the cradle!

  3. Tim Green says:

    Stay away from those knot holes…

  4. Comedy Plus says:

    Bwahahahahahahahaha. I just never thought of Pinocchio this way.

    You’re doing fabulous on your charity drive. Brilliant.

    Have a fabulous day. 🙂

  5. frigginloon says:

    I think the pharmacists nose just grew .

  6. Nef says:

    If it were me, I would not risk it… His medical history should serve as a warning…

  7. Tony McGurk says:

    He doesn’t need those pills. Just tell a lie Pinocchio

  8. Never has someone wanted termites less!

  9. David Hurley says:

    And let’s hope he doesn’t have to lie to keep things going.

  10. Bill Murphy says:

    Just remember to say one lie for every truth and call me in the morning…

  11. Cuz I'm Joe says:

    So Pinocchio has the only girlfriend that is happy he lies to her?

  12. As long as the wood isn’t from a rubber tree!

  13. Mark Stokes says:

    He’s not going to have much use for them anyway, dressed like that!

  14. lisleman says:

    For Pinocchio and his partner’s sake, I hope splinters are NOT a side effect.

  15. Gruhn says:

    That poor kid. He’s too young!

  16. Binky says:

    He wood be better off without it.

  17. Dave says:

    If when he lied it wasn’t his nose that grew but something else he wouldn’t need viagra. 😉

  18. Joseph says:

    Possible side effect: Branching out. Thorns. Vines.

  19. Joseph says:

    Also, congrats on a successful fundraiser, Bearman!

  20. click here says:

    Actually when someone doesn’t understand after that its up to other people
    that they will help, so here it happens.

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