Pulling out the obscure cartoon character by having Josie from the Archie comics Josie and the Pussycats suing the Pussycat Dolls for name infringement. I am surprised the Pussycat Dolls have not worn leopard print outfits as a homage to Josie and the girls.
Here is some interesting facts. The Pussycat Dolls started not as a pop group but as a burlesque and dance troupe. So while the few people that know any member of the group typically can name Nicole Scherzinger, did you know that Christina Appelgate actually had a hand in starting the group along with Cincinnati’s own Carmen Electra.
And these Hollywood actresses/singers also joined in doing guest appearances:
- Charlize Theron
- Gwen Stefani
- Pamela Anderson
- Paris Hilton
- Britney Spears
- Christina Aguilera
- Dita Von Teese
- Brittany Murphy
Given a few names on the list, it is no wonder Josie and the Pussycats wanted their name back.
Oh and another $10 to charity thanks to Mark Stokes with my appearance in a recent Zombie Boy Comic. Check it out.
They might not have time for purrs or pats,
but they do have time for legal spats!
Look at the rhyming guy.
As long as they’re spay and neutered, that’s the important thing.
I used to think it was called Spray and neuter.
Or Spray them Cuter,
well these days the
spraying booths are
full of ladies wanting
some… Noooo I meant
spraying to resemble
a Cat 🙂
Have a wicked weekend
Bearman and keep up the
excellent work that you
are doing for charity 🙂
Thanks. Women who get pulled back a bit too much tend to definitely get the cat like…just need the whiskers.
I am with Nate. Best not to have this spread beyond those already infected.
There may have been a few infected..haha
Wait. Fake? I thought *everything* about Hollywood was fake.
And I loved Mark’s Zombie Boy rendition of Bearman as a Ceremonial Mask. Too cool!
Shows what I know…I thought it was a floating pumpkin at first.
yeah, well… they had to make ceremonial masks out of whatever came to hand in those days. ;`)
true…some amazing bark ones
I will have to go and take a look
at the Zombie Boy rendition… Now
everyone is talking about it soooo
I must find out more 🙂
Have a fun weekend Bearman 🙂
Remember it is not too late for your rendition..haha
Well that’s a line up of skanks. Just saying.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Christina Appelgate was a surprise to me.
Christina Applegate is HOT
Yes she is. Who knew she did Burlesque.
The Archie company will sue any and everybody. There was a singing group in the early part of this century named The Veronicas. The group consisted of two hot brunette chicks who kinda-sorta could resemble Archie’s best gal Veronica.
As son as the Archie crew found out, they sued with all their might for the whole shebang. They settled it by making the group past of the Archie team and adding their blessing and marketing power.
I think that’s what killed the group and broke them up.
Also, Archie Comics will go after anyone who infringes upon the purity of the Archie legend. There are scores of porno Archie stories out there and the company goes after every one they can.
Pretty sensitive bunch if you ask me. 😀
I think the only case where someone got away with it, was in the early 50’s when MAD ran a parody called “Starchie”!
I think I read that issue…but not when it originally came out.
Ha, you’re a lot older than we thought!
They reprint that crap every couple years.
I read it when it came out.:)
You are a lot younger than we thought..haha
Great…are you saying they will be going after me too?
I am surprised that the suit against the Veronicas went anywhere. I mean it wasn’t like they called themselves the Chers where it would be an obvious play on the name.
I think the Veronicas mistake was in using the same font that Archie has stuck with for a thousand years. It looked like it was sanctioned by the Archie Co.
This was around the time of Tatu (the Russian girls who always kissed during their concerts). AC was just scared the V’s were gonna take that route so they sued and went into a controlling partnership.
They still make music, but as long as Katy Perry is around, no one really cares. 🙂
Mattel is pretty much the same way with its Barbie character.
Remember when Aqua did a song parody called “Barbie Girl”? Mattel sued for copyright infringement (among other things) but eventually lost the suit.
Actually that album is great (even with Barbie girl)
I own that album too.
But you better not ever tell anybody. It’s a secret. I gotta keep my street cred intact.
Be happy….cmon let’s get it on….be happy
I agree with Red who agreed with Nate.
You are all too agreeable. I need a cat fight in here.
Bring the Baha Men into the mix…
that might start something…
Who let the dogs out…
I thought Josie and the Pussy Cats were in outer space? I guess they came back.
I thought it was Pigs in Space.
Everyone’s in space but me!!
Oh trust me…you are a space cadet.
Gilligan went into space too!!!!
That wasn’t Gilligan you Loon
Thanks for the compliment, Bearman!
And thanks for rubbing it in. Loon!
trademark and naming battles are humorous at times. Could this courtroom battle be a cat fight? It was not until after I picked the moniker Lisleman that I realized so many derelicts would show up on a search of “Lisle Man”.
Who is Lisle Man? And don’t get me started on confusion around Bearman.
Very surprised to see Paris Hilton on that list. Usually when you do burlesque, it helps to have something on chest larger than an acorn.
Like say, a oversized grapefruit.
Maybe she did it right after he sex tape came out. Gotta drive sales somehow.
Hee hee, I’ve been just waiting for Josie and the Pussycats to sue those terrible “musicians!” That show was hilarious.
Thanks for stopping by Elizabeth…or is it Lisa? haha
There’s a real Pussycat Dolls group? I didn’t know the other ones invented the Pussycat name.
Josie was part of the Archies…so I guess whoever the writer was invented it.
About time someone took those dolls down. I love this where are they now thing. Keep it up good Sir.
Thanks. It has been fun trying to draw some of these characters.
Wow, that brings back memories! I saw the cartoon, “Josie and the Pussycats”, Saturday mornings (along with God knows how many others) as a child. And the old joke about crying because you didn’t get the surprise in your cereal box? Well, that really happened. Some cereal was supposed to contain a “Josie and the Pussycats” spoon in the box, but there was none. And I cried my eyes out! Now my used car has completedly “died”, and is beyond repair. And I’ll have to pay thousands of dollars for another used car in the next week. Please send me back to the days when my worst problem was not getting that “Josie and the Pussycats” spoon!
Our family sucked even more. To be fair my parents made us give THEM our prizes. Then they would hold onto it for like 3-4 months. Then they would lay them all out on their bed and we kids would get to take turns picking a prize.
Wow Bearman…that even tops some of my hard luck stories.
I know…poor me.
At least they let you eat the cereal.
My cousins were jealous because they had cheerios and we got all the sugary cereals.
I was impatient. I opened my cereal from the bottom. My mom thought I was retarded, but little did she know, I was just devious.
And only semi-retarded.
haha…I had friends like that….hehe
The only Josie I know about was Clint Eastwood as “The Outlaw Josie Wells”. Was he ever part of the group?
Uh….no! haha
This entire thing is interesting! Lol.. I appreciate that you don’t always post just ‘strips’ all the time.. Good Stuff!! 🙂
I hardly ever post just strips. I hate drawing more than one panel..haha
I’d love to see that all-star line up! Reality TV, Anyone?
Locked in a house together. Maybe HBO will do that one.
Next, their lawsuit against “Pigs in Space”
I think that has come up recently.haha
Whew! Good thing it’s just squiggly lines under ‘Cease and Desist’, it’s not serious.
That is my I don’t feel like making really small type squiggler.
So you can you call the band pussy?
If you are lazy
Next thing you know Rocky & Bullwinkle will be suing Sylvester Stallone.
Ohhh….new idea!! Thanks
It’s ridiculous the way people carry on over such trivial things. Pussycat is a regular word. How can they claim ownership of it??? The world has gone mad. Maybe I couls sue everyone whose name starts with Mc. McDonalds!!! I could sue Mcdonald’s for Mc infringement…
Tony….IT WAS A JOKE!!!!! Josie and the Pussycats are NOT REAL haha
Oh I thought the Archie comics people must’ve been taking action. You sucked me in good & proper. Oh I hope I don’t get sued for using the word Arxchie…
No but now you are blocked for using the word “suck”
<Lucky I didn't use the word "penis" then
Oh great..now you did it!!
Three small words: Cease and Desist.
Looks like she finally put on some pants after all of these years! I guess her legs got hypothermia from all that exposure.
That’s her lawyerly Power suit.