Guest Cartoon: Aidan Casserly

Bearman Guest Cartoon: Aidan Casserly

Today’s guest cartoon comes from the multi-talented Aidan Casserly of Scapula fame.   I have a short attention span so I tend to shy away from comics with extended story lines.  But Aidan keeps the humor going in each weekly strip and his artwork is amazing so he has me hooked.

I don’t know why The Bearman doesn’t take hold.  Maybe in a future story, Aidan can write how all this rejection turns him bad (or good).

Last up is George Ford of Addanac City on Sunday.

Missed a Guest Cartoon?  Here are the Links:

MJ Cartoonist
Roland Perez
Tony McGurk
Colleen Dick
Ken Drab
Frank Hansen

About Bearman Cartoons

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68 Responses to “Guest Cartoon: Aidan Casserly”

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  1. Tony says:

    Great Bearman super hero costume Aidan. I reckon B.M. should rip that sock puppet to shreds with his super powered Bearclaws. Or just go home & get drown his sorrows by getting sloshed with a dozen cans of PBR

  2. Mel says:

    If I could draw I would draw me a Bearman cartoon. All Bearman gets from me is a disco dance with no ears.

  3. lisleman says:

    Just wondering – does the cartoon crowd do the same type of exchange as bloggers? Instead of trading link you trade character cameo appearances.

  4. George says:

    Bearman looks like a pretty nifty character, hero or villain. And I love the lil’ shorts so he can sport his hirsute capabilities. 🙂 I wonder what his power is though. 🙂

  5. nursemyra says:

    Bearman, your teeth look yellow. Perhaps it’s gingivitis?

  6. Colleen Dick says:

    Was Bearman applying for a job as an assistant reaper?

  7. that’s awesome. Love his expression!

  8. Friggin Loon says:

    Blahahahahahaahah Bearman, I hear there are some vacancies in Lynnwood, Washington!!!!

  9. SpilledInkGuy says:

    Maybe he skimped on the tail?!
    Awesome guest cartoon, but I wouldn’t have expected any less from A.C.! 🙂

  10. Bo Lumpkin says:

    If I could draw like that I’d …. I forgot but I’d be right proud of it. Good work.

  11. Binky says:

    A fuzzy costume isn’t really the most ferocious attire for a superhero.

  12. MJ says:

    HA! Freaking hilarious!

  13. Hilarious. Love the set up and the puppet guy. Great stuff.

  14. Fever Beaver says:

    haha i like this one too, cause its funny 😀

  15. Jillsy Girl says:

    What position were you applying for? If it was for a nanny or a dental assistant, I think I’d understand.

  16. speearr says:

    o nais one! great costume… =)


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