Today’s guest cartoon comes from the multi-talented Aidan Casserly of Scapula fame. I have a short attention span so I tend to shy away from comics with extended story lines. But Aidan keeps the humor going in each weekly strip and his artwork is amazing so he has me hooked.
I don’t know why The Bearman doesn’t take hold. Maybe in a future story, Aidan can write how all this rejection turns him bad (or good).
Last up is George Ford of Addanac City on Sunday.
Missed a Guest Cartoon? Here are the Links:
– MJ Cartoonist
– Roland Perez
– Tony McGurk
– Colleen Dick
– Ken Drab
– Frank Hansen
Great Bearman super hero costume Aidan. I reckon B.M. should rip that sock puppet to shreds with his super powered Bearclaws. Or just go home & get drown his sorrows by getting sloshed with a dozen cans of PBR
NO PBR…although PBR Bock was my dad’s choice of beer (the 4x per year he actually had a drink). But then he felt the need to pour salt in it. Never got that.
Blame Colleen for my PBR reference. Salt in beer??? Blech…
Darkevilhelldeath-Man doesn’t die so easily!
If I could draw I would draw me a Bearman cartoon. All Bearman gets from me is a disco dance with no ears.
Well we need to make sure everyone sees it.
Ah shucks, thanks Bearman 🙂
hehe, such awesome moves especially for a Bearman
Just wondering – does the cartoon crowd do the same type of exchange as bloggers? Instead of trading link you trade character cameo appearances.
Luckily, I am my own character.
Bearman looks like a pretty nifty character, hero or villain. And I love the lil’ shorts so he can sport his hirsute capabilities. 🙂 I wonder what his power is though. 🙂
Stealing your honey and sleeping in your bed.
I thought Goldilocks was sleeping in the bed. Isn’t that what ticked baby bear off?
I need a king size bed to hibernate on.
Oh, so you’re a black bear, huh? I’ve heard the saying: Once you go black bear, you never go back. 😀
His power? Uh…he can claw his way through any cooler. That, and crapping in the woods.
Bearman, your teeth look yellow. Perhaps it’s gingivitis?
Just Honey in my teeth.
Bears and their cigarettes.
He is a British bear with a bad dental care program.
Uh oh.
Was Bearman applying for a job as an assistant reaper?
No…lead henchman.
that’s awesome. Love his expression!
Same expression I give my wife when she asks for a bite of my ice cream and then takes four.
I hate it when I go thru drive-thru and my wife doesn’t want anything at all, and then proceeds to eat up all my fired and drink my soda on the ride home. Grrr… 🙂
That’s why I learned to get the extra large.
I learned to just order an extra double-cheeseburger just in case. It won’t go to waste, believe me.
Blahahahahahaahah Bearman, I hear there are some vacancies in Lynnwood, Washington!!!!
I don’t look good in leather pants…then again..who does?
Hmm, a cow?
I’ve seen plenty of “cows” who shouldn’t be wearing them either.
Maybe he skimped on the tail?!
Awesome guest cartoon, but I wouldn’t have expected any less from A.C.! 🙂
I would have expected AC to show up though…geez gotta do all his work for him. haha
Mucho obligato, ROberto!
If I could draw like that I’d …. I forgot but I’d be right proud of it. Good work.
I’m surprised you didn’t sign your name Aidan…haha
I would have, but that bastard wanted to take all the credit!
He is one isn’t he?
A fuzzy costume isn’t really the most ferocious attire for a superhero.
Sabretooth from the xmen was a furry supervillain.
There’s an obscure Spider-Man villain named the Grizzly, who wear a gigantic, full-body bear costume.
Don’t believe me?
Bastard is trying to steal my act.
Wow, Bearman, you’re beating up Spiderman!
At least the fur will keep you warm in the wintertime. I’ve always wondered about the rest of the superheroes who wear the same skintight outfit during all four seasons. I’d need a short-set variation in the summer. 🙂
Spidey needs to put on his rubbers if he goes swinging in the rain!
Yeah…I said “rubbers”.
I need the ventilation suit like the Disney characters have.
HA! Freaking hilarious!
Don’t laugh at the Bearman
Hilarious. Love the set up and the puppet guy. Great stuff.
Puppet guy is a recurring character on Aidans site.
Thank you kindly.
haha i like this one too, cause its funny 😀
Do you like some that aren’t funny?
ive always liked urs??
oh come on u know im just kidding!! it was a perfect set up icouldnt go past the opportunity hehe. 😀
Of course and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to feign sadness from it.
The Beaver is the nicest of critters…until it crosses the Bear!
If a beaver crossed with a bear, would it be a bearver?
As long as it isn’t a BeaBear (aka Beiber)
What position were you applying for? If it was for a nanny or a dental assistant, I think I’d understand.
That’s b/c I can’t see my own teeth as well as others.
Oh, come now. He’s teeth are beige, at best. Maybe he just didn’t have time to brush that morning.
o nais one! great costume… =)
Thanks, man. Why don’t you try a guest cartoon sometime?