Today kicks off Holiday Break 2010 where I will be out of pocket for the next few weeks.
I got such a great response to my call for guest cartoons that I will be posting three days a week for the next two weeks. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. First up is MJ. MJ is both a fellow editorial cartoonist for the National Free Press and also has his very own strip Welcome to the Jungle (it has nothing to do with the Bengals).
I love how his Christmas lights seem to shine on the page and how the ice has frozen over the edge of the cartoon. Thanks MJ and here’s hoping I don’t find a “dump of coal” in my fireplace come Christmas morning.
Here is the full list of Guest Cartoons and when they will appear. As I won’t be around please support all their hard work by leaving comments, visiting their sites and spreading the word on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook etc.
Thur 12/23 MJ of National Free Press
Sun 12/26 Roland Perez of Metal Jaw Comics
Tues 12/28 Tony McGurk of Whatever he is Calling his blog today
Thur 12/30 Colleen Dick of Tix-Comix
Sun 1/2 Ken Drab of Rick the Stick
Tues 1/4 Frank Hansen of Frank Hansen Illustration
Thur 1/6 Aidan Casserly of Scapula
Sun 1/9 George Ford of Addanac City
Enjoy your holiday!
(I’m just glad I wasn’t on the “naughty” list this year.
That would put a damper on the festivities. Ha,ha,ha!
oK…I lied, I am around a couple more days…hope that lie didn’t add me to the naughty list. Then again, I have no chimney so I think I am safe.
Thank God there is not a Santa!
Or for those that do believe and feel they may have been etched onto the Naughty List. Don;t forget to close the chimney flue.
Hahaha – what a great way to kick things off – or … drop them off, I guess! 🙂
– sorry I couldn’t get you a submission this time, Bearman. I actually found enough time to start something … I just couldn’t get it finished. Big surprise, right?! Eh. My bad.
It looks like he may of got a hold of some serious sour milk and rancid cookies! Ha,ha,ha!
I thought you were building an empire and didn’t have time to draw anymore?
Hahaha – yeah … building … ‘something’, alright. 🙂
Ha Ha Ha Excellent cartoon. Gives new meaning to the phrase “Put another log on the fire”
Ha,ha,ha! Funny stuff Tony! Thanks for the kind words my friend.
Maybe you need to draw the fireplace end of that cartoon. Honey I thought you said I needed another log on this fire…there seems to be plenty.
Bad Santa. Bet BillyBob wishes he would of thought of that one. Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas.
That would of been a great scene for Badder Santa. Ha,ha,ha!
U2 JB…be safe.
That is so friggin funny, I would wear that on a Tee Bearman 🙂 Merry Christmas or whateveryoubelievemas to you and all your friggin awesome regulars 🙂
Glad to see you found it amusing!
“Amusing” MJ, that was friggin hilarious (with or without the captions)
Thanks huge for the kudos!
You would wear it on a tee but your ass is too cheap to BUY it on a tee.
It’s the friggin postage that makes it expensive Bearman. I however want you to design me a Kim Jong Il tee…..I promise to buy and wear 🙂
Uh-oh…I think I’d better check out those lumps of coal I got with a little better inspection. XD
He’s checking his lumps, he’s checking them twice…
Freeze Dried.
HA! He could use an ice scraper to remove the remaining flakes.
That is really gonna hurt when he stands up. A tongue to a flagpole is bad enough but a fat behind to a chimney could be truly painful.
Imagine afterwards having a few bricks froze to your rear! Ha,ha,ha! Is that a brick in your pants or are you just…
Thanks for throwing me in the mix Bearman! I appreciate it!
Gross! Those Christmas lights are amazing!
The jokes on Santa, there’s no toilet paper roll attatched to the chimney! Ha,ha,ha! Thanks for the kind words on the little accents in the panel.
Sorry this is a little late bearman, just dropped by to wish you and yours a very merry xmas xx
Poor old Santa has to answer the call of nature like everyone else, and let’s face it, he doesn’t have time to pull into the nearest little America, not with close to 7 billion toys to deliver and approximately 24 hours to do it in.
That’s a brutal pitstop though. Ha,ha,ha!