So Prop 19 in California FAILED at the ballot. This was the ballot initiative that would have legalized and regulated marijuana in the state. The idea being that decriminalizing it would bring in much needed tax revenue and decrease the prison burden.
Young voters in California appeared to overwhelmingly support the measure, however, they must have been too high to actually go and vote on the issue.
Not holding my breath (or inhaling)
If it had become legal in californa it would have eventually been legal through the whole country.
world actually
Well medical marijuana is legal there but not in every state.
*heavy sigh*
i dunno, i guess folks are thinking it’s “legal enough” already so why bother to vote. the pot smokers i know out west all have prescriptions and no trouble getting their primo product. i know a guy who just had a 5 min webchat with a brand new doctor and got his prescription faxed right over. 🙂
Lynn, you live?
i think so dave but i’ll need to hold a mirror in front of my mouth to see for sure. on another note, rip landed an awesome job and now he works from anywhere there’s an internet connection. that job will come in handy when we finally get to leave.. but for now we wait… hopefully sooner rather than later i’ll be blogging from my new blog, ☼ Trippin’ in Thailand! ☼
Lynn, what was this guys excuse for needing “medical” marijuana. I’ll be checking into that doctor and making sure his license is up to date..haha.
Congrats to Rip. I know nothing about what he does but I’d like a job there too.
Woohoo Lynn and Rip, don’t use marijuana there…I’m just saying. That will be 10-50 years in Bangkok Hilton 🙁
Forget that…don’t spit your gum on the sidewalk. Wait that is Singapore.
So glad it did not pass. Maybe people view me as too conservative when it comes to this, but it’s illegal for a reason…it’s a gateway drug no matter how you look at it. It impairs your senses as well, there is no positive results from Legalizing Marijuana…tax dollars or not, the ramifications long term are far greater. Although Matthew McConaughey would have been easier to relate to. 🙂
The tax dollars won’t matter. When they legalized beer around here were supposed to pay for education. When they legalized hard liquor the taxes were suposed to pay for education. When they legalized casino gambling the taxes were supposed to pay for education. Now we have all of those things but we still don’t have money for education. Think of how conservative you are and look to your far right and you will probably find me.
It would be an interesting experiment strictly from a court docket/prison evaluation of whether it reduces the millions spent on the war on drugs versus treatment.
when they have to put cold medicines behind the pharmacist’s window, I’m not surprised one bit.
I worked on a corporate video shoot and one day my job was to get “Props” including different versions of yeast infection treatments. Wouldn’t you know you had to ask the pharmacist as it wasn’t in front of the counter. Guess it’s embarrassing enough for some women to steal it.
That may possbly be the reason.
When i was always stoned getting up to do anything was too much effort. lol
Now what is your excuse? haha
Oh no! Does this mean Californians are going to stop smoking marijuana?!
I’m sure there were some dealers who were against this passing.
There is a strong argument that alcohol is worse for the population as a whole than cannabis; but with each having its own high-risk user groups. But, booze has oiled human activity for millenia and funded many a politicos career. Ergo?
And coke has funded many a celebrity career.
and Pepsi has made people fat !!!
Legal sales to legal users failed here too.
Was it on the ballot this year?
Wasn’t that a song a while back?
‘ I was gonna’ vote for proposition 19 …
but then I got high’
Of course you would know that song.
Funny cartoon Bearman!
The people on reddit didn’t think so.
Maybe they need to legalise it in Colorado then you could smoke it up in the mountains.
“Rocky Mountain high, Colorado”
As long as I don’t have to eat Rocky mountain oysters with it.
“How I love you my oh my, whoa oh oh ohoho. River deep, mountain high”
Now that you have gotten into drawing..maybe we’ll see you singing on your blog next.
sorry forgot the link!
Good thing you were here Dave. I was thinking Rocky Mountain High.
How could it have failed?!! I voted! Didn’t I? I can’t remember. ‘Ere *koff*
Sure run out and vote for President but forget during midterm elections.
He voted…for Tommy Chong and Bob Marley.
I just saw a story on how 4 different politicians that have passed away since starting their campaign still ended up winning.
Sounds like the Monster Raving Loony Party..seriously, those guys should try running in America. They just might win.
That sounds like a Scapula story line.
At least when they elected the dead one, he did less damage then the live ones…..
I don;t like any of them personally…. All out for themselves and “The Will Of The People” is not even remotly cared about.
Do you know any of them personally?? haha
Gotta watch those east winds!
Are they east winds if they head east or come from the east?
I think if they head east….maybe? Hmm…actually, now I don’t know fore sure
See…it’s confusing.
I’d probably care about the results more if the handful of times I tried it over the years didn’t cause me to end up in the fetal position over the toilet…
Alcohol does the same thing to me, mind you, but at least I get those few fun hours in-between…
Do you have a license to drive that bus??
Thank god, imagine half the US with the munchies? The fast food industry would go through the roof…ah wait…never mind 🙁
See…they should have promoted it as a boost to the sales economy and not just taxes. That would have made the difference.
But then Obama will make the rich pay for liposuction for the poor…it’s one friggin vicious circle.
It’s the rich that end up with gout from all that “rich” food.
I think everything should be legalized. Buy any and all drugs right over the counter. Personal responsibility for what you do to your body should take precedence over the govt telling you right from wrong. o.O
Well that is until your personal freedoms start impeding my own.
Like when I get on an airplane and sit in both my seat and your lap?!? o.O
well thats the end of that continent if it got past LOL
You don’t think we are all that lazy do you?
Besrman, you would make a great political analyst. Nobody on TV was able to put the enthusiasm the youth had for legalization with why so many of them stayed home.
I should….who wants me? Fox?? MSNBC??? TMZ??
I shoudn’t have hot boxed my car before voting. Damn.
hmm…need to look up that term. OH NOW I get it.
Although I haven’t smoked since my early 20’s I do feel that weed is a hell of a lot less dangerous and problematic than alcohol. I’m surprised that this didn’t pass, especially in Cali.
Don’t pass gay marriage. Don’t pass pot. Not as liberal as we like to think huh.
The effects on the users along with low voter registration probably means it will never pass. Isn’t memory loss a side effect. I do think there are more important issues. funny cartoon
Huh? Wait what did you say. I need to reread this; I already forgot..haha
not even jamaica can pass this law
haha…Now that is a surprise.
Oh now when will those silly pot heads learn! You can’t vote by thinking real hard about it on the couch!
Well you can if you vote absentee I guess. But then you need to remember to sign up for it.
Nice I love it. Too funny, contact buzz.
Careful…don’t get too close.