A Different View of Net Neutrality


I have a different view of Net Neutrality than most based on what I have read.  That being said I am always open to additional info to sway me back to the masses belief that what the FCC has been proposing of late and the deal between Netflix and Comcast […]

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State of the Disillusioned Cartoon


So President Barack Obama had his State of the Union (or as I prefer State of the Disillusioned) address yesterday where he talks about his plans for the coming year.  Everything was a typical Presidential address and nothing I heard that was new.   However one comment he made did […]

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Texas Secedes from United States Cartoon

Seems some conservatives are none too happy about President Obama being reelected.  Disappointment is one thing and I am sure you heard many threats from people saying they were leaving the country if Obama got reelected.  Well I guess they realized that most of the rest of the world is […]

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Editorial Cartoon: Obama and Clinton

I know I don’t post editorial cartoons typically on Friday but this was so timely (thanks Mike) that I couldn’t pass it up before it became old news or someone else shamelessly stole my idea. So it seem President Obama has been getting some slack for passing off his press […]

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Editorial Cartoon: Obama isn’t Muslim

I rarely have a cartoon on the back burner but this one I originally drew two weeks ago when a poll was released that now 18% of Americans believe that President Barack Obama is Muslim versus his self-professed Christianity.  The absurdity of this pushed me to draw the above as it […]

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