Wombie Wookiee

Wombie Wookiee by Bearman CartoonsThe Wombie Wookiee is a mash up of Peter Marinacci’s Wombania comic characters and a Star Wars Wookiee (Chewbacca).  It started when Peter sent me this background image of Canada.  Don’t ask me what it is but I said one day I would do something with it.  Then a week or so ago somewhere in the blogosphere, he and I were joking and he mentioned a Wombie Wookie.   So of course I planned on doing it but before I could the illustrious Cha beat me to it.

Anyway here is my version.  If you can’t read the Chocolate Bar he is holding it Says “Wookiee Wombie Bar – May the Chocolate Be With You.

And honestly I didn’t know you spelled “Wookiee” that way until I spell checked myself cuz I know all of you would be all over me.


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77 Responses to “Wombie Wookiee”

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  1. Deb says:

    I love it, Bearman! Great job! 🙂

  2. Tyler says:

    I’ll let the wookie win on this one. I’ll happily have the chocolate be with me.

  3. Binky says:

    Hey, I recognize that Wombie! He stole my chocolate bar! It was supposed to be with me, not him!

    That tower is one of our secret rocket launch towers that we have in Canada for our planned takeover of America. We’re coming for your chocolate factories! Or maybe it’s a lift bridge tower. Yeah, that’s what it is. Really. A lift bridge tower.

    Nice Wookie Wombie, Bearman!

  4. David Hurley says:

    This is really great Bearman!
    I know you love it Binky 😉

  5. Mark Stokes says:

    Bearman, Wombies, and Wookies, oh my! Really fun, Bearman!

  6. Tim Green says:

    Hey! You got your hair in my chocolate…

  7. Gettin’ woodie with it!

  8. Bill Murphy says:

    Very cute Bearman! I’m off to the store to buy a bar right now! 😀

  9. Forget Wombie Wookie, he should be named CHEWbacca! 😉

  10. Comedy Plus says:

    I could use a case of those chocolate bars.

    Very well done.

    Have a fabulous day. 🙂

  11. lisleman says:

    Looks like a bridge to me. Actually a green Canadian bridge.

  12. benzeknees says:

    Love your drawing better than your friend’s (link supplied). I think this must have something to do with trains because of the tracks & it’s probably grain-related too.

  13. Julian says:

    Love the slogan on the chocolate bar!

  14. frigginloon says:

    I want a chocolate chip Wookiee cookie.

  15. jande says:

    Makes me homesick. For Canada. For the Original star wars. For Han Solo shooting first. For “Let the Wookiee win!”. And for Canada. Did I say Canada? Yeah Canada. Chocolate is yummy.

    • Now you have me singing the Canada song they play at Epcot

      • jande says:

        I learn more from you and your site about N.A.culture than anywhere else, Bearman. ;`)

        I’d never heard that song before. I found a YouTube of it. I dislike the “pop” treatment, but the song itself, the lyrics and music –even the male and female interaction arrangement of the song, is outstanding! The man sings the English like it’s a Texas country song and the woman is singing the French parts with almost English enunciation which is a bit off-putting, but the lyrics and music are gorgeous and make me even more homesick. lol

        Thanks, Bearman. <3

  16. That’s a cute Wombie Wookiee. 🙂

  17. Joseph says:

    Your Wombacca looks great, Bearman! I love it!

    I know what the tower thing is behind him. It’s the Wookie Wombie Choco Bar distribution point. Wombacca had to stop by to top off his supply!

  18. Oh Bearman this is the BEST thing I could be blessed with today. The co-mingling of Wombies and your whimsical take on the idea.
    Peter has sent me wine gums and am awaiting them with glee.

    Your cartoon has made me smile for the first time in several days.
    My two favorite cartoonists in a Wookie Wombie Wonderland… with Chocolate!

  19. Nef says:

    Too many Wookiees… Stop it!

  20. bschooled says:

    Love it, Bear!
    PS. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that in Canada we spell it “Woukie”.

  21. Ahahah FIRST!!!! I didn’t even know… which is AWESOME.

  22. Jason Salas says:

    Now, wookie here…

  23. Dave says:

    I feel bad for the guy on the bike in the background. The Wombacca might eat him!

  24. Tony McGurk says:

    A great Chocolate Chewingbacca. This reminds me of a Wookie impersonation I saw comedian Jimoen do recently. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6iygecdq4E

  25. Andro says:

    I am going to shout something now Bearman…

    < < > >

  26. Andro says:

    I have seen both versions and they are brilliant 🙂
    The Wombies clan are such wicked characters don’t
    you think? 🙂 Oh and then there is sulky Chris 🙁 lol

  27. I bet that chocolate gets fully digested faster than the Millennium Falcon can make the Kessel Run.

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