2013 Charity Challenge Week 1 Results

2013 Bearman Cartoons Charity Challenge Week 1 Results copy

Week one of the Charity Challenge is rocking.  Thanks to all who have been involved.  If you want to get involved, since it goes through the end of the month, please go here for more information.

Include “Bearman” in a webcomic or Bearman Fan Art – $10

Blog about the Challenge – $10

Adding Beartoons.com to Blog Roll or Banner Ad Addition – $5

New Followers on Google Plus – $1

551 new followers – $551


For a week one grand total of $666.   The devil is in the details.  Thanks to all for helping.

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26 Responses to “2013 Charity Challenge Week 1 Results”

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  1. George says:

    Congrats, man! I’m gonna do my part to help this week or next.

  2. Comedy Plus says:

    Wow, you’re cooking on high. Way to go.

    Have a terrific day. 🙂

  3. Ha! I’m so glad my contribution could help make an interesting first week total.

    • Bearman says:

      It did indeed!! Thanks again

      • And thanks for your comment on my site — that’s crazy. I looked it up in the forums. Apparently, ComicFury (my host) had a recent problem with spambots signing up for accounts and setting up malicious blogs. Starting around May 7, Trend Micro flagged the entire thecomicseries domain as being hazardous. ComicFury has cleaned up the spambot accounts and is working to get off of Trend Micro’s naughty list.

        You might see if http://fpk.webcomic.ws brings up any flags with Trend Micro — it goes to the same page.

  4. I have you on my blogroll! But it had been there for a while now.

  5. Glad to help get the debt rolling 😀

  6. frigginloon says:

    Hey, hey, hey, I shared on Facebook too 😉 throw another $10 on the barbie.

  7. Cuz I'm Joe says:

    Get ready to kick in more cash, Bearman will be in Control Your Offspring on Tuesday, May 14.

  8. Added you to my sidebar! Hope it helps!

  9. Mark Stokes says:

    Keep up the Challenging work, Bearman!

  10. Binky says:

    Now I don’t know if I want to mess up your total. . .

  11. Hahaha…
    you must’ve burrowed the outfit from one of your ‘7 Deadly Sins’ guys.

  12. Andro says:

    This is truly great news Bearman, at this rate
    it won’t be long before your pockets have been
    emptied and all in such a gallant cause 🙂

    Well done Bearman you you’re a star 🙂


  13. Burma tour says:

    From your blog,I can learn some new knowladge,I like the valuable information you provide in your articles.

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