Yes it is that time of year once again. The Bearman Cartoons Charity Challenge 2016 from May 9 – June 15, where you do stuff and I donate money to worthy charities. This is the 8th Year I have done this so far donating over $7500. I do this […]
Bearman Cartoons - Editorial Cartoons, Political Cartoons, Pop Culture Cartoons, Caricatures, T-shirts, & Other BS
Yes it is that time of year once again. The Bearman Cartoons Charity Challenge 2016 from May 9 – June 15, where you do stuff and I donate money to worthy charities. This is the 8th Year I have done this so far donating over $7500. I do this […]
Yes it is that time of year once again. The Bearman Cartoons Charity Challenge, where you do stuff and I donate money to worthy charities. I have been extremely fortunate that both my wife and I are gainfully employed during this tough economic times so I am upping the ante […]
Here is the week three breakdown: $2 each for 12 new followers on Facebook. I hit 200 and then someone decided to take it back so I hover at 199 $2 each for iPeed, 700BillRinehart, Midtoon, Dustyad, astoreisgood, roystoncartoons, kaazaah, Malvinagp19, NetworkingLeads, Promote_Cincy, AddictionHealer, AlfijsLacis, sightsoblind, CincinnatiDealz, sjaakbewaak, CultureROI, edycott, RexMayBaloo, […]
Here is the week two breakdown: $2 each for 0 new followers on Facebook (That is zero for you math buffs) $2 each for @francisbonnet, @robbieandbobby, @JonCDraws, @bobbyjkane, @ChickenChunkie, @Tim_the_Sheep, @CupcakeGothic, @caricaturekerry, @claytoonz, @costa_kout, @mikeroth, @brewsterrockit, @Neogrupo, @manninschool, @SalesmanTrainer, @EdwardLHeld, @RichardC, @robotfriday, @Tiffanyls36, @vipercomics, @AMAnet, @BogartsShows, @guyhodge for following me on Twitter. $10 each for including […]
So back in October I spoke about a project called Webcomics: What’s Cooking. In it I told you …long time Beartoons supporter Byron Wilkins of 1977 the Comic has teamed up with Kurt Sasso of TGT Webcomics for a cause near to my heart – Fighting Hunger. They have collected food […]
So I hit my 1000th Twitter Follower a few weeks back. In twitter terms that really means I probably hit 200 legitimate followers once you dump out the pornbots and the “social media experts.” As I noticed I was getting near, I decided to make a contest where I promised […]