Today’s cartoon lesson on Australia, takes us to discuss the lesser popular marsupial, the wombat.
Interesting that indeed wombats poop square shaped pellets. They are practically blind and use their scent to find each other (no wonder Binky doesn’t bathe) so their square poop won’t fall off the log or other areas they drop it. And because they don’t process the vegetation they eat very well, someone decided they would make a good source of paper fiber.
For those who don’t recognize the glass wearing animal in the lower right, that is Binky a Wombie from Peter Marinacci’s webcomic Wombania. He says that wombies are genetically altered more intelligent wombats. Whenever Peter posts a cartoon with Binky I tend to act like I don’t like him. And Binky returns the favor if you have ever read the comments on my posts.
So yes. The first ugly cousin of the cute koala are wombats/wombies. Well really just Binky (the rest of the wombies are cute).
I had been wondering about how poop could look so odd. Out here in SoCal, I’ve noticed that some of the coyote doo-doo looks all wickery like shredded wheat. It blows my mind. Bit now that you say wombat dung is fibrous, I don’t feel as oddly stupid. Right now.
Maybe you should make your own coyote poop paper and sell your cartoons on it. I won’t comment saying your cartoons are shit and I want to beat you to the joke I know is now going through your head.
Coyote poop by Acme Co . Beep, Beep.
That’s Suuuuuuuuuuuper Genius.
I like wombats way better. So there. You all are far more entertaing than any koalas I’ve met. I’m just saying.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
They both sleep a bunch
Hey, we’re not hippies like the drugged-out koalas!
True…you will get off your high horse (perch) every once in a while
We don’t have perches! We burrow underground where the temperature is much more stable.
And to hide your face?
To hide from humans since many of them are rather nasty.
No just me
Some humans are much nastier!
Awww that is the nicest thing you have ever said
And I even meant it!
I meant entertaining. Really I did.
I believe you..haha
I guess square poop would be much easier to clean up since it doesn’t roll all over the place!
You would think but I don’t know many people with pet wombats.
Pet wombats are generally illegal, but there many hundreds of adopted Wombies out there. I think I should have charged for them instead of giving them away for free.
Then I’m officially ordering my next pair of Wombies for Dink and Tink befor e you do.
Pet Koalas aren’t illegal?
Wombie are! 😉 🙂
Wombies definitely are legal. I’m not sure about koalas.
I don’t think they are in Australia unless they were orphaned and determined adoptable by the animal control
That’s probably the case. Sometimes orphaned wombats who cannot be released back into the wild are kept as pets.
I hope the pooping squares habit doesn’t catch on or my Zombies will be copying them and with the stench of their poop it will be enough to put anyone off their pancakes 🙁
But can you make zombie poop into dice?
Wombat poop paper? What will they stink of next? Love the drawing of Binky!
The question is whether Peter/Binky will..hehe
I don’t think my cheeks are that fat, but otherwise not bad!
You are of the square jaw variety
I have had to illustrate several wombats in the past. Thankfully, never their poop…
Well then those kids nature books you are illustrating need to get more real.
When I was in Australia I needed to draw a dead wombat for comix and my friend in Portland drew one for me then she backed her car over it so it would be dead then she tried to send it through some weird back door on the web…. anyway I’m just saying don’t try that because it totally clogged up the internetz.
Funny one of the other tidbits I didn’t include was that wombats sleep on their back with their legs in the air like they are dead.
Not all the time! If you’re referring to the picture on my site, that actually was a pet wombat.
No it actually was one of the facts that I looked up.
And you didn’t look up your facts on my fabulous Wombat Information Center site?
Uh…yeah but I wanted a back up
That’s heresy!
But what does he say?
He says that next time you should get all your facts from the Wombat Information Center, as it’s the best wombat site online!
Do me a ‘lil favor and promise me, should you EVER do little known facts of “Bearman”, you’ll leave out how fibrous your poo is, m-kay?!? [blinks]
Do you want pictures of my colonoscopy?
I have my own, I used them as this years christmas card! Talk about -crappy- yule log greetings! [wink]
All I know was I was tripping on those drugs…yikes. Don’t want to go back to that.
Binky hasn’t commented yet. Maybe you’ve upset him. I didn’t know about the square poo. They would be a handy makeshift dice if you were playing Monopoly while you were lost in the bush & had no emergency dice in your ration pack.
I was thinking the same thing about the dice wondering why they don’t make those. I think they would be a hit. Get out there and start collecting shit Tony.
Binky is never THAT quiet. He is just working on what to say.
It was new years! I had to party!
Well, study up on orbital mechanics, actually.
That is a party!!
Was for me!
I am glad you said orbital and not squardital or we might have thought it related to Bearmans mention of squared and diced poop 🙁 I never knew about that either…
After the bottle opener thing, dice is not that far around the bend.
It would be a good combo
I’m glad you pointed out that the rest of us Wombats are cute Mister Bearman otherwise we would have to declare a Wombat Jihad against you.
And bite your butt!!!
Ed, cuteness in attitude goes a long way.
Human butts aren’t worth biting.
Too high for you shorty
And not fibrous.
Don’t worry Binky, Bearman is just jealous of your square poo!!!
It would be good to show off as a party trick
Remind me to never attend one of your parties.
You are the one with the square poo
But you’re the one who wants to show it off at your party!
Is square dancing allowed where you live? 🙁
Wonder what kind of music they play at a Square Poo Dance
I don’t know, but they probably have cubist art.
We have wombats at our local zoo. They do smell and are not cute.
I didn’t get close enough to smell them.
What?? Not cute?? I think you are very confused. Or blind.
Must be.
He is a little of both.
At least Wombies don’t smell as bad as
Chris’ Cologne or a Zombie’s wet fart 🙁
I don’t know many people who have unscented wet farts
Did you take that picture of that wombat? He looks like he was having a bad hair day. Or had mange. What kind of zoo did you visit?
That was at the Australian Zoo…aka Steve Irwin Zoo.
Really? They used to be pampered in air-conditioned huts. That one looks a little ragged.
They still have that. I have video of one trying to knock on the door to get back in.
The wombats in Japan do that all the time, too. They’re probably more comfortable in a dark shelter than out in their pens.
Most definitely
Ah, but you failed to answer the most important question: Are the wombles of Wimbledon Common related to wombats?
What the heck is a womble?
A cheap imitation of a Wombie.
They were popular British characters/puppets that had a TV series.
They used to sing like stinky and demented hobos too 🙁
Wombats pass Square poo? 😯
That must hurt !
Maybe they have a square opening
Or square colon. But I’m not saying.
Do they use square tubing for your colonoscopy?
No comment!!
Wombies and Wombats are cute. As for the poo, well….at least it’s firm.
Firm….good choice of words
I like firm one’s too but not in the poo line 🙁
I was going to comment about the poor guy whose job it is to sit around counting / crunching poo data.
Then I got to the paper part.
He just picks it up in one poop swoop
My daughter wants one of these as a pet, but she can’t even pick up the dog poop. I can’t imagine what my yard would look like. Besides, we’ve got coyotes roaming the neighborhood and eating cats. I wonder what a coyote would do with a wombat? Would the wombat bite the coyote on the ass and live?
Can’t get those as a pet according to Tony.
Don’t forget they like to dig too so you would have a crappy holey yard
Can’t export them, either. Very few are in zoos outside Australia.
What are they endangered from?
Typical things like habitat encroachment, farming, deaths from cars, outbreaks of mange, and invasive kinds of plants that take over from the native grasses that they need to eat.
Hate when Mange takes over me.
Oh, so that’s what that is.
i love wombats they are so adorably ugly!
i never knew their poop was square! hahha see u taught me something about my own country!
ps i hope ur noticing my efforts on commenting 😛
I do. I missed your comments. Now if you would just go back to blogging.
Thanks for informing us of wombie poop. Well, at least we didn’t have to find out about Bearman poop. 🙂
Happy to share that too
Will it be a YouTube video?
I don’t show my face…you think I am going to show my butt?
There is a first time for everything
Bearman but don’t let rip beforehand
or you will clear the whole set 🙁
My farts don’t smell much. My poop does though.
Thats Funny, I never would have thought they aim for the butt. what cheeky little things.
They are indeed.
Our rear ends are armor plated. Good for crushing dingo intruders. And chocolate stealers.
I’m not stealing chocolate from you…per the first point in the image
That’s very wise of you. But we do share when asked nicely.
I’m just not sure what you are sharing.
I was wondering if Wombies play pool,
well is it a cue that is used or a poo
with an ‘l’ on the end? Just wondered
because some of my Zombies are planning
a pool party soon and we all know what
poo in the pool does for tourists 🙁
Actually there is an Australian game that
is called poo sticks, I wonder if… noooo
let’s not even go there 🙁 lol
Andro…now I’m lost haha
I was talking about sharing chocolate. I have no idea what Andro was talking about!
I think Bearman Cartoons has a new mascot!…well, besides that green-haired tongue dude.
No…they sleep more than I do.
You forgot to mention that they are herbivorous. I learned that this week because I thought they were carrion eaters. I didn’t know about the square poop. Is that why papermills smell so bad?
Well the fibrous poop kinda gives that away.
My father used to say that constipation (in humans) is caused by trying to poop squares in a round hole. Based on that logic, I guess wombats don’t get constipated.
Been there.
a friend of mine once hit a wombat in his car, they are like rocks, completely destroyed the radiator…..carry on
Why did he have a wombat in his car? What did the wombat say to make him get hit?
oooooh wombats AND Binky! Craving wine gums. And square poop. What a saving on paper, then you can recycle it.
The Amazing Wombat.
The fabulous Bearman Wombat cartoon 😉
Thanks Rach!
I’ve never been able to produce square poo: … my wombatting average is a solid 0.000%
You can play dead when you sleep…that’s a start.
I’m curious how you know these little guys have square poops. I’m concerned they may not have enough fiber in their diets. That can’t be healthy.
I’m a reader!!