Happy Australia Day

Happy Australia Day Budgy Smugglers

Ok so I am over a week late to wish my Aussie friends a Happy Australia Day but other posts came up first.  Long time Bearmaniacs might remember a similar cartoon that I did in 2009 (see post here).  In that post it was all about how Aussie men confessed to not changing their undies for days and the fact that, like their American Brothers, are an obese bunch.

Someone on G+ found it and linked to it and then Dunken Bliths used his magic to animate and change the word balloon just in time for Australia Day.

For the uniformed what we call Speedos are known as Budgy Smugglers in Australia.  A Budgie is a small parrot native to Australia and the look of some guy wearing this bathing suit is like someone smuggling a Budgie in their pants.  Some guys decided to make a brand called Budgy Smugglers (mispelling Budgie but not wanting to change it).


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62 Responses to “Happy Australia Day”

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  1. Damn I wish mine were that big. And you very tastefully hid the budgie behind the dunlop. With the price of things in Oz these days, the Ozzie dudes soon won’t be able to afford the maintenance expenses of those dunlop over the belt.

  2. C0medy Plus says:

    A bunch of us had a long conversation about Speedos the other day. They are not attractive for the most part. Just saying. Happy Australia Day!

    Have a terrific day. 🙂

  3. Deb says:

    Just like Sandy, I know them by Speedos…Very tacky indeed, even on the most fit of bodies….just my opinion you know. But just the same…Happy Australia Day!

  4. Tony McGurk says:

    WOW!!! Thanks Bearman for doing another caricature of me. Although you forgot my mo… I don’t have a pair of budgie smugglers as Michelle reckons they are gross

  5. Tony McGurk says:

    And for the record I change my jocks daily

  6. Binky says:

    Wow, now that is disturbing.

  7. Friggin Loon says:

    You cut off the budgie , you tease!!!!

    Man boobs and budgie smugglers, so Australian!!!!!

  8. That’s a solid B-cup

  9. George says:

    So, I assume it’s safe to say that I shouldn’t import my vast personal collection of photos of me in Speedos to my Google + profile, huh?

    You guys spoil all my fun. 🙁

  10. nursemyra says:

    The Leader of the Opposition here is regularly photographed wearing his budgie smugglers. We also call them dick stickers

    Well done!

  12. I can’t be blamed for this one!
    I never hit the beach in anything less concealing than a full-on wetsuit (and I don’t even swim)!

  13. Jande says:

    OMG! That is… just… umm… astounding! I don’t have a clue what you are talking about. Underwear? Just a guess.

    But that animation is wonderful. Makes me dizzy and slightly nauseous to look at it but it’s too fascinating to look away from the amoeba-like morphing. The drawing itself is very very good, Bearman! <3

  14. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Y’all excuse me while I go wash out my brain.

  15. Oh no… this cartoon be be burned into my consciousness!

  16. DadaHyena says:

    ‘e bounces more than a kangaroo!

  17. lisleman says:

    Do you think any Aussies stick feathers in them as a joke?

  18. Mark Stokes says:

    Work for them thong dollaz, big bloke! Repulsive, yet hypnotic, Bearman! Can’t tear my watering eyes away!

  19. Sheila Deeth says:

    I’ll never be able to look a budgie in the eye again!

  20. You’ve ruined all budgies for me.

  21. God, I hope they at least turn their underwear inside out.

  22. Nate Fakes says:

    For some sick reason, it’s hard to take my eyes off this.

  23. This character reminds me of a certain relative from over the pond! Love the animation!

  24. interesting info on the history of the budgy smugglers.

  25. That movement is freakin me out. Well done though.

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