Duncan Caricature

As promised, the winner of my Facebook fan challenge was Duncan of Madhatters.  Here is the finished piece and here is Duncan in his original glory.

Hope you enjoy it.  Dunc, I’ll have a print out to you later this week.  If there is enough interest, maybe I’ll repeat the contest in the next couple months.

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81 Responses to “Duncan Caricature”

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  1. Duncanr says:

    Ha, love it, Bearman 😆

  2. Now that is damn fine work bearman.

  3. Duncanr says:

    Laughter lines – check
    Sparkly, twinkling eyes – check
    Cheeky grin – check
    Majestic nose – check
    Remains of last night’s spaghetti caught in beard – check
    Sticky out ears – che . . WTF !!!

  4. Julie says:

    WOW Bearman – you made him look handsome 🙂

  5. You did a fantastic job with this Bearman!

    I also loved that last post. I knew my old neighborhood had bit the dust when a methadone clinic opened. No joke.

  6. Nate Fakes says:

    Good job, Bearman! I wish I could draw good caricatures…

  7. susi spice says:

    great work bearman!!!

    Looks like Santa got on Jenny Craig and needs some Rogain hehe

  8. jillsy says:

    I can see a new business on the horizon!! Well done, Bear!

  9. Friggin Loon says:

    blahahahah thank god I didn’t win 🙂

  10. good job….let’s see who wants to create an image of me

  11. jammer5 says:

    Now it works with the original. Go figure.

    Anyhow. Great caricature 🙂

  12. Roland says:

    Nice work… Feels like I am being greeted at Jurassic Park. (cause he looks like Hammond) *NOT A RIP ON HIM, I LIKE JURASSIC PARK

  13. starlaschat says:

    That is really Great!

  14. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Okay now tell me again… which one is the real picture and which is the drawing?
    When you spend most of your time with comics it is sometimes hard to separate the real from the made up stuff>

  15. this is amazing bearsy! seriously, awesome.

    i want one!!! boo. hiss. preferrably one in my wonder woman costume, i feel that i am best represented as having super powers.

  16. Jande says:

    Lovely job, Bearman! Hey, you’ll have all us ladies asking for caricatures if you can take off the extra pounds of weight for us like you did for Duncan. ;`)

  17. don mills says:

    Very nice work Bearman. Well done.

  18. Duncan is so lucky; this is awesome!!!

  19. That is awesome. What a great resemblance!

  20. Lol, nice one.
    i’ll have to try some caricatures myself at some point

  21. bschooled says:

    Damn, Bearman! That is so kickass.

    I sooo want one!! Not of Duncan, but of me (no offense, Duncan).

    Could I trade you for one of my firstborn? (Whichever one you want, you don’t even have to take the ginger.)

  22. jammer5 says:

    Which one’s the photo?

  23. Lynn says:

    this is fantastic bearman!! you did a great job and it looks exactly like duncan! crap now i wish i had been around for this challenge.. *sigh*

  24. WriterDood says:

    Very nice work.
    He’s definitely recognizable from your picture.
    I suck a doing these. Whenever I try, the people end up looking like strangers.
    There’s a knack for it. You seem to have it.
    Good job.

  25. George says:

    That’s a great caricature, B! You should definitely look into setting up a table somewhere in the Natti and making some veritable phat bank.

  26. SpilledInkGuy says:

    Great job, Bearman – pretty schweeet! 🙂

  27. DadaHyena says:

    Should make a good Driver’s License photo!

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