Props to our old friend Dan McGinley (who has since quit blogging) but is still lurking around the blogosphere. He came up with this gem about all the “Hallowed” businesses surrounding Ground Zero in New York.
I believe the strip club is the Pussycat Lounge and the horse betting is definitely near as well. I made up the Checks Cash place but who knows if there is one there. My joke is that you know your neighborhood has gone down hill when it gets a check cash place and a dollar store.
Thanks Dan!
What a way to pay respect
Well they were all there before.
I don’t think that your neighborhood goes down once you get a dollar store and a check cashing place. I think it goes down once your town starts giving birth to Dunkin’ Donuts.
Heck no! That is when your neighborhood has finally made it!
I don’t know, my dinky little town has 6 Dunkin’ Donuts and one tiny little Starbucks.
Everyone (who drinks coffee) knows DD’s coffee is better (and cheaper)
No way! Tim Horton’s, eh!
Tim Hortons only rides on Wendy’s back around Ohio.
Nice one, Bearman. Hollowed ground indeed. As someone who doesn’t live in the States, this whole mosque debate is strange and depressing to me.
Someone seems to always be on the recieving end no matter what country you go to.
Perhaps the dollar store is in the basement of the strip club?
Well that would make sense. There are plenty of singles floating about in that place.
Donated a few have you? 🙂
Definitely NOT!!!! (to that one)
Imagine all those Muslim hunnys stripping out of their burqa’s at the “Pussycat”! Oh yeah, some Middle Eastern Mamma right there! hooooooooo-weeeeey! o.O
The mosque is fine where it is intending to go. Personally, I would like to see Muslims leaders use this controversy to open dialogue and speak out against the extremism that runs rampid through their culture/faith. There is an opportunity to enlighten, I just hoped it Isn’t snuffed out!
Why do I have a feeling there is going to be some stripper who throws away her firefighter outfit for a burqa.
The debate over this is really crazy. The 9/11 tragedy occurred in the heart of the business district. There’s no way to dictate what can/can’t be built around the 9/11 memorial. The Mosque debate is one of those that if the media had stayed out of the issue would have run in a few papers and then died down.
Have you seen the debate still going on over the Pennsylvania crash site. Some of the ones who lost their loved ones are trying to sue to have the memorial changed cause they feel the shape of some of the landscaping can be interpreted as Islamic symbols.
I don’t think there will ever be a 100% satisfied group. We all remember and will forever remember what happened that day, and we’ll all pass these monuments and parks with a humbled step for a while, then they will eventually become like the Vietnam wall to most, just a symbol and nothing more, which is really sad, but is in fact the way our lives work. We move past, we move forward, these are just buildings and landscaping, not our loved ones who were lost that day the memory of them resides in us and should be honored by us carrying forward with our lives.
Didn’t see the stuff about Pennsyvania. That reminds me of the recently burned down Touchdown Jesus around here. They are rebuilding it and trying to figure out a form for Jesus’ hands/arms so that it can’t be related to any football ref hand signal.
I think they should just build it the same way…Touchdown Jesus got them alot of press (that kind of press hasn’t hurt Notre Dame – which also has a TDJ)
This is why I read the comments – often more interesting than the post.
I was thinking of posting about Touchdown Jesus. The youtube clips were interesting? If that’s the right word. So ironic that a bolt of lightning would torch the Jesus figure.
So now they want to have a non NFL type figure? Have you done any cartoons on this subject yet? Instead waiting for it to catch fire maybe they should incorporate fire into the design.
Too bad Moses didn’t marshmallows when he came upon the burning bush.
Some people made fun of the church as if the lightning that set the fire was “purposefully” sent by god to destroy it. Yet the church said since the fire attendance and donations have been up…so who is laughing now?
Touchdown Jesus??? Does he have Nun cheerleaders???
He had NUN.
OK I just googled Touchdown Jesus & I’m not impressed. I think it’s totally wrong naming him that. He’s in a lake. Surely it should be Water Polo Goalie Jesus
Maybe it is Touchdown Jesus before he could walk on water.
Excellent alternative perspective, haha. Nice!
Sorry you were lost in the spam filter. Next time don’t write comments like a spam bot..haha
This is something I’ve been harping about ever since the nut cases have been spewing their hypocritical rants. Hallowed ground? Ya right. You’re correct: more like slum ground. The center would be both a good thing for the neighborhood, and let the world know we are a open society, not some freaking idiots who can’t understand that their call for not building it is NOT what our forefathers fought and died for.
Everyone seems to have an opinion of what our “forefathers” meant and hold it up as if things can’t change. (and many times people on two sides will say that is what the forefathers meant) Many of our forefathers meant to continue slavery but that doesn’t get brought up..haha
Very true. And if we could stick them in a time machine to find out what they’d mean now, they might be somewhat startled at what they’d find.
But they would still love hanging out in a bar.
I’m surprised they haven’t put a Wal-Mart up there yet
Wal-Mart…do they have those in NYC??? Walgreens they probably do.
I know when I was living there they didn’t, but Wal-Mart never ceases to amaze me the places they’ll pop up. Walgreen’s and Duane Reade stores dominate in the meantime.
I always wondered who that Duane guy was.
I think he’s a reader? Maybe of Beartoons?
Sounds more like a drug pusher to me.
You’re most welcome, Bearman. Nice work!!! I did a Google Earth to walk around ground zero, and my favorite example is a seedy massage parlor above a sushi place! Nothing says “Hallowed Ground” like raw fish with a happy ending. Any more ideas come my way, and I’ll send them to your very talented self!
I bet that entire place smells “fishy”…top to bottom.
Thanks…feel free to feed my mind anytime.
What? No golden arches or Hooters? Sheez! Why would you want to build a mosque there, Time Square is a much better option!!!
But they got rid of all the strippers on Time Square..hah
This is like one stop shopping/entertainment for me. Nice.
I’m trying to figure out which place you spend your money at first.
Oh, crap… they just put up a Family Dollar up around my house…
Better sell before the neighbors figure it out and your home values tumble.
If the criteria for hallowing ground is where lots of people died in one disaster, most British cities would be sacred from WW2 blitz bombing as would many German cities from the efforts of the Allies. Also Lockerbie for that matter.
Surely it is what you do about the causes of the deaths that matters?
dave no longer gallowaygrave
Now that you outed yourself…can’t you go back to your old email of Dave..haha
I’m working on it!
The area isn’t really goin’ down until they put in a “Dirt Cheap”. That is where they sell all the stuff that has been returned to Target, the dollar stores and other places. We’ve got ’em every where.
Dirt Cheap…that’s a new one on me. Your neighborhood must really suck..haha
I don’t reckon you can really say I live in a neighborhood. I live 5 miles from the nearest store. I am really country… that ain’t no act.
Long time, Bearman!
How are you?
Doing good. Sorry you were also stuck in my spam folder and I just found this.
Haha! Believe it or not, they’re building a cash check place AND a dollar store in my neighborhood.
I’d rather have the strip club, at least there you can get something to eat…
Could be worse…they could be selling explosives and airline tickets next door to each other.
Isn’t that like having a Jehovahs Witness Church next to a Biker Bar?
I’m a Jehovah’s Witness & I think that’s a good idea. I could ride my scooter to church then knock on their door for a beer & a game of pool afterwards. It just doesn’t get much better than that!!!
I just read a book about a guy who never drank and was an evangelist minister who started hanging out in bars as he was trying to live like Jesus. He figured it was easy to find people who agreed with him in church but might be better to hang out where the real people go.
I see that I will be visiting that neighborhood starting from the right and working my way left. 🙂
Funny…I did just the opposite.
Maybe they could all cooperate & have stripping jockeys at the Pussycat club with nude horse photos for sale after the show in the cash checks store
I am so confused…but I think that might work. haha
lol. i like it
hold on a sec…we have a “dollar tree” near our house, but i think it’s one of those upscale ones! 🙂
Of course it is.
Very nice. Sums up the issue and puts the whole thing in perspective with one picture.
I was going to do it with a stripper coaxing a protester inside but am trying to do less wordy ones.
Very nice. Very hallowed. Perhaps it’s beyond redemption of any ilk.
Thank you!
I’ve got $50.00 on that old one with the limp.
(How’s that for a set-up, Bearman)?!
They call her Eileen.
I hope when they are praying to Mecca the brothels don’t get the wrong idea 🙁