Editorial Cartoon: BP’s New Marketing Strategy

Bearman Cartoon BP Tuna in an oil Can

I’M BACK!!!  After a much deserved break, I am making my triumphant return today.  Thanks again to all my guest cartoonists and commenters who kept things going in my absence.

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71 Responses to “Editorial Cartoon: BP’s New Marketing Strategy”

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  1. Nate Fakes says:

    Welcome back! About time!

    The tuna looks scrumptious!

  2. Duncanr says:

    Welcome back !

  3. DadaHyena says:

    That’s just plain messed up.

    Great to have ya back!

  4. Roland says:

    Wow, you came back swinging didn’t you! very nicely done… i could picture the commercials! ha ha

  5. Steve says:

    This one about says it all! Good stuff.

  6. LOL!

    I think i’ll avoid that brand next time i’m in the super market…

  7. Doug C. says:

    Welcome back.

  8. Doug C. says:

    Oops, sorry, wanted to type more and accidentally hit the submit button. My bad. Anyway, where did you go during your time off? Or did you just lounge around? I love the gulf oil tuna fish, lol.

  9. Joenis says:

    LMAO, sad.. but FUNNY! Good one man. :]

  10. *chew chew chew – gulp* Slides right down!
    Happy that you’re back good sir! 🙂

  11. MJ says:

    Ha,ha,ha! Good stuff! The cartoon not the tuna!

  12. I would rather see BP execs packed in oil.

  13. G says:

    I like that, it’s both tasteless and funny.

    Tell me, is the fish’s name Charlie or Tony?

  14. That’s a corker to come back with… ouch!

  15. Brad says:

    Mmmmm. Deliciously thick crude tuna.

  16. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Well I guess they finally have a brand that Charlie might be good enough for. Good to have you back Bearman. I hope you are well rested and ready to hit the ground runnin’.

  17. Don Mills says:

    Sorry, Charlie, only the oiliest Tuna get to be Starkist.

  18. Friggin Loon says:

    About friggin time. Where the *$#$#@@^&%$#@%@!%$@#%$ have you been. Sheez, your guests were great but didn’t pack the insults that we have all grown to love 🙁
    I have my suspicions you were actually playing for the USA at the World Cup and that’s why you are back early !!!!

    I heard you can also get char grilled turtles in a can too.

  19. To borrow the tagline of a chocolate candy:
    “BP Kist melts in your mouth, not in your hand.”

  20. jynksie says:

    Thank GOD yer back! I didn’t know what opinion to have on the issues w/o your politically themed wit to lead my way! =)

  21. FJ says:

    Welcome back. A timely and funny toon…nice.

  22. Tommie Kelly says:


    The Tuna looks so happy covered in oil.

  23. bschooled says:

    Way to come back with a bang, Bear!

    They could market it “Tuna Surprise!”

  24. jb says:

    Hey man welcom back. Now that’s the idea help them decide wahat to do with all the fish and sea life. Just think any and all fish coming out of the Gulf is aready batetered and ready to fry.

  25. Tony says:

    Ha Ha Ha I love it. Hope the oil isn’t high in cholesterol

  26. WriterDood says:

    Welcome back!
    Nice tuna fish can.
    Add some basil and croutons to that.

  27. RogerAD says:

    I suppose it is truth in advertising and heck, might even cut out some overhead. They can go straight from the net to the can.

    It would be funny if it weren’t true 🙁

  28. jammer5 says:

    I buy mine packed in water. Now, it’ll come with oil whether I want it or not. Do I have to pay an energy tax on it as well? Federal, state and local gas taxes? Will I require a skimmer after I open the can? What wine goes with it? What type of bread is best suitable for absorbing the oil without falling apart? Will Dancing With The Scars be returning next season (Damn, I hope not)?

  29. Dan Long says:

    Mmmm…blackened tuna.

  30. George says:

    You’ve been gone?

    Hunh. I really need to start paying better attention.

    Jus’ kiddin’, Bearman. Welcome back! You’ve been sorely missed. 😀

    PS: I like your BP cartoon. It’s one of the best I’ve seen on the subject.

  31. tuna = eew.

    you’re back = not so eew.

  32. Ron-Yves says:

    🙂 Triumphant return Sir—I’ll have mine on rye with a dipstick please…

  33. Now with extra dispersant!

  34. 25BAR says:

    lol! It was about time!


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  2. […] © Bearman Cartoons Please Share / Save var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_config.linkname="New Marketing Idea for BP"; a2a_config.linkurl="http://politicalirony.com/2010/06/28/new-marketing-idea-for-bp/"; a2a_config.show_title=1;  If you liked this, you might also like these related posts:McCain’s new form of viral marketing — lies! […]

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