Just starting on Monday, I am very encouraged by the progess in the charity challenge so far.
Here is the breakdown:
$2 each for Nurse Myra and Bo Lumpkin following me on Facebook
$2 each for ThisFngJob, bonganisiza, Redsplanet, Toon_Characters, worcswarrior, WannabeHeroes, johnbintz, doublepumaLeo, Christofferl33t , jamesianburns, TommieKelly, WH_CPA, MrCuteEngineer, cwall8126 , Lady_Lara_Croft , afroditecomicS for following me on Twitter.
$10 for Robert J of Spilled Ink submitting the first cartoon for the challenge. Chris Howard of Dressed for Success is also got several done. He is just figuring out which one he wan’t to submit.
$5 to Lynn at Trippin with Rip for upgrading my link to an actual banner ad (and $15 more for letting me know how screwed up my banner ad page was)
$10 each (I raised it from $5) to those who blogged about the challenge:
- Bo Lumpkin at Gatorhead
Laura at Delicacies
Carlo at Callous Comics
Which gives us a grand total of ………$106
Let me know if I missed anyone. If you want to find out how to get involved just click the image above to go to the post that explains it all.
Congratulations for your success with this Bearman. I just emailed you a photo
I am heading there to look now!!!
this charity thing seems to be a hit!!…nice one over at callous comics too!
Thanks…now I owe several more people guest cartoons.
Very nice work Bearman. You’re a good lad. I’m following you on facebook now.
Thanks Don. So is a relative of yours but he never talks. Guess the shuffle board league is taking up too much of his time.
Oh crap I better get my act together. I should at least cost you $15 as I have you on my blog roll, I’m following you on Twitter AND friggin Facebook! Sheez!
Well that was crap you already did before monday. What have you done for me lately..haha
We support the work of international charities that are leaders in their respective fields. Cartoon Characters
Congrats on the success so far. I think it is a wonderful thing you are doing with the donations to charity. 😎
Thanks Jayson. Glad to see you over here. Hope you make it back.
You are doin’ good work as usual Bearman.
Love my new ‘ad’ or icon or whatever. How did the challenge go? I’m interested in the final tally! And, will share it on my blog as well!!
I’ll provide another update tomorrow. Still have the rest of the month.