Thanks to the Friggin Loon for the heads up on this story. It seems a California School has decided to yank the dictionaries out of a K-8 school because they found out that the definition of the word “oral sex” was contained within. Oh my!!!!
Actually I remember as a kid skimming through the dictionary with my friends to find the most offensive words we could. And good or bad, these days kids are far less naive than we were. Parents don’t control what their kids watch or see on the internet. And trust me, even if 99% of them did, a kid will befriend the one kid in town whose parents don’t.
And before you ask…no I didn’t do internet porn research. I don’t even know if is a real website. Someone whose other half isn’t staring intently over their shoulder as they post this particular cartoon might want to check and report back.
Speaking of being naive…I can remember in 7th grade a girl in my class coming up and asking me “are you a virgin?”. To which I replied…”NO! I am a Cancer!!!”
I can’t believe they banned it in a California shool. It must have had a heterosexual reference.
On the online version of the dictionary are even worse words. haha
Geez, I suppose it is better than teacher’s demonstrating it…I’m just saying!!!!
According to the overtuning of Prop 8, Cali ain’t as gay as everyone thought. Bummer.
True True.
LOL you are too funny bearman love the cartoon keep up the great work!!!
Thanks…appreciate it!!!
Quick, get one of the old dictionaries fast before they’re all gone and we don’t know what oral sex means anymore.
How far do you need to go back before it was included in the dictionary in the first place??
I don’t know. I imagine they just appended it to sex. Sort of like “SEX” – Physical, Mental, Personal, Public, Standard, Oral, and (of course) Other. In retrospect, maybe they should have put Oral under Other. You’d have to be pretty flexible to have it under Personal, it’s probably illegal in Public, and it’s not always Mental. Oh, and we should add Philosophical.
Oh, how times have changed. I remember when I was in grade school, and we had one friend who had *gasp* printed playboy photos in his backpack, that we huddled around and he eventually got in trouble for. Then, a couple years later, *GASP* a snowy VHS porn tape that a kid found in his dad’s dresser drawer!
I do wonder what it’s like to be in grade school now, where you can go on the internet and see ANYTHING you want to look for, knowing more about how to delete browser history than your parents do, with no consequences. It’ll be interesting to see how the youth of today turns out.
Just like us saying to their kids…boy you think you have it rough…back in my day.
Back in my day, “fart” was the dictionary word that got all us kids to chuckle.
Fart is still a word that gets me to chuckle….unless it is a Friggin Loon fart and then I cover my face with my shirt.
Blahahahaha isn’t it so true. When I was a kid no one even knew the dirty words to look up.
Glad to see you have made up for lost time.
Nah, I still just look at the pictures 🙂
Maybe they should have just broken into the school in the middle of the night ski mask style and cut those words out with an x-acto knife. That would have really been … something … I guess. 🙂
Just magic marker over all offensive words. haha
Or a parental advisory explicit definitions label / sticker! 🙂
Where is Tipper Gore???
I love the pisstake. BUT is there undue risk that the sexual alertness of the non-white character will be misunderstood?
What’s a pisstake???
I try to use multicultural characters…in this case I figured it was pretty benign and the focus was that it was a kid versus a generic white kid.
Love it.
If you ever need random amusement visit the urban dictionary site. I’ve learned some…interesting words.
i don’t even know where to begin searching there. So many gems.
In 9th grade The head cheerleader passed out condoms to every one that she passed in the hallway and our Principal did not say anything to her about it.. Now a days if some one tried that I’m sure it would not be allowed.
I am not going to ask for a definition of “head cheerleader”
Make it all stop!
What would you and I have to draw if it did?
So true…..
I don’t see what the big deal is. We had lots of fun looking up the slang and euphemisms dictionary when I was in school. That’s I learned most of my potty-mouth conjugations. 😀
True…I mean we had laughs with words like headmaster.
When I was a kid (yes, there was such a time 🙂 ), we congregated around the monthly issue of national geographic. Nothing like gazing at tribal nekidness.
No wonder Nat Geo subscribers have gone down considerably.
I remember looking up the word “virgin” in a dictionary when I was about 12. It said “a woman who has not known a man (Biblical)”
So at 12 I worried I wasn’t a virgin, and hadn’t have been one for many years.
Let this be a lesson for lexicographers. there’s a fine line between too much information and too little
So true. So when did you know a man??
This post is hilarious (and no, it doesn’t mean your other posts weren’t funny). And oh, so true! And I got an extra chuckle from your last sentence!! 🙂
The sad part is I didn’t make it up. There was actually a pause after I said NO and everyone started laughing. That is when I protested that I was a cancer.
I bet it was some teacher who isnt getting any oral sex who is was the driving force behind this… “if i dont get any then these kids wont even know about it..!”
Always has to be one.
Without a dictionary, how are kids going to learn the proper spelling of cunnilingus just in time for the big spelling bee?
It’s funny the words you can find on the online dictionary version of Websters. Go ahead…try it.
So was this in the Dicktionary?? Funny toon man.
Be careful of your Dicktion. Thanks
As someone who went to a religious school, I can tell ya that we knew about all that stuff (and more). In fact, I’d say the more strict the school is about sex the dirtier the kids are.
That’s why in college you always went for the catholic school girls..haha j/k…maybe
In my high school, back in the day. We were not allowed to read Allen Ginsberg in school because he had written a few homoerotic poems
Was he one of OJ’s lawyers??
did he head up the US Reserve Bank?
Did He combs??
(I have no idea what oral sex is myself, but I still foud this hilarious…)
ps. Are you sure that “astrology incident” didn’t happen in University, Bearman?
Yes…then I knew what it was but still suffered from it. hahahahha
I loved the cartoon, it actually made me laugh out loud. You’re point was right on target! Great job Bear.
Darn it, I changed up what I wrote and didn’t change it to the correct ‘your’.
Thanks. That’s OK…I am constantly forgetting to end questions with a ?? on many of my blog posts.
Funniest stuff is things you can’t make up.
to remove it fromthe shelves, that is so dumb! kids will just refer to to get their kicks. that’s much worse. i thought your reply to that girl’s comment was precious bearman! gosh i wish i knew what you looked like. can’t you just describe yourself to us?
Let’s see, I have been told I look like Greg Brady, Vince Gill, Pete Sampras, Adam Sandler, Chaka Khan, and Sammy Davis all rolled into one.
Oooo. I want a specially made cartoon for my blog! how fun!