Avatar and Sci Fi Conventions

1 14 10 Bearman Cartoon Avatar Sci Fi Convention Avatar

My first encounter with anything close to a Sci Fi Convention was when I worked at a movie theater and we were doing a Star Trek marathon of the first four movies back to back.ย  People were dressed as Klingons, as Kirk, as spock and as other random characters.ย  However the one that made me actually laugh out loud was the 4 foot 10 inch woman dressed like a tribble.

Now with Avatar taking the world by storm will it also take over Comic-Con and other Sci Fi conventions?ย  I am foreseeing alot of blue body paint being sold this year and some of the models won’t be so pretty.

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56 Responses to “Avatar and Sci Fi Conventions”

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  1. Lynn says:

    a 4 ft tribble, that’s funny! i’m not a sci-fi fan but that tribble reminds me of cousin It from the addams family. i always wanted a cousin It. ๐Ÿ™‚ then i got rip!

  2. spilledinkguy says:

    Aww come-on, Bearman – I’m gonna’ exercise before the convention (that blue paint is kinda’ hard to get off my wii fit, though)! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. jammer5 says:

    And the Avatar folk are nine footers. I can see a problem with head-hunting in the doorways.

    Ever been to a midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show? Went to one way back in Los Angeles. The costumers were out in force. Outstanding time.

  4. that is frikkin hilarious!!! i love it


  6. Brogan says:

    HAHAHAHA!! That’s great! It’s always a surprise that you don’t see more ‘Battlefield Earth’ characters at those things… ๐Ÿ˜›

  7. frigginloon says:

    and pray tell why wasn’t this cartoon done in 3D? Here’s hoping there is a shortage of blue face paint!

  8. John K says:

    those poor poor middle aged men…

  9. MJ says:

    Ha! Funny Material. Cannot remember if I posted here yet. I know I’ve read the cartoons before. The Cold Blooded Killer if I remember correct is freaking hilarious, as is The Print Cartoonists vs. Web Cartoonists. Thanks for dropping in on my little cartoon universe, I really appreciate it.

  10. David says:

    HA! I think the sci fi conventions are gonna get a lot stranger (if that’s possible — and I looove sci fi cons) with all the naked blue folks. But is it really that different than dressing up as a green half naked person?

    Oh, the tribble person I HAVE to see. Any pictures? ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. bschooled says:

    They should become Scientologists…those guys accept anybody!

  12. Nate Fakes says:

    I would like to go to a Sci-Fi convention dressed up as a Sesame Street character and really throw everyone off.

  13. Once you go blue, you can never go back!

    …or something like that….

  14. Siegfried says:

    I wanted to go to this year’s Comic-Con, but while waiting for my best friend to make up his mind, it got sold out. There are still tickets available for Thursday and Sunday, but of course I wanted Wednesday (preview night) through Sunday. Maybe next year. ๐Ÿ™ And no, I wasn’t going to dress up as anything, my geekness has limits, sometimes. Ok, maybe I was going to dress as Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly. Maybe.

  15. As a pink middle aged male it is my opinion that there are some fecking edgiots like me, everywhere!!

  16. Dan Long says:

    My prediction is lots of comic-book-guy types in full body paint, looking for swimsuit-model type females in full body paint. Sadly, the ratio will be about 150:1. With the 1 being a cardboard cutout at the Avatar booth.

  17. Did Kent and Dave ever fit in??

  18. George says:

    I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I suspect you’re gonna be right about the majority of Avatar fans inundating the conventions this year.

    • bearman says:

      I think I am going to finally break down and see it this weekend. All I know is that it better not be the let down thatTitanic was

  19. lol….this takes the cake
    very funny

  20. Susi Spice says:

    i guess the good thing about conventions is that unattractive people and geeks can dress up wear masks and costumes of even uglier weirder looking ppl and creatures and others think its cool, even satisfy weird fetishes that way.. i guess they serve a purpose lol

  21. Bo Lumpkin says:

    I like stuff like this. It gives me great comfort to know that there are a few people out there who are a lot weirder than I am.

  22. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Probably very few.

  23. writerdood says:

    Woo hoo!
    I can’t wait to paint myself blue and show up naked at the next convention.
    Thanks for the idea.
    This is awesome. No one will know it’s me, and I’ll be naked!

  24. jbstuff says:

    Not being a sci-fi nerd myself but I think James T Kirk could kick an avatars butt on any day!!


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