Bearman Cartoon: Celebrity Death Panel 5

Our final judge on Celebrity Death Panel needs no introduction.

8 17 09 Bearman Cartoon DeathPanel5 copy

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35 Responses to “Bearman Cartoon: Celebrity Death Panel 5”

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  1. Phillyzero says:

    This is turning out to be pretty great (are there one more or two more panels to go?). Arnold’s face looks great btw lol.

  2. Nef says:

    I don’t think the Governator’s career in acting is over. With computer effects and a ton or two of make-up, he can still play the Terminator. Why not?

    Xavier and Magneto did an X-men scene that happenned in the past. And hey, if Rocky can do it…

  3. frigginloon says:

    So what are you saying Bearman, has the cyborg assassin come back from the future? Where the hell is Sarah Connor, did she die from lack of medical cover? Oh dear god we are friggin doomed. Has anyone seen John Connor. Ah, kill the computers it’s our only hope! There is no friggin way I can outrun a friggin T-1000 unless I get bionic surgery!

  4. John K says:

    great Arnie!!!!

  5. spilledinkguy says:

    I like to think that I have a certain … terminatoresque … I have a Facebook quiz to back me up! 🙂

  6. Sheila Deeth says:

    Oh yes. He had to be there!!!

  7. George says:

    I figure he’ll “be back”. 🙂

  8. Tony says:

    The ultimate judge for Death Panel, except for maybe Judge Dredd or perhaps Judge Judy…

  9. Lynn says:

    i just love a double chin..

  10. Nate Fakes says:

    You made him look pretty young, so I’m sure Arnold would appreciate this one!

  11. HAHA. I loved that one!

  12. yorksnbeans says:

    Bear….you’re doing at great job with these! I think my favorite so far is #2! Sorry, I haven’t been around much lately. I’ll try to do better this week!

  13. bschooled says:

    Bearman, I love these!

    I’ve visited almost every day, but haven’t commented because I don’t want to look like the idiot Canadian who just found out last week that you guys don’t have a Prime Minister…

  14. do we need to discuss your obsession with death?

    do you need to lay back onto my counselling couch?

  15. 25BAR says:

    Probably not.

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