Its seems in the small Town of Reading, Ohio (near Cincinnati), Kenny Tessel was having trouble drawing in patrons to his barbecue restaurant (KT’s Barbecue). So he bought a busty mannequin online, named her Bar-Be (Q being her last name), put her in a baseball hat and bikini top and stuck her on the sidewalk in front of his place with a sign.
All of the sudden people were coming in for tasty ribs that hadn’t stopped before. In fact according to Kenny business was up 30%. More on the story here and here. Of course his business went up even more once a couple residents complained and the story has taken on national attention.
So I thought maybe there are other businesses that could use a jolt of new customers using this tactic and came up with my latest editorial cartoon.
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Is it not cricket to have nipples in a cartoon?
Well some mannequins have them and some don’t. I didn’t want to be totally tasteless.
Tastless can be fun.
Seriously, that town’s planning and zoning board seems to be just a few shades to the left of being anal retentive.
I mean, so what if the guy has a relatively anatomically correct mannequin standing outside his front door. Women in bikinis and BBQ in the summer time kind of go hand in hand.
I can see that working. Nothing like a busty mannequin to brighten up a church visit
I can just see some kid painting over the M in Mass. The resulting line will be wrapped around the block. ๐
George..can you just write all my stuff. lol
bring back the nipples bearman ๐
Or my readers can go to your site for Corset Fridays Myra and get all the nipples they want!!! ha ha
Perhaps one nipple. Just to appease the masses.
Sorry, horrible pun, but I couldn’t resist.
Boy it does get lonely in prison.
Yeah! We want nipples, Bearman! Big’uns like toothpaste-tube caps. And with….
Umm….I think I need to go back to sleep.
Oh yeah…I see why the nipples were requested. Quite the improvement on the other pic ๐