He go check out the guest cartoon I did for Aidan Casserly over at Scapula.
Yeah it is small, but click it and it will grow really big. The PICTURE, I am talking about the PICTURE you dirty people.
And check out the one George Ford did as well.
Bearman Cartoons - Editorial Cartoons, Political Cartoons, Pop Culture Cartoons, Caricatures, T-shirts, & Other BS
Scapula looks very super villainous in a mid-life crisis sort of way.
note: I’d be a good super vanillain, but I like chocolate better.
Quit hitting the ice cream or you are going to look like scapula soon.
Yeah that was pretty awesome… the guy they have up today is pretty spectacular too! 😀
For a ninja!
great guestage for both strips Bearman! Usually, people do things in three’s… [cough] [wink] [smirk]
Well check out Thursdays for Jerry Benedict and Friday for Warren Frantz…
Both you and George created some awesome pieces, Bearman…
all the submissions over at Aidan’s joint are looking really, really nice!
Thanks…though I wasn’t doing the multipanel masterpieces they did.
…and there goes the last of Scap’s dignity. Thanks a lot, Bearman! Thanks to all the guest artists!
I thought I gave him a bit.
I love your wicked sense of humor. A. Lot.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Thanks…you too.
Who’s got a dirty mind? You’re the one drawing attention to boot size
You looked!!
I am sure the talent scouts for super hero comics will be beating down your door soon.
Yes to drag me away for giving them a bad name.
Was that Scapula of Fatula???
Scapula who uses the Spatula
I really like the way you drew Scapula, man. Maybe you should consider adding Super-Villain Pin-Up Cheesecake to your repertoire. 😀
Aidan already has that covered.
I love it, especially Super Villain! Excellent work, Bearman!…funny stuff!
New font I found…like it too.
Nice I love scapula! I got into his comics from here!
I am the purveyor of all that is good.
You have launched a lot of cartoonist on the journey of their dead end careers haven’t you bearman. I actually think all of my fans (both of them) found my comic through your site.
me too. Both of them, aside from my family, who I bribed.
I think I may have dated him once 😯
There were so many how do you remember?
Oh awesome!! It looks great and superbly evil!
Only thing evil about Scapula is his smelly socks.
That was really a picture of you, wasn’t it? You can’t fool Binky!
The problem with the tanning bed is the moment you get in it, there is the call at the Scapula Super Villain Phone…Then, you have to slither into those pants and boots with accelerator on…so sticky.
I did the two shes sizes too large as an experiment. I became more popular with the ladies. I kept wearing them until they wore out. Women stopped liking me soon after that.