Editorial Cartoon: Obama isn’t Muslim

Editorial Cartoon: Obama is not Muslim

I rarely have a cartoon on the back burner but this one I originally drew two weeks ago when a poll was released that now 18% of Americans believe that President Barack Obama is Muslim versus his self-professed Christianity. 

The absurdity of this pushed me to draw the above as it is like saying anyone that is circumcised is Jewish. 

(My wife got the joke immediately but then wondered if some might take offense as if I was implying that Jewish men may not be endowed.  I told her I hadn’t heard that stereotype and besides aren’t there many Jewish men in porn including  including Seymour Butts and Ron Jeremy?)

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94 Responses to “Editorial Cartoon: Obama isn’t Muslim”

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  1. Dan says:

    Nice one!

    “Funny, she doesn’t look druish!”


  2. I thought your leader was like our queen, only went to the can with an armed escort, not a redhead?

  3. Lately some American’s delight in their own ignorance. Absurdity is the new cool and uninformed is the new chic.

    I always thought that the Jews were pretty well hung but that may just be because I’m Irish.

  4. i’m glad you did the cartoon from this particular angle. lol

  5. G says:

    Congrabulations. I is speechless. I wanted to make a comment and for the life of me, I don’t have a clue on what to say.

  6. I wonder what he saw lol

  7. nursemyra says:

    the only Jewish man I’ve slept with was very well endowed indeed 🙂

  8. i’ve def heard that stereotype before, mainly cus i dated a jewish guy for awhile, who was also a comedian, so basically i’ve heard every jewish joke on earth. five times.

    but i don’t know who would really be offended by that though… but seriously, ron jerermy?

  9. MJ says:

    Ha,ha,ha. That’s freaking hilarious.

  10. Jande says:

    I thought they always used catheters with a bag or two strapped to their inner thigh or something. That’s how they can stand for hours at civil ceremonies, (whether they are civil or uncivil and not be doing the pee-pee dance) ;`)

  11. jamme5 says:

    Great cartoon, and so true. I always thought sometimes so what if Obama was a Muslim? Would it make him any less a president? Only to a certain segment of the political spectrum who shall remain brainless.

  12. jynksie says:

    Hey now, it’s not the size that matters, but how you wiggle that worm! o.O …it’s a saying thats kept me going all these years!

  13. Jillsy says:

    i got it immediately! 😉

  14. timm says:

    Nice one! I am a lurker on your site and never comment but you rock!

  15. Nate Fakes says:

    Haha. Well, that’s one way to find out what he is.

  16. Tony says:

    Hey I noticed how his pee splashes on the left hit the wall in the pattern of your name. Now that’s truly amazing regardless of his religion. Well we now know he’s not Catholic or the pee splashes would’ve looked like an image of Jesus on the wall

  17. Friggin Loon says:

    He’s not Muslim? Then what the hell is he? Man, he’s gotta lose that middle name then, Hussein is so Al Qaeda 🙂

  18. Dr. Cynicism says:

    Yup, I totally thought it was a poke at Jewish non-hungedness (I like to invent words). But either way, helluva cartoon Bearman!!

  19. Brad says:

    If this were the Canadian Prime Minister, the punch line would be ‘He’s a jerk!’ Yup, we can tell that up here by nosing around someone’s crotchal region.

  20. lisleman says:

    I didn’t catch the circumcision idea because it so common. So you had me wondering about size and Muslims.
    I suspect that those people of the 18% probably don’t even know a Muslim person personally. Since 9/11 I and many others have learned much more about Islam which probably also pisses off that group.

  21. DadaHyena says:

    …and here I thought he worships C’Thulhu.

  22. bschooled says:


    Wait a minute…why would Obama be using a public restroom?

    • Bearman says:

      Can you imagine him going to a public restroom.

      Secret Service: OK everyone out…the President needs to pee
      Guy in Stale: But I am in the middle of taking a dump.
      SS: I don’t care..pull em up and move em out.

  23. I’ve dated many Jewish men, and I can say that while many of them had medium sized packages, they all had giant balls, especially the one on the right.

    Is that OK to say?

  24. susi spice says:

    18% still believe he is muslim? das so ig’nant dawg…

    well he might be…maybe he is in a sleeper cell waiting for the right moment, then BAM! forced burkas BAM! BAM! mosques at ground zero..BAM! BAM! BAM! Bin Laden having dinner at the whitehouse and craving Saddam’s image onto Mount Rushmore…..

  25. Lola Lakely says:

    I can’t believe I have never visited you before. Shame on me. Because you’re kind of awesome.

  26. SpilledInkGuy says:

    Okay – middle urinal dude is in clear violation of rest-room etiquette! Mover ‘er over a fixture there, buddy! Oh. And that whole sneak a peak part isn’t quite right either. I’m just saying. 🙂

    • Bearman says:

      Glad to know there is someone else out there knowing proper urinal etiquette. Whether he came in first or second…he still assumed the wrong urinal.

  27. Sheila Deeth says:

    An excellent one. Absurdity rules.

  28. WriterDood says:

    I am so offended.
    What a second, no I’m not.
    Or AM I?
    Oh fuck that, you know damn well you can’t offend me.
    I’m circumcised, by the way, but it wasn’t a personal choice or anything. In fact, I don’t think I was even asked.

  29. Dan McGinley says:

    Nice! May the Shwartz be with you!

  30. Mel Ancholy says:

    I am not offended.

    The only thing that would have offended me is if you would have drawn this from the view of the wall.

  31. 25BAR says:

    I got it straight away!
    That’s funny!

  32. George says:

    I dunno, the cartoon’s funny to either way I read it. You’re an all-around genius, B!

  33. Lisa says:

    Muslims circumsize too I’m pretty sure. 🙂 Great one!

  34. Tommy says:

    Good one! Glad I followed Hank over to your site! 🙂

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