The story goes that Nero fiddled while Rome burned. President Trump seemingly is doing the same because he is a sore loser and can’t imagine he would ever lose anything.
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The story goes that Nero fiddled while Rome burned. President Trump seemingly is doing the same because he is a sore loser and can’t imagine he would ever lose anything.
So President Trump and President Putin met in Helsinki this past week. The press questioned Putin as to whether there was dossier on President Trump that resulted in a Kompromat. (full transcript here) Kompromat is a Russian term for any type of Compromising Materials on a Person. Now neither President would […]
Barron Trump. Seemingly the only Trump child President Donald Trump hasn’t had either run his companies or be a part of running the country. Last week daughter Ivanka was named Assistant to the President. Now with son-in-law Jared Kushner making a power play it seems for control of the President’s […]
Donald J Trump has decided that Indiana Governor Mike Pence should be his Vice Presidential candidate. Much like no one checking Melina’s speech before it was delivered at the convention for potential issues regarding plagiarism of Michelle Obama, did no one think that Trump Pence could be shortened to TP […]