Vanessa Ives, played by Eva Green, is a central figure in Showtime’s “Penny Dreadful” Series. For those not familiar, the series puts all of famous monsters from literature (Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, Werewolf, Dr Jekyll, Dracula) in Victorian London (yet in this season, the central characters have been pushed out to their own story lines outside of London in many cases).
Eva Green’s portrayal of Vanessa Ives can be both chilling and make you feel bad for her. In this season, Dracula is playing the long game to get her into his lair. Yet as good as the series is, it seems to get no love in the first two seasons from the Emmys. And it hasn’t gone unnoticed (see here and here)
Last week of the challenge. Adding $32 to the running count as I got 7 more twitter followers and 25 more FB followers.
I love Penny Dreadful, Bearman! Love the art you have done!
Thanks Dave. Seems like your cup of tea
I used to watch The Munsters. That’s about how relevant I am.
It’s a little less funny
I don’t think I’ve ever watched showtime. Oh maybe once at a hotel that offered it.
You need to go to more hotels
I tried watching Penny Dreadful and just couldn’t get into it (and I wished I could’ve). Maybe I didn’t give it enough of a chance….
You had to get to the 3rd episode….first 2 were def confusing
Your really caught her intensity, Bearman!
Thanks Mark
Never heard of this show but she does look like a grumpy bitch.