Porcupine Dating

Dating Porcupines by Bearman CartoonsMiss me?   Today’s cartoon was inspired by….. well I am not really sure.   Just one of those things that pops into your head at 12AM when you are trying to sleep.  Hmmmm…how would it be if a porcupine’s mating ritual including having to pick up a woman in a bar.  Don’t ask, just be happy I posted something for you to see here besides a three week old Christmas cartoon.


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65 Responses to “Porcupine Dating”

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  1. frigginloon says:

    Happy New Year you lazy bastard. 🙂 So what did you miss? Hmm, just Tony deleting his blogs again 🙂

  2. frigginloon says:

    Cougars, Rhinos and porcupines oh my .

  3. Binky says:

    Does anyone care about porcupines when there are other much cuter marsupials to think about?

  4. Kathy Morlock says:

    Love it, ’bout time you got back to work 😉

  5. George Ford says:

    Glad to see you back in the game, picking up the old ‘quill’ again and ‘sticking’ it to the man!

  6. lisleman says:

    Not that I really know anything about porcupines. I just imagine a bar visiting porcupine as having piercings.

  7. Dave says:

    Nicely done! Love this one.

  8. Tim says:

    Thank you. This was worth the wait.

  9. Bob Echidna says:

    I get that reaction from the ladies all the time Mister Bearman. Life’s lonely when you’re a big prick

  10. Tony McGurk says:

    He looks so cute & slightly cuddly. The blonde looks keen. Redheads can be such poor judges of character anyway

  11. Bill Murphy says:

    Ha, ha! A prick indeed!
    Glad to see you got back to drawing new comics Bearman!

  12. When he says he wants to stick something in you…. Details, get details.

  13. Julian says:

    Hey give him a chance! I hear he’s a good poke.

  14. Joseph says:

    I bet his wit is sharp, though! Get the point? :OP

  15. Comedy Plus says:

    I’ve missed you. I hope you and yours had a great Christmas and a very happy New Year. We did.

    Yes, I can see where this guy would be a potential prick.

    Have a fabulous day. 🙂

  16. It’s good she sees him for what he is… otherwise she might get STUCK!

  17. benzeknees says:

    Could be a prickly conversation!

  18. Mark Stokes says:

    He just may be the sharpest guy in the room!

  19. She’ll probably go out with him anyway. Seems to happen a lot! 🙂

  20. The blond doesn’t care. And a ‘potential’ prick? Oh, he’s beyond that!

  21. David Hurley says:

    If it doesn’t work out, maybe he can be her acupuncturist .

  22. Gruhn says:

    Looks like she’s pining for him.

  23. Nate Fakes says:

    He’s just out to poke anything he can find.

  24. James says:

    This is my favorite comic of yours. Maybe it’s because you said prick.

  25. Tyler says:

    He’s really such a nice guy, until you try to give him a back rub.

  26. G.B. Miller says:

    I is very happy that you posted something. Perhaps you’re trying to get into the groove of things again?

  27. Nef says:

    I swear I commented on this thing, but the porcupine ate my comment.

  28. Tom Falco says:

    Ha. I just literally spit my coffee out laughing.

  29. Andro says:

    How is it that they make love now? Ahhh yes Very Carefully 🙂 lol Sorry for the crap lollipop joke Bearman, oh yes and your cartoons rock 🙂 Sorry I haven’t been around much my good friend, hardly at all, erm okay the never in 2014… I have been a tad poorly but now that I am back, I will call in as often as I ruddy well like so how about that for encouraging? 🙂


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