Just a quickie drawing. Seems Despicable Me minions are all the rage on social media the past few weeks. So of course I had to make a Bearmanion, or is it Bearminion?
Bearman Cartoons - Editorial Cartoons, Political Cartoons, Pop Culture Cartoons, Caricatures, T-shirts, & Other BS
I’d much rather have one of these in my Happy Meal than one of the originals. This is cool. I wish someone would make me a minion (besides in real life). 🙂
You’re in luck…there is someone in your family that can draw.
There’s never been a more perfect Minion, than a Bearminion.
That sounds like dominion…I like it.
Good thing he’s wearing eye protection.
It would be a real shame if there was an incident with that pencil.
Safety first
I didn’t know you had green eyes. Oh no I mean a green eye.
I didn’t either
What David said. Awesome.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Thanks Sandee
That is way too funny. Despicable you.
Thanks Loon
Maybe he can get a staring role in the next movie
No cuz then someone would have to pay me
Bearminion or Bearmanion either way it is super cute Oh loved it ♥
best looking Minion ever 🙂
Aww thanks Soma
You translate very well into a minion!
Perhaps, too well…
I have been my wife’s minion for too long.
Your Bearminion is awesome. Everybody should have one to do all their menial tasks for them
Like my drawing?
Really cute, Bearman. It will be the new rage
I think its moment sadly has already passed.
This is awesome, but that tongue is getting longer,
perhaps it is all the drooling that happens when visiting
one of my naughtier postings? 🙂 Well I only said 😉 lol
Have fun today Bearman 🙂
You’re Despicable, Bearman! But oh, so adorable! Just keep away from that purple potion!
Delightful, Bearman!
And that’s a movie I’ve actually seen (and loved!).
Thanks Jande!
Minion. Definitely, minion. Bwahaha.