Today will be the last in my series of cartoons about Australia. That is unless I think of something else inspiring before Wednesday. If you look up the driest countries in the world, Australia doesn’t even pop up anywhere in the top. But when you talk continents, Australia is the driest inhabited continent. The prize for overall driest continent would be Antarctica but only a few people who want to do tortuous research live there.
This joke is actually a homage to our tour guide in the Daintree Rainforest who came up with this joke saying we love people to immigrate but please bring your own water.
Australia is currently caught in a real heatwave with temperatures of 40C and over (100F+). I’m sure they would appreciate people bringing their own water supply.
Maybe they can do an Alaskan pipeline type thing for water instead of oil
We already have that
The goldfields pipeline by C.Y.O’connor was built in 1896 and still operates today!!!! It was the first to use interlocking pipes designed by Mephan Ferguson.
OMG, I sound like a nerd 😯
That should read, “Well informed resident.”
No red…NERD is more fitting.
Quite a project! Though not quite from Alaska.
When I was there it was be under 30 and be a hairdresser, or if you are over 30 you have to have a net worth of $1,000,000 or more. (I.E. bring your own MONEY!)
So you can afford to bring your own money.
I met a guy who was there as a waiter in Sydney. They told him if he moved to some small town to be a waiter, and stayed for 3 years, he could get citizenship.
Bahahahahhahaaha “small town” 😯 lucky if he would last a week. Our small towns are in the middle of nowhere’s nowhere.
hhahahaa yeh maybe at a road house where your nearest neighbour is 250km away and its an hours drive down the gravel road to their front gate, which is another 45min 100km/hr drive to their front door haha.
Thanks, but my pizza is cold!!!!
That sounds more like Costa Rica. At least most of the roads in Australia are in decent shape.
Well except for anything near the Daintree.
But this small town was Port Douglas. Not a bad place to end up.
I’ll just live off the beer!
But only if you ship it in and not use their water to make it.
That might account for all of their dry humor.
Loon…did you heard this?
It’s true, what can I say
So what accounts for British humor, then? It’s usually soggy there.
So is most of their humor.
What is wet humor?
I didn’t say wet. I said soggy. Kinda spongy with no real substance.
And so saturated you cannot even inject irony.
It’s only dry in the middle. The edges are all wet.
Like a day old donut in a baggie.
It’s what’s for breakfast.
I thought Beef was what’s for dinner, breakfast and lunch?
No, no. That’s bacon.
I don’t eat that stuff.
Beef or bacon or yes?
I only like beef raw, so I do not eat it often. Bacon goes with everything.
I have a very versatile appetite. As a matter of fact I just tried a Kool-Aid pickle and I think they would do great on the open market.
What if I bring some Fresca?
Does anyone drink Fresca anymore?
is that the grapefruity type one?? i liked it! haha
Kind of a Sprite knock off.
Yuck. Not Fresca. TAB.
haha Does anyone drink TAB anymore?
I buy it by the twelve pack. Only way it is sold now. There are no distributors in SC, so I have a NC distributor who supplies a store here. And when Momma comes to visit she brings me a dozen or so 12-packs.
Ah, water!
The vagaries of the English language, eh?
In Scotland, when we refer to a town or area of the country being ‘dry’ – we mean there are no pubs or shops where one can buy alcohol 😆
That’s what I thought he meant at first, too. lol Then I realised he meant it in the geological sense.
No…water water.
There are what we call “Dry Counties” in the states. Some places in the south that don’t allow the sale of alcohol. No wonder moonshine is still prevalent there.
The irony is they are trying to increase the population of a country that has no sustainability.
Just like the good old U.S.A.
Not many do anymore.
I like a dry climate, but I sure do get thirsty in them.
The humidity stays so high here all you have to do is take a deep breath and you are not thirsty any more.
Sounds like here, but I have a feeling much more so where you are, Bo.
That’s what it was like when we lived in Brisbane
It’s humid here but that only makes me MORE thirsty.
Bearman did you happen to get to see any of the dust clouds that were shown coming in over the beaches while you were there?
No. I stayed away from the beaches just so I didn’t get jelly fish attacked.
Sounds like that kangaroo is wishing he had been born a camel…
Maybe he hides it in that big belly of his.
I have heard Australia is also home to huge insects ewwwww lol
Big ones. It also has something like 6 of the top 10 most poisonous animals/insects/reptiles.
That’s a lot of water to tote over. I’m not thinking I’d like paying that freight either. I’ll try to drink the beer. How about that.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
How about wine?
I’ve been enjoying your cartoon travelog, Bearman. (yes I’ve been reading, just not having time to comment much)
Did you pick up any of the Aussie accent while you were there?
The only thing I picked up that I’ll have to ask Susi and Loon about is constantly saying
“Yeah Yeah Yeah” really fast as if to say, I understand what you mean now shut up.
It’s been very informative. Looks like its time for you to take a trip to another country for some more material!
I know. I should get paid to draw travel logs. Any hotel or tour company can contact me. I’d be happy to give you a send up
I suppose I could bring a snow lobe, but the water probably wouldn’t last too long!
Snow Lobe? Do you attach it to your ear? hahah
D’oh! the “g” on my computer is a little wonky sometimes! 😀
haha got you
Yes we would appreciate immigrants brinngin some water. It’s been very dry & we’ve had some really bad bushfires even here in Tasmania. My lawns are brown & dead at the moment. I planted a tree in the front yard on the weekend & I had such a battle digging a hole. The ground was so hard.
You need to let the dog pee in the same spot. It will soften it up.
Now why don’t I come up with these brilliant ideas.
Dixie!!! Hey Dixie!!!
I do what I can.
If Antactica is so dry why does my fur keep getting wet when I lay in the snow???
It is actually a desert but it is so cold that the snow stays on top of it. Very little precipitation each year.
Amazing to think of it that way.
So we Penguins are actually desert dwellers??? We need to develop some white arctic camels
Ride the polar bear
Hence the dry wit!
That was a good way to get people some knowledge and making it fun. i would have never know they are the driest continent
Some knowledge you can pass on to your college readers!
Maybe a few crates of Castlemaine xxxx will suffice
or if it is a naughty bunch of immigrants then just
the xxx equivelent will have to do 🙂 😉
Great work Bearman…
IN australia it is XXXX Beer not XXX
I live in melbourne and we’ve just (a year or so ago) come out of the biggest drought in recent history. Our water got down to 30% storage.
The government got in a flap and spent several billion on pipelines and salt water converters then the rain fell and we are back up to 80%.