Tori Spelling Caricature

The Friggin Loon and BSchooled both are tired of my WWE Wrestling Caricatures so they put in a request for a Tori Spelling one.  Here you go ladies.

I won’t be around much for the next week after today so I’ll miss commenting elsewhere and probably here too.  Try to behave without me.

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56 Responses to “Tori Spelling Caricature”

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  1. Mark Stokes says:

    You got her high cheekbones and her power chin down pat, Bearman. Thank gosh you gave her some cushion to soften the blow. Great job!

  2. Too funny, I wonder what sparked them to pick her though.

  3. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Good Job on the drawing. As for behaving ourselves while you are gone we have to. You won’t be here to stir things up.

  4. duncanr says:

    what big shoulders she’s got !

  5. Comedy Plus says:

    What a rack is all I have to say.

    Have a terrific day. 🙂

  6. Jande says:

    All I have to say is… Who is she and why should I care? Funny drawing though. I s she really that… uh… top-heavy? :`)

    • Bearman says:

      She is Aaron Spellings Daughter…creator of 90% of the stuff on TV in the 80s.

      She was also on Beverly Hills 90210

      • Dun dun dun dun…
        dun dun dun dun…
        cha cha
        (That was supposed to be the old 90210 theme song. Fortunately your caricature is more pleasant on the eyes than my voice is on the ears.)
        Also, my sideburns weren’t nearly as impressive when I was in high school. Although I sure as **** tried (that last part doesn’t really relate so much to Tori, I guess…)

  7. George says:

    I likes! You can’t miss when it comes to Tori’s pronounced chin and um…other developments. 😀

  8. lisleman says:

    How did you decide on yellow? caution crossing a dangerous intersection?

  9. Binky says:

    Is he gone yet?
    Party time!

  10. Miss R says:

    Shockingly I’m not surprised that Loon asked for this one hehehehehe.
    GREAT caricature Bearman!

  11. Tony McGurk says:

    That’s an awesome chin, if you’re into chins. I think she has been moonlighting as a Lab Rat ‘cos she has grown 2 really large tumors on her chest.

  12. Deb says:

    You got all her main features just right…especially them darn bulging eyeballs…Good job, Bearman!
    If you’re taking requests…how about Ethel Mertz?

  13. At least there’s something to distract you from looking at her face!

  14. bschooled says:

    Wow…She actually looks less annoying in cartoon form! I’ll have to send it to her, so she can see what she could look like if she put in some effort.

    I notice you didn’t skimp on her rack. I think she’ll really appreciate this.

  15. I love the cushion. 🙂

  16. James says:

    This is going to give me nightmares for awhile.

  17. Nate Fakes says:

    I always thought Tori looked kind of – oh, how do I say this nicely – awkward. So, your caricature actually is dead-on. Love it!

  18. nursemyra says:

    Hey! she’s got the same cheekbones you gave me when you did my caricature…..

  19. A.M.Frasier says:

    You remember the puppet called Madam? She would always appear on Hollywood Squares waaay back in the day…..I kinda get that feel from Tori right now.LOL

  20. Jenn says:

    She’s got some large….assets!

  21. Friggin Loon says:

    My god, she looks like Nancy Grace’s love child!!!

  22. Friggin Loon says:

    Wow, they look bigger when you wear 3D glasses!!!!!

  23. Miss R says:

    Bearman, dig this one. Made me grin AND laugh. Chin is perfect, as are the, um, huge tracts of land.
    Behaving while you’re on hiatus? Mmmmmmm I don’t think so!

  24. Lynn says:

    I finally make it back and you’re gone. You must have sensed trouble and headed for the hills- we should junk up the place while you’re gone. Shall I leave so you can come back early? FAT chance.

  25. You captured great. Well done.

  26. I’m confident that she’ll never drown.

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