It has been a good week. First I have sold a few of the above Merry Hanumas – Go Both Ways designs at my shop. We have a bunch of Jewish and Christian friends/family so rather than NOT send cards, I design my own. This was a concept that I never did use for our cards but thought I’d throw it up on my store for the heck of it. And several people have bought (woohoo $10 for me). And don’t tell me it should be Chrismukkah. That name sucks.
Then I find out that I won a contest over at G’s Cedars Mountain Website. I don’t recall answering correctly but I am not one to argue especially since he wrote such a nice endorsement of my own blog. Please go check it out here.
Finally, as I mentioned I have been doing some random Muggings (caricatures). One I did last week was for fellow cartoonist Jim Huntsman. He is on Google Plus and has his own site at Comic Kvetches. This was my payback
love the card bearman
Thanks M!
Pretty funky Christmas/Hanukkah card. And again, you’re more than welcome for the kind words. Hope it brings you a little more traffic and a few more readers.
Hopefully me pointing it out gives you the same. Thanks again.
Looks like you’re having a red letter day indeed. Congratulations. Nice glowing write up too.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
thanks Sandee
There are so many great things about this.
Name me 25…haha
1. The usage of bathroom symbols.
2. You made a Yamaka (sp?) look visible on a figure from the front.
3. Go both ways is used perfectly in this instance and made me laugh.
4. Hanumas is a title so good it rivals Festivus.
5. This made me imagine a Caligula type holiday orgy.
6. The tree and Manorrah seem at odds with each other.
7. Making this look more like a holiday card than just a flat image.
8. It’s actually available to purchase in many forms on your shop.
9. A woman in a Santa hat is always good.
10.This will bring both faiths together as one to battle Atheists like me.
11.Your use of fonts.
12.This brought about your challenge of me to come up with 25 reasons.
13.The simple use of black and white makes it eye appealing.
14.You didn’t add a manger. created a new holiday.
16.This made me think of what hybrid treats would spawn from this holiday.
17.Somewhere some religious people think this may be blasphemous.
18.Will Smith just said “Naw” while I’m watching Men in Black.
19.I want to replace bathroom stickers with this to confuse people.
20.This leads me to believe that next year you will continue with more images like this.
21. The size of the tree compared to the woman.
22.The size of the Manorrah compared to the tree.
23.Men in Black is still on and the cat’s name is Orion.
24.The divider in between the figures may contain a glory hole.
25.I get to say “eat it 25”.
That was so well played I had to post it on G+. Now what is up with the extra 22??
Either it’s a cryptic message or a typo. You choose.
I’ll go for cryptic.
Seriously, that green hair better not catch on.
Psst did you use the men’s and women’s toilet figures for that card??????? 😯
Yes. Give the double meaning to GO both ways
🙄 blahahahhahaah
“Hanumas” almost sounds like Hannuman, the monkey from the Ramayana (I know it from “Sita Sings the Blues”), so you can throw a third religion into the mix!
I have no idea what you are talking about. Now I have to look it up
Overlapping special occasions just isnt’ right.
… it’s like being born on Christmas … or Christmas being on your birthday … for self-centered people. hee hee!
Are you saying we owe you a card in the next couple weeks for your birthday?
Super clever. Love it!
Pretty good. My wife and I are a mixed couple. lol. She’s Jewish and I’m Catholic
Thanks for stopping by Charles. Merry Hanumas!
I guess Christmakkuh would have a Jewish woman and a Christian man instead?
No it was just the OC or some other teen shows way of saying it so I wouldn’t jump on that bandwagon.
And a very merry Hanumas to you too, from me and my Mum
Ah so I see you are showing you mum around the blogosphere.
Merry Hanumas to all, and to all a good night!
Not a creature was stirring, except for uncle morty eating again.
I couldn’t help thinking of Kurno on this one
IT took me a second…but I got it
I’ve been nagging Jerry to give Kurno an appearance. I’m curious about him now…
Is it Hanumas time again already?
It seems like I just put away my treenorah…
You totally have a draw a treenorah
Forgot to say Great Bearman Jim!!!
Yeah…what he said.
What happens if you only want to go one way?
Just make sure to make the right choice.
Ha! Dueling holiday.
Beats dueling banjos.
It sure beats Happy Holidays. Funny card and great caricature. He looks like a buff Bearman. Is he your cousin or something?
I AM the buff cousin.
Do you have green hair? I wanna see a real pic of you.
Love the card by the way. lol
NOpe and NOPE!! haha
I live in Germany, so needless to say we don’t have very many “both ways”
Could you make one with Christmas on one side and something for Turks on the other? 😉
What do the turks celebrate?
I like the name “Chrismukkah” …it has the word “Mukk” in it and lets face it, we’ll all be wading through a lot of that during the holidays! o.O #TrueStory
Hanumas sounds like an exotic form of hummus! …just sayin! [smirk]
Hanumas. Hummas made by Hand
Euphemism?!? [smirk]
I like it. But I am a bit partial to Ranahanakwanzmas!