Today’s Editorial Cartoon is sponsored by your local police department. OK maybe not but the cops are getting some bad reputations all over the U.S. as cities try to figure out how to manage the Occupy Wall Street and other Occupy protests.
First, I am a huge supporter of the police in general and the tough job they do. And they are just following orders in many cases. However, some of the tactics they have engaged in during the sweeps of the occupy locations are questionable at times. Maybe it is adrenaline or maybe it is just a few assholes on the force happy to show who is boss, but there has to be a better way.
Now I don’t for a minute think that in all cases the protestors who claim innocence are in fact so. When you come at a cop with a potential weapon or show aggression in response to an order, all bets are off.
But to let a group assemble for an extended period only to decide you have had enough and aggressively remove them without warning is wrong IMO. I get it though. If the cops announced they would be removing people at a specific time, they run the risk of additional protestors coming out in force to try and stop it putting officers at risk. Maybe a better way would have been to surround the park with officers and announce to the protestors that they had 30 minutes to remove themselves and any belongings they wanted to keep from the park. After that the park would be emptied with force if necessary. Seems to be what they are doing in Toronto by serving eviction notices.
Any thoughts on how to best manage the occupy movements so that they can remain peaceful, without crimes, sanitation issues and other problems that tend to start after prolonged encampments?
Ask yourself about the practice of covering badge numbers and the white shirts that have been showing up. This is not the police force. This is corporate paid thuggery. And what can eventually happen… the blue shirts turn around and refuse to follow orders, refuse to commit a crime against innocents.
what happens when the brown shirts arrive? followed by the black shirts?
Chris it will be interesting when and if a private security team ends up in the news for assaulting citizens.
Myra…good question.
I don’t know about the police but in the sixties when I was in the National Guard and there were riots most of us were as young as the demonstrators and were scared to death. Most policemen do not deal with resistance and excitable protesters on a day to day basis. Adrenaline is really pumping at times.
As the Mayor of New York said “The First amendment guarantees a right to free speech. Not camping out in public parks.” I don’t usually agree with him but he has a point.
I don’t know the answer either but with all the anti-war protest in the sixties they didn’t accomplish anything. We still have war.
I’m a strong believer in freedom but I am not sure what these people want.
I think you are right with the adrenaline Bo but that is what training drills should be for.
I know what some want, others not, and others are just there with no reason.
How to get rid of then? Have the NYFD come in with a fire truck and hook up a hose. and fire away! This will get rid of the protestors and the stink, so that the park can be enjoyed by tax payers.
I understand protest, but living in a park?! Seriously, what do these people expect to accomplish that way.
Well we are talking about them so they accomplished something.
I figured police would get involved eventually. Next step – Occupy Police Department
Originally I wrote this as Occupy Police Crackdowns but I didn’t want to confuse people.
Bearman, this “Occupy” topic is explosive. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve re-written the text accompanying my “Occupy Denver” cartoon for today.
And then somebody “Stumbled” our website yesterday (StumbleUpon), bringing 100 extra visitors so far.
By the way, did you know that Jerry Rubin, the Yippie who nominated a pig for president in 1968, was born and went to high school here in Cincinnati?
Are you afraid of the extra attention Brian? 100 extra is good.
Didn’t know that but I did know Charles Manson was.
I think everyone gets it and its time to head home and work on a more productive way to change things. They Made their point pack it up and go home. I am not a naysayer of themovement but there are plenty more productive ways for these people to spend their time.
I don’t think it is time to pack it in…just narrow your focus on what changes you want.
I meant they should stop protesting in the parks and take this to the next step.
I’m with the general consensus here: there’s gotta be a better way to represent. If the police are getting involved in a major way, then these protesters need to find a way to protest without getting arrested or pressing upon anyone else’s rights. It’s time to find another route.
Love your cartoon. You should turn it into a bumper sticker. 🙂
I think the argument that they are invading my ability to enjoy the park is bogus. But if the noise levels are affecting people at night as they try to sleep in their homes/apartments around the movement, then they have a valid issue.
good post – respect would do wonders for BOTH sides to use. Maybe one move by the city first could help. The city could open up a discussion about issues related to poor, homeless, job issues and invite the members to join. But I believe many want to be arrested so that they get noticed. I don’t think but who knows, anyone wants to be tazered or hit on the head with clubs.
Don’t Taze me Bro!!
I was a cop for 25 years. I know what it’s like to stare into a crowd that would just as soon see you dead. Crowds are dangerous. I will tell you that it’s often the mayors office that is doing the dictating to the police chief. It’s the crowds that make it so dangerous and that crowd outnumbers the cops a great deal. I don’t think these folks are making a difference at all. Do you see any positive change? Me either.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Oh I believe it when you say the mayor is dictating to the police chief. The chief though has to have the balls to say how the best way to proceed is.
Well the credit unions are happy.
Usually the only thing I occupy is my computer and dummies comments (used to be stats at one time).
My father-in-law is a cop in a town of about 6000 people. He is still one of the good guys because nobody occupies streets in the small town he serves in.
Where is it. I’ll start a one person sit in.
I can understand their point of view (the protesters) but really don’t think any amount of protesting can change the attitudes of those who are rich & greedy. I think they’ve made their point but can’t see those who really need to change really taking any notice. Maybe it’s time to just end it now before things get too out of hand. Great cartoon cop. He looks like he means business
What is amazing is that you have all these celebrities supporting the movement that don’t seem to be offering up anything but a mouth piece. And yet no member of congress is doing ANYTHING toward their wants.
I don’t really believe that the protests are intended to change the views of the 1%. I believe it’s intended to wake up those that vote, and encourage people in the 99% to take a look at corporate involvement in politics.
In terms of “not seeing a change” yet, the movement is only 60 days old. The change doesn’t lie solely with people occupying a park, but with people picking up the banner and getting involved in their community. What is overlooked, is that they are doing this because they are concerned with the kind of country they are inheriting. We should be more concerned if they were apathetic.
What is most concerning is that whether or not they agree with everything the occupy folks are calling for not many congressmen seem to care to even address their issues let alone do anything
I think that’s a combination of things… I think many of the congressmen elected were put in by the tea party, who are generally the opposite end of the spectrum.. and trying to cast a negative light on them. I believe others are trying to figure out where it’s going, and whether or not they want to be affiliated with it. I found it interesting that the Obama administration has offered logistical support to the cities that want to crack down on Occupy. Obama got a bunch of money from Wall Street last election.
Still a majority of Dem in the Senate. 62 of the Rep associate with Tea Party. But there are some crossovers on what the Tea Party wants the Occupy.
I think your second statement is true. Politically for both, they don’t know whether to be on the Occupy side or against it so they all stay silent.
This Movement too shall pass.
Are you constipated?
I’m protesting silently by eating pizza in my backyard.
Binky’s Pizza?
Of course. With chocolate.
And so far no police have asked me to leave.
That is because they are still trying to figure you out
I think a better way to protest is to keep your money in your mattress and stop buying corporate products altogether. Also gasoline.
I only do these things as much as I can and not completely, but I still think it does more good than joining these camps. If you want to drop out just do it, but it won’t change anything but your own life.
It will open your eyes to how stupid both sides are though.
However there is a hypocrisy in saying feed the hungry and buy organic. Organic food won’t feed the masses as controlled food growing has.
Gah! Oh No U Di’Int!
if your gonna feed the hungry and the needy, ONLY feed them Organic or you might as well put a bullet in there heads now and save them the misery.
What about the studies that say if we go organic that we will decrease crop production. I would rather have something that will kill me in 40 years than something that will kill me now.
Please show me this study or give me a link to check out cuzz I gotta see this and who wrote it.
Here’s one
I think they should get the National Guard to recruit the suckers 🙂 . A group of Occupiers in Melbourne have been caught selling drugs to kids. Focus people, focus!!!!
Want a job? Uncle Sam has one for you. Low pay, long hours and you may get sent over to some other country.
See, that would work. Watch the Occupiers run!!!!
That’s still going on? (See what happens when you spend a month in a small Mexican town with unreliable internet access?)
Ok, so here’s my idea- I think they should make everyone involved spend a month in a small Mexican town with unreliable internet access.
I am just glad the drug cartel didn’t take you for their slave.
Or hang you from a bridge for making fun of their singers 🙂
Neil diamond isn’t… No wait that is blunt delivery
To be honest, I don’t think that there’s an easy way to remove the “protesters”. The cops are in a catch 22, in that they take their marching orders from above, and the problem is that in some cities, the “above” is in sympathy with the protesters.
That is a conundrum. Mayor to press: I fully support the protests. Mayor to Chief: Get those assholes out of my city.
On my usual tangent…
I’ve always found it amusing that having a beef with bloated government can only = cuts in P.D. and F.D. funding. Or schools, assistance programs, etc. Naturally everything else runs at peak efficiency.
Because saying if you don’t agree to raising taxes means we will fire a social worker doesn’t have the same scare tactic as saying we will cut out the people that protect your home and property
I blogged about Occupy Wall Street soon after it happens. I still think that it’s Pennsylvania Avenue and not Wall Street that should be occupied.
What if you were the resident of that address after the election? Still feel that way
This would make for a good Dead Kennedy’s album cover.
Are they still together?
It’s a sensitive topic that’ll lead to agreements and disagreements etc.. I personally think that it’s time for governments, establishments and forces to witness citizen power. After all, it’s 99% : 1%.
We are taught to obey!!! haha
I wonder how many backpackers are getting free camping in big cities because of the occupy movement. Total score! … except when an eviction is on.
Probably cleaner than some Hostels I have seen.
We are very lucky her in Iceland we have very little police brutality.
That’s because its so damn cold, no one wants to go outside to protest.