Lindsay was the winner of my Facebook caricature contest. She didn’t make it easy, sending me four different pictures that show she changes her hair color more than Duncan changes his underwear. But here is my result (including one of the original pics)
I asked Lindsay what she liked to do and besides hanging with her kids, she said drink wine and procrastinate…thus the name on the wine.
And just because I had some time last week, I went and caricatured a Beartoons regular, Tony McGurk (sans the beard in the pic because usually he is more manscaped than this). Check out Tony’s own cartoon stylings at TMComics.
Dammit, your blog is confusing the hell out of me B’man. I posted this comment on the wrong thread earlier. I said– I’m bummin’, you forgot the tiara! These things are important to chicks. Good job…
I can’t help it you don’t know where you are.
yeah I noticed the lack of tiaras too
Not everyone can take your princess status.
Bearman, we need the TIARA!!!!!!
No dooevers.
Forget it Loon, it’s no use. 🙁
Very nice, Bearman! ProcrastiNATE would be a good name for a wine for me.
I thought cheap would be a better one for you.
ProcrastiNATE in the discount isle
Both a fantastic!! Great job Bear!
Thanks…still progressing.
Way cool. I’m a big fan of Tony too.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Thanks Sandee. He’s not so bad is he?
Great job on both Bearman. Love the name of the bottle of wine. A big thanks for doing mine too it was a great surprise…
I didn’t tell everyone how much you whined after losing. hah
Whining often works for me
Now we know your secret!
Both are fantastic. Tony actually looks larger than his Gravatar.
He is larger than life.
I’ve always wonderered how large is life. I’ve been livin’ large for a long time.
I’ve actually lost nearly 10 kilos over the past few months so I’m not quite as larger than life as I was before
What is that in lbs??
Multiply by 2.2. So that’s, ummm, well over, let’s see, umm carry the 6 and add 7, ummm…you figure it out.
Oh that is more than I thought. I figured it was 4 lbs
I didn’t know there would be Math. I didn’t study.
Awesome work on both pieces, Bearman!
I’m not a big wine guy, but that vintage does sound very appealing…
The fact that you know the word “vintage” makes you a wine guy
Yeah… but at least not a Wino.
I was going to say something about the wonderful ‘earthy tones’ of the ’78 Pro Crasti Nation, but that seemed like it might have been going a bit too far.
Given your recent post, I would say you know earthy.
Do I have any dirt stuck in my teeth?!
you had some FREE TIME?!?! and it didn’t occur to you once to make my caricature that i’ve been whining for like 5 years for?
this. is. unforgivable.
Wait a minute…I already did your caricature
Lindsay lost her tiara and Tony lost the hair on top of his head! Sheez Bearman, how come you didn’t forget Duncan’s kilt? Then we all would have had a good laugh 🙂
This is a family site…well not family but not wretching either.
They look so HAPPEEEEEE.
I wanted people to see Tony smiling.
and pink!
Yes I did come out very pink. Must be the lack of sun here in Tasmania
I thought you needed some color. And the lighter shade didn’t show off the glare from your forehead as well.
This is cool for the winner and the whiner. Just kidding, Tony. Maybe I’ll try my hand at caricaturing people too. After all, Ever since I started my webcomic, all I’ve done is steal other people’s ideas.
You should…can you start with the whiners here who haven’t gotten a caricature yet.
Ha! Good stuff. I personally don’t like doing caricatures at the cons live in person, but get asked to do them often. Have you ever done these in a live setting?
No way. I have to throw out the first 20 renditions before getting to something useful.
Nice job! Congrats to the winners!
Next time you should enter..haha
I will but under my real name, I need a character for my personal blog, hehe. Work consumes me too much sometimes and leaves other things on the back burner
yes..we are still waiting for that incredible designer to do your bidding..haha
You have the memory of an elephant! I have no clue whats going on with the designer anymore I handed that off to someone else, I have better things to do than deal with that mess. I knew I should have paid more attention in Digital Graphics class.
Usually I have the memory of a flea but I’ll be sure to use that line then next time my wife reminds me I was supposed to do something.
Good work – have you ever done this stuff at a fair? I had one done of me years ago (should find it and scan it).
Oh another question – do you hand draw it and then scan it or draw on a computer pad?
I saw a FB ad for some site (view something?) that pays for post and cartoon submissions. I thought you should on it. Sorry I don’t recall the name.
Never done this live (except my wife who says my rendition of her sucks).
I do everything in the computer except when I really am stuck. Then I’ll print out the pics and go to the couch and pull out a pad and draw away until I get what I want.
Great…you could make me a million dollars but you forgot where.
I always knew Tony had beedy little eyes.
shhhh…he doesn’t know.
Know what???
Must be true, cause he can’t even read the comments 🙂
Cool caricatures. Wish you’d done on of a dog as well… or a bear… or a dog with a bear. Wish I’d been here sooner–think I’ve been sipping from that “procrastination” bottle. Got a nice pic of a dog and his teddy bear I’d’ve sent you.
I have never tried doing an animal…maybe….
Many congratulation Lindsay for wining facebook contest.Many blogger organising such contests nowadays for their blog popularity and getting huge traffic too.
Visitor love to participate in such want to be regular reader with benefits…
Is a reader with benefits like a friend with benefits?
I like ’em both! And I like the progression of your coloring skills too. 🙂
Progress…regress, it is all the same.
Well done, Bearman!
Thanks Mark
Excellent job! I’m sure they’re thrilled.
I don’t know about that but I am thrilled they are done.
Hey How come Drawing Bloke & Barry got a carrykatchor & I was left out??? Whine, whine, whine…
You were too heavy for Tony to lift. Might want to slow down on eating all that moon cheese.
Maybe next year you could caricatures for charity or something as you seem to have a knack for them.
At this pace I may not have any regulars I haven’t done
I think students should be allowed to have caricatures of themselves used in their yearbooks and you could create them OR making avatars for people. I wonder if there is any money in that. Hmmmm.
I bet there is. I am just too lazy to set up all the tax paperwork to start legitimately charging
Very cool caricature of Tony and Barry … or is it Cedric.
note: I usually look the same in caricatures as photos … except more animated.
In which version???
No it’s Barry. I didn’t get included in it, *&$#@$%$&^#@&$#…
I tried to draw you but you kept blocking the view of Tony.
Both caricatures are excellent. This one you created was very good too:
So far four people have been using their caricatures as their facebook avatar. I am well on my way to take over that whole damn company.
You could even change the name to Bearbook
Ooooh Good idea.
Great caricatures. 🙂
Those are great!
Thank you sir
I had to ‘pop’ over & say how much I like Tony’s new characature. And Barry even got in on the deal! Not bad for a whinner 😉 I like his new slimming version (Tony’s, not Barry, maybe Cedric could get an overhaul… after he is out of moon cheese that is) Great Job on the original winner Lindsey as well. I think you beed to tm & bottle this wine. Than all us procrastinators would have a reason to shlep off, too much wine.
Thanks Grammy. Should Tony take offense at the fact that you think he is fat in real life?? haha j/k.
The problem with bottling that wine is that none of you have the energy to go out and buy it.
Good caricatures–should have made Lindsay’s breasts larger, though!
I am not touching that comment…haha
I might pay you for a drawing of me soon. Do you accept Paypal?