So it seems there is another story of did he or didn’t he. It seems Lady Gaga was having a private birthday bash and American Idol runner up Adam Lambert showed up with an actually invited guest. Based on a tip, Hollywood loud mouth gossip columnist Perez Hilton states Adam showed up drunk, jumped around like an animal, punched a hole in the ceiling and tried to smash cake in Gaga’s face. All leading up to her requesting security remove him from the premises.
Whether or not she was the one who had security do it or not is under question. However, if I owned a bar and a drunk ass starting destroying the place, I wouldn’t wait for someone else to ask me to kick him out; he would have been gone quick.
Now for those not familiar with Gaga’s stunts and thus the references above, let me help. She showed up to the Grammy’s in an egg, wore a meat suit to the VMAs, had a coke can in her hair for the video Telephone (I thought a phone in her head was funnier). Now as far as the flipper, I haven’t seen that but just wait.
I think this is one time where you didn’t really need to use the “line through” edit on text.
You know it’s going to be a good post when Bearman’s talking about Lady Gaga, Adam Lambert, and Perez Hilton!
Looking through some of the comments below, you are one of the few who actually know who all of them are.
Hehe… Yea, I’m betting the flipper comes right after she reads this post! 🙂
First I have to figure out a way for her to read this post.
I really don’t know who any of these people are except for hearing their names on TV. If it will make you famous though I am goin’ out to buy me some flippers and come up with a new outfit. These overalls just ain’t makin’ the news.
Seeing as how many other cartoonists have taken on the Bo Lumpkin character, I think you got something good going with the overalls.
I guess you are right. My fondest dream has always been to be a cartoon character. I have finally made it. I want to thank, my family, the artists and writers, the readers, and especially the promoters like you. …. Oh wait, that was just a comment, I’m not receiving an award am I?
I am sure someone could make you a bronze statue of a Gator Head.
Now that would be nice. I’m thinkin’ of takin’ up woodcarvin so I might make myself a wooden one. That would be more my speed.
I can carve myself a wooden stick. So I got that going for me.
Lady Gaga is a reincarnated Madonna, nothing new there. The other guy, gotta say, who is he now?!? o.O I don’t follow Idol, I couldn’t name one contestant from like, ever!
Madonna is wondering how to reincarnate herself right now.
Wait whoa Madonna is dead? I missed that! I thought those rumors were false.
I hear she is spending time working at her dad’s vineyard in Michigan
She’s probably plucking “sour grapes” over her failed movie career!… her lost singing career! …. her fractured and poorly rebuilt vagoo! o.O Not-a-fan!
I see that…haha
I can’t believe she ruined perfectly good steak. Somebody should request that security remove her from the premises.
Maybe she was preparing some tar tar.
Or at least remove her steaks.
It’s all in her name folks, G A G A, aka bonkers!
Yes but it is strategic bonkers which makes it genius.
and financially rewarding to someone…
Hilarious! Which makes it all that more difficult to maintain…
my p-p-p-poker face…
(I just can’t help it – it’s my go-to Gaga song)
Everyone needs a go to Gaga song. Everyone needs a go to Enya song too.
Can I shotgun Caribbean Blue?!
Only if you “Sail Away”
I think they should just team up for a collabo, but for all I know, this could have started the publicity for something that’s already in the works.
By the way, this is one of your best caricatures ever. Nice work!
Anything he does will be to try and salvage what is left of his career as she continues to make it bigger and bigger. Hold onto those coattails
I don’t know or care who he is but you’ve nailed Lady G
Thanks M….trying to make my caricatures simpler than I have in the past. Now just need to make it consistent.
Damn Bearman, now I lose the bet. I had $100 on Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert being one in the same.
Funny I had a bet that you and Lady Gaga were the same.
I wish 🙂
I couldn’t tell through all that hair.
Blahahaha I clicked on your link Bearman and the two of them look like Ken and Barbie….
Actually…she looks 45 in that pic.
One thing about Lady Gaga is she sure knows how to sell herself.
I am sure there soon will be a college marketing course called Gaga 101
T-bones = perfect choice of steak. Gives new meaning to the T. I like her singing better than Brittany Spears who is a total waste.
good job
Her songs are very catchy.
Poor Lady Gaga, the pressure to keep our attention by shocking and re-shocking us, must put a tremendous strain on her.
Actually it is probably pretty freeing. Can you imagine the brainstorming sessions that go on around her.
I really wish Lady Gaga would just fade away like Milli Vanilli did.
I am still waiting for Milli Vanilli to rise again. Yes I know there is only one left.
Millli, or Vanilli?
Who is Lady Gaga?
What rock have you been under..hah
Next thing you know it will be Mr. Addanac showing up drunk and wrecking things!
(yes, I gave a shout out to George, because his ego needs to be stroked every so often).
As long as it is just his ego you are stroking. I have to keep me TV-14 rating here.
Huh! and all this time I thought it was pronounced Gag-ah for a good reason. (as in almost pukes)Heh.
It’s pronounced that way…only if you are from Jersey.
is there anything she wouldn’t do?
eh hem *shameless plug*….
8 Things Lady Gaga Should do to Really Shock Us
I am all about Shameless plugs…unless you are a guy trying to sell viagra. And then you are just a spammer.
All the good Gaga lines have been taken, but if you do a cartoon with the Goo Goo Dolls, I’ll be ready. Good likeness of Miss Gaga btw.
That would entail more than one caricature in the same cartoon. Can I do them one at a time?
Haha, I am sure you can chew gum and do more than one Goo at a time. 😉
Yes but I don’t have the patience.
This is a fantastic caricature of Gaga! I was tasked to draw her while at MAD and I couldn’t quite capture her “essence.” You make it look easy. Love the randomness of theme – totally Gaga!
I make it look easy? You should see all the failed attempts. That is why I draw digitally.
I never understood the media’s obsession over Lady Caca.
Oops, I meant Lady Gaga. (Freudian slip.)
Please sweep up your caca…I don’t want to slip on it either.
Good for Adam if he showed up. I think everyone dreams of smashing a cake into Lady Gaga’s face.
Why waste good cake. I would eat it.
True. He should have gone with a cheap pie instead.
Why waste cheap pie. I would eat it. haha
Has she finished with those steaks The BBQ’s hot & we’re hungry.
Can you mix milk and meat??
There’s only one diva…
Who??? Cher, Madonna, Mariah, Zsa Zsa???
Great cartoon Bearman! As much as I don’t want to, I actually do like Lady Gaga. That shit just gets stuck in your head. I’ve always had that problem with catchy pop.
Me too…that is why I actually like that stupid Friday song now…it’s so damn catchy.
You know that time in life when you no longer understand where music, if you can call it that, is going? Lady Gaga ushered that in for me.
Really…because Miley Cyrus did it for me.
that was pretty hilar.
and i’m pretty lazy for not being able to type the rest of that word.
dude, seriously. between the eggs and meat and the transgenderism… i just don’t know. pretty sure she wasn’t born that way though.
You’re doubting the veracity of her song? I think she may very well have been born that way, from a large egg, as it might explain a few things. . .
You were born from an egg too!
Not one with a shell!
I thin ever wor shoul b shorten becau we r so busy.
Yes, the irony runs deep although she did have every right to have him thrown out if he was trashing her party. Great cartoon and take on our obsession with celebrities
Only because I myself am obsessed with celebrities (ok…at being one myself)
Wow!It is really a post with have good Lambert goes Gaga Cartoon.