So it seems that there are some American comic fanboys upset that an American icon like Superman is being cast by British actor, Henry Cavill. Henry was incredible as Duke of Suffolk, Charles Brandon in the Showtime series (I believe being rerun on BBC), The Tudors. And according to my wife, he is good eye candy so he has that going for him too.
Most of you may not get the “Jersey” line but Henry is actually from the island of Jersey. Not New Jersey, but one of the Channel Islands, part of the Crown Dependencies of Britain. Now here is where it gets confusing for an American. I learned long ago the differences between England, the United Kingdom and Great Britain. For those of you who did not, our friend Duncan recently reposted this video explaining it all. (Take note Friggin Loon. When you steal content from the Mad Hatters, at least give them credit..haha).
Here’s the confusing part for me. Many Americans might call Henry an “English Actor” but he is not from England so he cannot be. Yet, even the UK paper, the Guardian, confuses us even more when they refer to him as such. As in this article saying “As long ago as 2005, the Twilight author, Stephanie Meyer, was talking up Cavill’s abilities: “I feel really passionately about him getting the role,” she said, but the part eventually went to another English actor, Robert Pattinson.
Now that we have determined he is a British actor and not an English one, should either really matter when you are playing an alien who lives in the United States and was co-created by a Canadian?? Then again, would anyone in the UK be upset if an American played James Bond with a decidedly English accent?
He certainly does qualify as eye candy
I have to agree with you on that point. (I followed the wiki link after reading your comment) Can’t wait to see him all in tight spandex.
We Scots do not much like Americans mistaking us for English or thinking Scotland is a region of England – Ggrrrr !!!
As for Americans playing roles that call for them to adopt an English accent, I don’t think anyone would criticize if the accent is done well (is believable). It’s when the accent sounds phoney that eyebrows are raised about his/her selection for the part
But you can see how confusing it can be when your own UK papers call someone English who is not. Do you still refer to yourself as British??
You mean you didn’t like Kevin Costner’s accent in Robin Hood??
Loved the cartoon, Bearman! :`)
I very much enjoyed the video, too, thanks. But I’m guessing that when people from the UK refer to an “English Actor” they are referring to an actor from the UK who speaks UK English (as opposed to American English which is almost another language, hahah) with an English (England) accent. That’s what I mean, when I use the term “English Actor”.
I think you created a good excuse for someone Jande..haha
The only Jersey I’m familiar with is a dairy cow. On the other point just how do we know that everyone on Krypton doesn’t speak with a British Accent. I really think they should have had an Australian to play him. I have no idea who this guy is but then I don’t get out much.
It stands to reason that if they all come from Krypton, then they speak with a Kryptonese accent(? – I suppose it wouldn’t do to call it a Kryptonite accent … 🙂 ), which may or may not SOUND British. But I’m with you on the Australian. That would be very cool.
If I was born in Krypton but completely raised in the US, I think I would have a US accent and not a Kryptonian one. Then again Kryptonians sound like Marlon Brando.
You’re right, of course. I was only referring to the people raised on Krypton. I wonder how superman eased his conscience about those forged Clark Kent Identity papers of his?
Yall are geetin’ in a whole lot deeper than I can wade now. As for as the Clark Kent identity it was for the greater good.
I posted with the wrong email address and got that goofy lookin’ picture again.
Now there’s another goofy-looking picture in its stead.
j/k 😀
Goofy looking is my claim to fame I reckon.
I’ve gotten somewhat good at distinguishing the different British accents. Sometimes I can even tell what area of England someone’s from. But, then again, I can totally f*ck it up and think someone’s from S. Africa when they’re really from the UK. All those bloody accents we have to contend with!
My wife is amazed when I can easily talk in an Irish, then Scottish, then English, then throw in some Cockney just for kicks. Now a Welsh accent, I don’t know if I could distinguish.
First the Brits took James Bond and now Superman. Oh the humanity!
Interesting Clint Eastwood and Burt Reynolds were both considered at some point for playing Bond
So the curse of the cape crosses the pond, I wonder what will happen to Henry?
I hear the sound of millions of people knocking on wood…
Brandon ended up with a good gig on Chuck so it wasn’t all bad luck for him.
I vote for a Mexican Superman. I’m of Mexican descent and I don’t have any ethnically similar superheroes to fictionally look up to.
Well now here is your chance. Create one! I’d love to see that.
I would love to see that too!
Alberto Del Rio just won the Royal Rumble…does that count??
Thought I’d just mention the Actor playing Batman in the new movie – Christian Bale.
Here’s what wikipedia says of him . . .
Christian Charles Philip Bale (born 30 January 1974) is an English actor . . .
Bale was born in Wales to parents of English descent.
Now if Bales was born in Wales, he is Welsh first, British second – what he is certainly NOT is English. Just saying !
Then again that (and several other) articles I cited above say Andrew Garfield (the new Spiderman) is British but he was born in LA and didn’t move to England till he was 3.
First Nick Fury goes from looking like Lee Majors to Samuel L. and now this.
Well, I guess if Tobey Maguire can play Spider-Man and Michael Keaton surprised me as Batman, then this guy should be ok. 🙂
Michael Keaton was still the best Batman.
Yoo mayk a good poynt Mista Bearman becorz everywun nose that Sooperman is from the planet Krypton but he woz probly ternd into an American sitizen to get a job at the nyoozpayper wen he is Klark Kent so he woodent be werking as a illeegool aylyen. Hay he reelky is an aylyen…
AAAIIIEEEE run away run away the aylyens ar kuming!!!
I thought I remember an issue of Superman where he becomes President. He couldn’t become President.
Yeah, he’s too smart for that.
That’s just not cricket!
What’s just not cricket??
Having an English dude playing an American icon!
Surprised no one plays that dangerous sport here..haha
I feel bad for that last guy who played him in Superman Returns. The movie was just okay, but I thought he nailed the part.
because he looked like Christover Reeve???
What was wrong with the last guy they cast as Superman? I thought he did a great job. I think he is from Iowa.
Unfortunately he got stuck with a crappy script so the movie bombed.
Who in their right mind would cast Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor? That was the worst mistake with the film… and yes that script was bad.
Haha. As Keyser Söze he was brilliant. As lex not so much
Great Job Bearman! (I originally posted how I feel about most of the superhero features, but it’s kind of moot!)
Nothing is ever moot here.
Tsk, tsk Bearman, I don’t steal anyone’s stories or anyone’s gif files (Duncan!) I have a reservoir of news sauces without stealing from another blogger. Nice try!
Hmm, aren’t all the actors who play Superman cursed? George Reeve (murder/suicide), Christopher Reeve (we all know that one) and Dean Cain (drugs). Good luck with that Henry Cavill.
Be happy I sent another link to your blog for whatever the reason. hah
I didn’t know that about Dean Cain.
Blahahaha, never look a gift bear in the mouth.
Hmm, I did some more digging and it seems he denies the drug taking but he was cursed with bad acting roles …The dog who saved Christmas and the Dog who saved Christmas vacation
Ohhh and Superman producer just got bashed senseless in Mexico. Cursed I say, cursed!
So you are saying if I am offered the part to refuse??
Me and Loon fish in the same pools, Bearman – sometimes we catch the same fish 😆
Blahahaaha and the same watering holes….sometime we both get pissed 🙂
You drink each other’s…oh nm.
You said it, Bear! They´re even talking about this here in Nicaragua. I say who cares? Is it really going to make Superman a less believable character than he already is?
Nicaragua??? Do they allow you to flush the toilet paper there?
Superman’s a filthy alien! He’s gonna put facehuggers on alla’ us ‘f we don’t stop him! (insert sound effect of spit hitting a cuspidor).
Insert sound of typing as I look up the word cuspidor.
Nice video I am glad you posted it. I did not know the difference. I guess I am one of those dumb Americans. At least I am informed now.
RT…that is what I am here for. I am the cliff notes to the news.
I love it, it is always nice to take a break from my day and enjoy lifes little treasures such as comics, you bring a funny side to the story. Thanks.
What are you trying to do to me, Gov’nah (you know how easily I get confused)! 🙂
Was that your attempt at a My Fair Lady type cockney accent?
Well i’m a slave driving what ever it was. lol
I say. i say, i say
An english (brittish) actor pretending to be American.
tut tut tut. 😀
Is that like an Englishman in New York (lame sting reference)
Not knowing Jersey from New Jersey is nothing. I always used to get people (from Florida) asking my wife how long it takes to drive to England.
What no car ferries?? haha
Nice toon Bear. I got the geography in-joke, so what do I win.
The chance to come back tomorrow for more…
Britain sure must have a bunch of “isles”? I just recently met someone from a place called the Isle of Man.
Don’t forget all the British virgin islands. Thanks for stopping in Will. Make it a habit
kenny is obsessed with superman.
oh the conversations i’ve had to endure on the details of who is right and or wrong for this role.
people realize he’s not real, right? people realize that it doesn’t FRICKEN matter right?
people realize that there’s been 700 superman remakes and they can’t all be winners, right?
Kenny is just mad b/c he has been in Cali for 6 months and no one asked him to play Superman.
So, Bear, do you consider yourself a Scottish Comic Stripper, a British Comic Stripper or an English Comic Stripper? Sounds funny either way!
American STripper…haha.