Editorial Cartoon: Piers Morgan

Editorial cartoon: Piers Morgan

There is a new talk show host in town.  Piers Morgan (U.S. readers might know him as a former judge on America’s Got Talent) has taken over Larry King’s spot on CNN.  In his first week alone, he interviewed Oprah, George Clooney and Howard Stern.  I’ve probably watched his show more than I did Larry’s in the last 3 years combined. 

Yet with such high profile guests in the early weeks, what happens when he is only left with being able to interview “celebrities” the likes of  the Kardashian sisters or similar?  Would he have to break down and try to nab an interview with Madonna, Howie Mandell, or Heather Mills (all according to the NY Mag are on his banned list).

Side note:  Piers was a hard one to caricature for me.  After many attempts, what you see above I was finally happy with and my wife was able to identify without prompting.  But now the more I look at it, I can’t stop seeing Eric Stoltz in Mask.  Sorry Piers.

Update:  Ok I was completely kidding when I said the Kardashian joke but I guess he indeed did interview them last week and it was not a ratings success.

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64 Responses to “Editorial Cartoon: Piers Morgan”

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  1. Looks like Piers to me. I think he is waiting for “Sweeps Week” to interview me.

  2. OK, what night is the Roman Candle guy on? I need to set the TIVO.

  3. Tony McGurk says:

    Yeah I wanna see the Roman Candle guy too. He’s not the renamed candle stick maker from Bareman’s hot tub scene is he???

  4. nursemyra says:

    I don’t know who Piers is but I can see the Eric Stoltz resemblance

  5. Dan says:

    I’ll watch once the roman candle guy is on!

  6. Corve says:

    You did a great job with his image. I could have ignored the title and still know who it was about. I considered the topic you addressed. He started out on a high note and I wondered if he’d be able to keep up. I can’t wait till he features normal people on his show…because exclusive celebs will run out …and they have

  7. Friggin Loon says:

    Just think, in a few years he’ll probably replace Drew Carey on the Price Is Right 🙁

  8. George says:

    Being a TV recluse, I have no idea what Piers looks like, but I’m usre you captured him quite well. I need to watch television more, but our kids keep all the TV’s locked to Cartoon Network and CW. The only place I have to get the news is right here on the Bearman Channel. 🙂

  9. Dr. Cynicism says:

    “I can’t stop seeing Eric Stoltz in Mask” LOLOL… coffee now in keyboard – thanks.

  10. jynksie says:

    He looks just like that Morgan guy! I immediately recognized who you were going for, even though I’ve never actually seen a thing he’s bee on or done!

  11. MJ says:

    Very cool caricature.

  12. Bo Lumpkin says:

    It looks like Piers but then I have no idea who Eric whats-his-name is. Maybe he can get his crew together and vote some of the celebrites off TV.

  13. You are welcome to the bastard…

  14. Jillsy Girl says:

    Maybe one day I’ll catch the show.

  15. Mel says:

    I knew who it was when I saw it. Good job 🙂

    Did he replace Larry King or is it supposed to be his own unique show in the same time slot?

  16. Nate Fakes says:

    I can’t believe Piers (isn’t that a place on the bay where people hangout?) has his own show. He was annoying enough on America’s Got Talent. Oh well. I guess he’s a step above the Kardashians

  17. Jande says:

    Great job on the chin,there Bearman! Now if I ever see that chin anywhere I will immediately know to whom it belongs.

  18. Binky says:

    Bring Larry King back! Actually I’ve never seen Piers so I can’t criticize.

  19. Not Lynn! says:

    okay my green haired, artsy cyber-buddy, i’ll admit i didnt recognize him at first… but you know i’d sooner shove an ice-pick through my eye than to watch the boring mainstream media lineup! after i read your post, i googled his pics and i say you did a damn fantastic job! Bravo!

    • bearman says:

      Well I figured you for an America’s Got Talent fan though, so you might recognize him from there.

      • Not Lynn! says:

        naw not me.. i can honestly say that i’ve never seen even one episode of AGT, AI, or any of the like. there are a couple of shows i do watch if they happen to be on when i happen to be scanning the channels… that show with the overzealous kiddie pageant moms and i do enjoy Hoarders, so shoot me. 🙂

  20. OF COURSE the kardashians were a ratings success.

    america loves nothing more than fake celebrities. Kelsey Grammar’s ex-wife? Yes, please. Entire Jersey Shore cast? Amen. Paris Hilton? Can’t get enough.

    i did like Piers on The Apprentice though. He should have left it at that.

  21. writerdood says:

    Didn’t Larry King interview that guy who shoots roman candles out of his butt already? I think that’s how he burned his foot.

  22. lisleman says:

    I seldom watched Larry so I have not checked out the new guy. I think he would be hard to recognize because he is not as well known yet.
    Do you think he will interview Larry?

  23. SpilledInkGuy says:

    WHAT?! He booked Oprah before you, Bearman?! Not cool. Not cool. 🙂


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