Movie Poster – Robert of Spilled Ink

Robert Matejcek Guest Cartoon Big Lebowski for

Today’s Guest Cartoon Movie Poster comes from Robert Matejcek of Spilled Ink Cartoons

Spilled Ink is a quirky single panel cartoon that stars a guy named Robert, his wife Annabelle and their cat Dharma.  Funny thing is that Matejcek’s name is Robert, his wife is Annabelle and their cat is Dharma.  But all that is just a coincidence and any similarities of real situations in their lives is purely coincidental.

Robert, you are great and I won’t hold it against you that you are a Lebowski fan…dude!

Check back Sunday for a Guest toon from W. Byron Wilkins of 1977 the Comic

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33 Responses to “Movie Poster – Robert of Spilled Ink”

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  1. Roland says:

    Very nicely done… and now the pressure of when mine gets posted is even more…

  2. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Fanartastic. Good work as usual Robert. Enjoy your break Bearman. I tried to post a comment earlier today but something happened. I am having a terrible time with my internet connection at work. Maybe I can do better at the library tomorrow.

  3. Thank you very much, Bearman! You are pretty great, too … although … obviously you are not a golfer! 🙂

    • And thanks very much for the kind words, guys! I appreciate that very much! 🙂

    • Bearman says:

      I thought this movie was about bowling?

      • You are probably using the same sarcasm font that I do … but just in case you aren’t …

        reference to a scene where a goon breaks into the Dude’s apartment, finds a bowling ball, stares at it momentarily and demands to know what the f it is used for. To which the dude replies, obviously you are not a golfer!

        Hahahaha. I know you’re trying your best not to laugh, Bearman! 🙂

  4. DadaHyena says:

    That cartoon really ties the room together!

    Great job, Spilled Inky! Now let’s all have a White Russian.

  5. MidwestMom says:

    Very Cool, SIG You did an awesome job :-), Thank you Bearman for posting this

  6. jb says:

    Nice one. I love this movie. This is where I got the idea for Hoody Dude over on my site.

  7. jammer5 says:

    The Coen brothers are true geniuses. Fargo, O brother where Art thou, Burn after reading . . .classics. Awesome poster.

  8. Tony says:

    Doh!!! Caps lock on & I ain’t retyping either. Stupid keyboard…

  9. Ron-Yves says:

    haha—This cartoon is FANTASTIC 🙂

  10. Friggin Loon says:

    I have the original T-shirt but can’t wear it because it has some inappropriate language on the back. But this, now, I could wear this 🙂

  11. i’m not afraid to say that i hated the big lebowski.

    i hated the big lebowski.

  12. Great poster of one of the greatest movies of all time.

    I’d love to see Pulp Fiction (next) in comics.

  13. David says:

    Bearman, I absolutely love the poster idea! These are really excellent! Nice work Robert and Aidan!

  14. Nate Fakes says:

    Robert, your graphics never cease to amaze me! It looks so damn real that I was checking the times in the paper to see when it’s playing. Nicely done!

  15. Thanks very much everyone (especially you, Bearman)! I would respond to each comment individually, but since I’ve already shamelessly messed up the joint I’m not sure if that’s appropriate or not! 🙂

  16. George says:

    Man, Robert, this poster looks phenomenal. I just stare at trying to figure out how you got everything all beautiful. Nice job!

  17. Dan says:

    Great job, Robert! And great movie pick, dude.

  18. bschooled says:

    I am probably the only person who’s never seen the Big Lebowski, yet pretty much knows it off by heart thanks to a friend who happens to be obsessed with the movie.

    Love the poster!

  19. FJ says:

    Nice Robert, it is one of my all time favorite movies…well done!!


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