In the market for a new car? This is a great time to buy a used Toyota and especially a Prius. Sudden acceleration problems have been blamed in over 100 different crashes. But it seems people are blaming Toyota for their accidents, even when it is driver error.
So now, if you are the owner of one of these gems, you have a window of opportunity to blame Toyota for your crash, even if your dumbass shouldn’t be behind the wheel of a car in the first place.
I saw someone putting mascara on while they were driving the other day. Was so tempted to put the brakes on and let her run up the back of me so I could tell her what an idiot she was being. But then I thought she might stab herself in the eye with the brush and I wouldn’t feel so high and mighty then would I?
I love the women who put on mascara and drive with their knees.
Brilliant and most probably correct in some/many/most of the “cases”?
Way to commit Dave.
I’m not sure that car is even a Toyota. I have to take up for them… you might not can control the speed but they last a long time. I have a ’95 model with 239,000 miles on it and it is still running.
It also gets 40 miles per gallon.
My does too…but only downhill.
Most of my whole life I have been going uphill and trying not to slide backwards.
I gotta agree with Bo: It looks like a Chevy Impala that’s blaming it all on a Toyota. Typical American car: blame it on some other car, and call your lawyer.
Are you talking smack about my drawing skills again?
Better than shootin’ it 🙂
Blahahahaa after the massive storm here last week, 4 people have been busted using hammers to make fake hail dents on their cars so they can make an insurance claim. I bet they were Toyotas!
Shoulda used their heads instead “-)
So you got caught.
How was I to know they could tell the difference!
Vehicle Blackbox
I’m glad you said “vehicle” 🙂
Not touching that….the uh comment.
A lot of police in my town would love to use this excuse for flying through stop signs (for no apparent reason).
I love the ones who don’t want to stop at a light so they put their lights on just to get through the red light and then turn them off.
Had a cop run down a homeless dude in San Diego at 3 am. He claimed basic speed law and got away with it. I wonder if it was a Toyota.
Toyota makes great cars. Are you forgetting the tragedy that occurred in 2000 with Ford? It’s okay if you did, because it didn’t get as much press as Toyota. Basically, 200 people died from faulty tires, and another 700 or so were injured. Yet we never heard about it on the news. I am also not sure if you are aware that Toyota sales are up 83% this month. This is because they have assured the public that they are fixing the malfunctions, as well as making their assembly seem American. elaborates on the situation to make it seem “un-American” to not buy Toyota. So, it appears that it is always a good time to buy a Toyota.
*lynn’s wondering if steve85 works for toyota* she’s also wondering why she has to type her name email and website every stinkin’ time she visits bearman!! Ggrr..
Steve..wasn’t that an issue with the tires (that just happened to be on Fords). I remember it getting alot of press. The reason this story has more legs is because it isn’t as obvious the reason for the issues.
Lynn…you shouldn’t if you don’t erase your history… And even if you do, isn’t it a small price to pay. See you made the front page with your banner b/c of your hard work last week.
well in your defense, i have recently began erasing my history. trippin’ rip is starting to get jealous of all the attention i’ve been giving you lately so i’ve been sneaking around on the sly. shhh.. damn, i had to enter my crap again. D’oh!! i’m starting to think youre deleting my info…
Tell Trip he is allowed to visit too.
who’s trip?
haha…I meant Rip. Damn rhymes screw me up everytime.
As a Prius owner myself, I think that most of the malfunctions are isolated to the newer models (2010). I’ve never heard of anything happening until the past several months and then it’s like BOOM cars are flying to pieces. It’s either that or an elaborate “Jackass” stunt.
I thought the issues were with the older ones.
With the sue-happy society we live in, I’m surprised there’s not already an epidemic of people renting Toyotas, purposely crashing, and suing for millions of dollars for their resulting injuries.
In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw lawyer advertisements on TV saying, “Do you drive a Toyota? Have you been in a crash? Call the law offices of blah blah blah”
Just wait. Those commercials are going to be all the rage this summer.
There’s blood in the water… so now you’ll never know the legitamate claims from the parasitic ones…
Well then there was the guy who swore it was an issue with his Toyota in a crash last week and now this week he crashed a different car.
Well, you might as well sue the tree while your at it!
Or maybe the fast-food joint that sold you the burger…or the cell phone company…or the gardeners…or God…
Obviously you went to law school. That is pretty much what they do hoping someone has a deep pocket that wants to settle.
I wonder if anyone has tried suing God…
Would love to see if anyone responds to the supoena
Give me a minute Bearman, I’m trying to type and eat at the same time.
*chew chew*
Dang it! My keyboard is approaching my fingers at a rapid rate of speed (or the other way around)! Send for help (and ketchup)! 🙂
Just as long as you can clean up all the ketchup from between the keys. Otherwise your “h” will stick for eternity.
I’m pretty sure thhhhhhhat’s just on of thhhhhhose urban legends. 🙂
This cartoon is a winner I love it.
Toyota has been fighting back all these charges now.
I don’t want Toyota to fight back every charge b/c I think some are legit. Problem is that those with legit claims are going to have a tougher time proving it with all the wackos.
I own two Toyota cars and have always loved them and they’ve been totally reliable, so I was concerned about the recent revelations. I can’t help but wonder if the media was hyping this to help American car makers. BTW, that really does look like a Prius.
It better…that was the model I referenced when I drew it. Not that it means much haha
Toyota is marketing this defect all wrong!
“Our cars do the driving for you”– Toyota!
Now thats a car! I own a spankin new one myself, I’m not worried about the car, as much as I’m worried my wife see’s an opportunity! o.O
I think we need your wife on here to defend herself.
I wonder if the blame is transferrable, lets say if I for example crash the work delivery ute, a Toyota Hilux. Can I blame it on sudden acceleration because I was thinking about your cartoon at the time???
I am not liable for anything I post here whether it is this cartoon or any other.
Car manufacturers set themselves up sometimes. What about the car (maybe a Lexus, not sure) that supposedly parallel parks on its own! Yeah, right.
I am waiting for the one that finds the vacant parking spot.
Why didn’t i think of that?
See, that’s why we need to partner up, Bearman. You come up with the schemes, and I pull them off.
I have given you tons of ideas. I am still waiting for my first check to come in.
LOL! I was waiting for this one.
Well done!
I don’t own a Toyota, but if I crash I would still blame them. I would just need to tell them that seeing Prius’ on the street caused me undue stress and resulted in me crashing while changing my song on my iPod and talking on my cell phone
I still like the look of the Camry.
And braking is so overrated.
I’ve never owned a Toyota.
Now doesn’t seem to be the time to start.
What better time. To me it is like a plane crash. Best time to fly is after one.