WTF: Caganer Pooping Christmas Statue

I have been to Spain. I have been to Spain at Christmas.  Unlike the crappy manger scenes that Americans make that is limited to the manger only, in Spain they make a scene of the entire town with the manger being only a part of it.

And while in America, you can barely get people to notice when a manger scene is erected, in Spain they line up for a half mile in some places just to see it.  I guess I didn’t look close enough to notice the Caganer.  Here is one of Queen Elizabeth.

Yes hidden in Spanish scenes is a pooping statue.  It started in Catalonia but has since moved to other areas.  Somehow it symbolizes equality because in the end it doesn’t matter how famous you are, everyone poops.

One company creates many varieties poking fun at various icons and celebrities. There is even a Barack Obama with the words “Yes we Can” on it. Check out the video.

Oh and scroll down. One more day to vote in the Editorial Cartoon Caption Contest. Winner announced on Thursday.

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No Responses to “WTF: Caganer Pooping Christmas Statue”

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  1. Danica says:

    Wow. I’m actually offended that there’s one of Pocoyo >:C

  2. Can I be the first to make a “holy crap” joke?

  3. Brogan says:

    hahaha. where do you find this stuff?? wow!

  4. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Yep, That pretty much puts us all on equal ground… but watch where you step.

  5. cravensworld says:

    Wow, I wonder if Mom would want one for Christmas?

  6. George says:

    I guess you can get away with selling all sorts of Christmas crap. 😀

  7. nursemyra says:

    Hello Kitty has pink poo!

  8. Byron says:

    I grew up with expressions like “What? Your s**t don’t stink?” when a person would cut you off in line or something similar. A a former redneck, things like this pop out of my mouth sometimes without even thinking. This lady, who was dressed in a power-red dress and had gold chains dangling on every joint of her body, cut me off at the *farm stand* as I was buying some ears of corn. That expression parted my lips as she rudely cut me off. She stood horrified for a moment, then even the cashier told her that I was next, so she mutter something then left. I bought her stuff so the farm stand lady wasn’t stuck putting it back.

    Ah, the power of redneck sayings… like Jedi Knight’s, we wield our power carefully…

  9. jammer5 says:

    So, do we have to start walking around carrying pooper scoopers? I can see it now, “famous people poop on ebay!”

    My mom, bless her soul, set up a really nice manger Christmas scene at the apartments she was living at in Joplin. The appt was government assisted for low income, and generally had some great people living there. There were pull chain’s for ems service in every bathroom and bedroom , locked down after 9 pm, with a guard. A really secure, safe place. Someone stole the whole thing. Talk about low life. We never did figure out who did it. The apartment managers offered to replace it, but she passed away before they could find one.

  10. spilledinkguy says:

    Too bad it’s not a number one statue … ’cause the I could say something about the royal we (or wee, I guess)! 🙂

  11. Susi Spice says:

    i want to see a bearman one 😀

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