Retro Cartoon: Campaign Promises

I did this editorial cartoon about 2 years ago after an election. In the states, the landscape is cluttered with yard signs that promote candidates and issues in the month leading up to the election. While the volunteers are quick to put up the signs they are slow to remove them.

Locally we have laws that say you can’t put the signs on public property, yet no one pays any attention to that because there really isn’t a penalty for violating it.

So be a good citizen and clean up your campaign yard signs, recycle them and please STOP recycling your campaign promises. I am sure the Tea Party folks would love if I had made the sign an Obama one.

11 5 07 Recycled Political Candidates copy

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  1. D. Long says:

    This is why I just throw the signs away and forget about them, like politicians also do with their promises.

  2. davis says:

    still funny, two years later

  3. Nate Fakes says:

    Campaigns should be like the game show ‘Truth or Consequences’. That way they’re FORCED to follow through – or else they get a pie or something thrown at their head (that’s my version of the show).

  4. I agree with Nate..

    Except we should let each registered voter punch them one time.

    I figure that would get the point accross….

    Well, with as thick as those politicians heads are, maybe not…

  5. There are some great ideas coming out here! Anybody feel like running for office?

  6. spilledinkguy says:

    Bob, eh?! 😉

  7. David says:

    Ha! I love that one… and not to steal from yorksnbeans but it’s true… so true.

  8. tannerleah says:

    I love those signs. Without them, I wouldn’t know who to vote for.

  9. Sheila Deeth says:

    Conjures up all sorts of images of shanty towns built from the remains of recycled promises.

  10. Donald Mills says:

    Nice cartoon Bearman. I hate those damned signs. What an enormous waste (and Bob won’t get my vote until he stops using “4” to mean “for.”)

  11. George says:

    I still see campaign signs rotting away in people’s yards. It’s like they want fashionable credit if their guy won.

  12. frigginloon says:

    Run out of colored crayons Bearman? I was a bit worried I was going colored blind 🙂

  13. frigginloon says:

    OK, lose the -ed!

  14. Bo Lumpkin says:

    I use them to make bird houses. Most of the political promises are for the birds anyway. You do good in black and white as well as color. (If you removed the newspaper would there be a finger pointing behind it?)

    • There you go making fun of my drawing skills again. One hand has a yard sign and the other a recycle bin. Where would the “newspaper” be in the picture.

      • Bo Lumpkin says:

        Oops, I meant to say sign, sorry about that. I would never criticize your drawing skills. Please consider me thougoughly chastized and humbled in the presence of your greatness. I am still wondering about the finger though.

  15. Spot-on toon Bear. I glad to see that 2007 is kicking it old school.

  16. Susi Spice says:

    bearman u should start up a grave yard of campaign signs.. then whenever a new election comes around actually recycle… eg paint over the name or put up the new sticker if they change their slogan or if the name changes for that party…hehe itll b an artist way of telling them u know that they know that you know wat they know about knowing how to recycle promises

  17. John K says:

    Lol…. This really hits the nail on the head bearman!

  18. Nef says:

    I don’t get any signs in my yard. I am not affiliated with any party and wich I could say my vote goes to the best candidate, but in the current political environment, if I can claim that I voted for the lesser evil, I guess I was succesful.

    Nice retro!

  19. bschooled says:

    Tell everyone to send the signs (and promises) to me, Bearman…I’ll make sculptures out of them.

  20. Tony says:

    It’s the same here in Tasmania, they leave them up for months after the election. They are, in my opinion, a real eyesore. They sure do recycle the promises, but I guess if the promises aren’t put into practice then they’re still good as new next time around

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