Bearman Cartoon: Iran Recount

So the Iranian High Pooba has announced that there will be “limited” recount of the votes.  What exactly does that mean?  Well Jeff Jena thinks he has some answers.  Jeff is not only a funny working comedian but a sometimes right-wing conspiracy purveyor and asked me to collaborate with one of my editorial cartoons on an article he was doing for Big Hollywood.

Big Hollywood is a site created by Andrew Breitbart, a former Drudge Report editor.  The site is a collaboration of right leaning people in Hollywood and the issues they face.

As I typically do with guest cartoons that I draw, here is the link to check out the article.  In a few days, I’ll post it here as well.

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  1. Nate Fakes says:

    That election was about as rigged as American Idol. There’s NO WAY that weird kid could have made it that far.

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