Laugh till it hurts

You know when someone falls down and you have a natural tendency to laugh.  Why do we laugh at other’s misery?

YorkNBeans posted this video about a news reporter who gets attacked by a leapin’ lizard (a Little Orphan Annie reference for all you over 90).  His almost seizure sounds and saying “What the fuck” on air made it priceless.  Had to watch it about 5 times.

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  1. LOL. I think we laugh at other people’s misfortunes because we are glad it isn’t happening to us. We all know we have been in a similar situation and we are just happy to see it happening to someone else. Very funny.

  2. I see someone fall and I can’t stop laughing not b/c I am glad it didn’t happen to me…b/c when I fall, I crack up too. I laugh…that is until the ambulance comes and I realize it isn’t so funny.

  3. nursemyra says:

    I love that video

  4. Nate Fakes says:

    That is hilarious! Too bad it didn’t bite his nuts or something. I’m sure his reaction then would have been even more classic!

  5. yorksnbeans says:

    The last time I fell (this past March), I broke my wrist. The funny thing about it though (or pathetic) is that I was standing still in my kitchen when I fell! Figure that one out!! 🙂

  6. yorksnbeans says:

    BTW…thanks for the link, Bear! 😉 I’m glad you got a good laugh from it….or is that several laughs! Each time I view it I laugh harder.

  7. I didn’t find this video all that funny. Check this out: Now that is funny!

  8. HAHA. It was the two men laughing so hard that made it funny for me.

  9. I like the “why me” part…Why because he is a lizard. It’s not personal.

  10. Great lizard comedy, and I know a thing or two about lizards. Funny.

  11. George says:

    That was wild! I enjoyed that one a bunch.

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